# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl SVN-Access.t'
# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
#use Test::More tests => 1;
use Test::More qw(no_plan); # replace this later.
BEGIN { use_ok('SVN::Access') };
# make sure there are no leftovers from previous tests
# Insert your test code below, the Test::More module is use()ed here so read
# its man page ( perldoc Test::More ) for help writing this test script.
# create a new file.
my $acl = SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'svn_access_test.conf');
$acl->add_group('@folks', 'bob', 'ed', 'frank');
is(scalar($acl->group('folks')->members), 3, "Added new group to the object.");
$acl->add_resource('/', '@folks', 'rw');
is($acl->resource('/')->authorized->{'@folks'}, 'rw', "Make sure we added these folks to the '/' resource.");
is(ref($acl->resource('/test')), 'SVN::Access::Resource', "Do empty resources show up in the array?");
$acl = SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'svn_access_test.conf');
is(ref($acl->resource('/test')), 'SVN::Access::Resource', "Do empty resources show up in the array after re-parsing the file?");
$acl->add_resource('repo:/something with spaces', mike => 'rw');
joey => 'rw',
billy => 'r',
sam => 'r',
judy => 'rw',
phil => 'r',
frank => '',
wanda => 'r'
$acl->resource('/kagetest')->authorize(sammy => 'r', 2);
# add / remove aliases test
$acl->add_alias('mikey', 'uid=mgregorowicz,ou=people,dc=mg2,dc=org');
is($acl->alias('mikey'), 'uid=mgregorowicz,ou=people,dc=mg2,dc=org', "Making sure we can add an alias.");
is($acl->alias('mikey'), undef, "Delete alias check.");
# putting the alias back after the roundtrip test
$acl->add_alias('mikey', 'uid=mgregorowicz,ou=people,dc=mg2,dc=org');
my $whitespace_at_end_test = <<EOF;
mikey = uid=mgregorowicz,ou=people,dc=mg2,dc=org
folks = bob, ed, frank
\@folks = rw
[repo:/something with spaces]
mike = rw
joey = rw
billy = r
sammy = r
sam = r
judy = rw
phil = r
frank =
wanda = r
chomp($whitespace_at_end_test); # no newline here!
$whitespace_at_end_test .= " "; # <- have some whitespace!
open(WSTEST, '>', 'whitespace_at_end_test.conf');
print WSTEST $whitespace_at_end_test;
my $wstestacl = SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'whitespace_at_end_test.conf');
is(scalar($wstestacl->group('folks')->members), 3, "Sanity checking our whitespace test.");
is($wstestacl->resource('/kagetest')->authorized->{wanda}, 'r', "Making sure there's no trailing whitespace after wanda's 'r' access.");
# cleanup whitespace check...
my $test_contents = <<EOF;
mikey = uid=mgregorowicz,ou=people,dc=mg2,dc=org
folks = bob, ed, frank
\@folks = rw
[repo:/something with spaces]
mike = rw
joey = rw
billy = r
sammy = r
sam = r
judy = rw
phil = r
frank =
wanda = r
my $actual_contents;
open(TEST_ACL, '<', 'svn_access_test.conf');
local $/;
$actual_contents = <TEST_ACL>;
is($actual_contents, $test_contents, "Making sure our output remains in-order.");
$acl = SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'svn_access_test.conf');
is(scalar($acl->group('folks')->members), 3, "Checking our group after the write-out.");
is(defined($acl->groups), '', "Making sure groups is undefined when we delete the last one");
# Aliases added at Trent Fisher's request, tested here...
is($acl->aliases->{mikey}, 'uid=mgregorowicz,ou=people,dc=mg2,dc=org', "Does my alias still exist after round trip?");
# use the name => notation... (this broke when we introduced Tie::IxHash, fixed in 0.11)
name => '/awesomeness',
authorized => {
mike => 'rw',
# ... and make sure it was understood
is($acl->resource('/awesomeness')->authorized->{mike}, 'rw', 'was hash param understood?');
# instantiate object with 'authorized' as hashref.
my $resource = SVN::Access::Resource->new(name => '/awesomeness',
authorized => {
mike => 'rw',
push(@{$acl->{acl}->{resources}}, $resource);
is($acl->resource('/awesomeness')->authorized->{mike}, 'rw', 'sideloaded resource instantiated with hashref authorized');
# Jesse Thompson's verify_acl tests
$acl->add_resource('/new', '@doesntexist', 'rw');
eval {
ok(defined($@), 'We encountered a fatal error when trying to write an erroneous ACL.');
# save future writes the grief
# little bit of testing for Matt Smith's new regex.
$acl->add_resource('my-repo:/test/path', 'mikey_g', 'rw');
is($acl->resource('my-repo:/test/path')->authorized->{mikey_g}, 'rw', 'Can we call up perms on the new path?');
# Matt's regex is updated now.. we are allowed to have spaces in ACLs
$acl->add_resource('my-repo2:/this/that/the other/thing');
$acl = SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'svn_access_test.conf');
$acl->remove_resource('my-repo2:/this/that/the other/thing');
$acl->remove_resource('repo:/something with spaces');
is(defined($acl->resources), '', "Making sure resources is undefined when we delete the last one");
# the config file should be empty now.. so lets clean up if it is
is((stat('svn_access_test.conf'))[7], 0, "Making sure our SVN ACL file is zero bytes, and unlinking.");
system("cat svn_access_test.conf");
# test for line continuations and trailing comments
open(LTEST, '>', 'line_cont.conf');
print LTEST <<'CHUMBA';
folks = bob,
# the line above contains some whitespace
foo=bar # not allowed, baz
@tempt = incorrect
# see libsvn_subr/config_file.c:svn_config__parse_file()
@folks = rw
#/];# (keep emacs perl-mode happy)
# load in default mode
$acl = SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'line_cont.conf');
ok(defined($acl), "Make sure we can parse file with line continuations");
my @m = $acl->group('folks')->members;
is($#m, 2, "Make sure group has three members, via continuations");
is($m[2], "frank", "Make sure frank is at the end of the list");
# check the trailing comment
@m = $acl->group('foo')->members;
is($#m, 0, "Make sure group has 1 members due to trailing comment");
is($m[0], "bar", "make sure trailing comment was stripped");
# check the incorrect group
@m = $acl->group('tempt')->members;
is($#m, 0, "Make sure group with @ is renamed and has one member");
is($m[0], "incorrect", "Make sure that group has correct member");
# no reload in pedantic mode and make sure the @ got left on the group
$acl = SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'line_cont.conf', pedantic => 1);
@m = $acl->group('@tempt')->members;
is($#m, 0, "Make sure group with @ has the name preserved (as svn allows)");
is($m[0], "incorrect", "Make sure group with @ has proper membership");
# check for trailing comment handling
@m = $acl->group('foo')->members;
is($#m, 1, "Make sure group has 2 members");
is($m[0], "bar # not allowed", "make sure comment is appended as svn does");
is($m[1], "baz", "make sure next entry is right");
# check for handling lines with whitespace... they should not get treated as
# line continuations
is(ref $acl->group('missing'), "SVN::Access::Group",
"Group before bogus line continuation should be present");
# tests for syntax errors
open(STEST, '>', 'syntax-err.conf');
print STEST <<'CHUMBA';
broken_line = one,
ugh = foo
broken_line = w
foo = r@foobar = rw
#/];# (keep emacs perl-mode happy)
# capture errors
my @errs;
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @errs, @_; };
$acl = eval { SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'syntax-err.conf'); };
ok(defined($acl), "Make sure we can parse file with syntax errors");
is($#errs, 2, "Make sure we got the right number of errors");
ok($errs[0] =~ /^Unrecognized line two\s*/, "Make sure we detected the broken line syntax error");
ok($errs[1] =~ /^Unrecognized line \[\]/, "Make sure we catch the bogus section divider");
ok($errs[2] =~ /^Invalid character in authz rule/, "Make sure we catch the syntax error in rw spec");
# tests for complex expansions
open(STEST, '>', 'expn.conf');
print STEST <<'CHUMBA';
alicorn = &twilight
earth = applejack
unicorn = rarity
pony = @alicorn, @earth, @unicorn
twilight = twilight_sparkle
pony = rw
#/];# (keep emacs perl-mode happy)
$acl = eval { SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'expn.conf'); };
ok(defined($acl), "Make sure we can parse complex file");
@g = $acl->group("pony")->members();
is($g[0], '@alicorn', "Make sure group returns groups unexpanded");
@g = $acl->resolve('@pony');
is($g[0], 'twilight_sparkle', 'Make sure resolve expands groups and aliases');
# tests undefined groups and aliases
open(STEST, '>', 'undef.conf');
print STEST <<'CHUMBA';
right = correct
backwards = &forwards
forwards = backwards
broken = one, two, three, &none, @nada, &right
outoforder = @working
working = yes
@zip = rw
&zilch = rw
@broken = rw
&right = rw
#/];# (keep emacs perl-mode happy)
@errs = ();
$acl = eval { SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'undef.conf'); };
ok(defined($acl), "Make sure we can parse a file with errors");
is($#errs, -1, "the parser doesn't catch the errors");
@errs = split(/\n/, $acl->verify_acl);
is($#errs, 3, "Make sure we got the right number of verify errors");
ok($errs[0] =~ /'none', which is undefined/, "Make sure we catch the undefined alias in group defn");
ok($errs[1] =~ /'nada', which is undefined/, "Make sure we catch the undefined group in group defn");
ok($errs[2] =~ /'\@zip', which is undefined/, "Make sure we catch the undefined group in resource");
ok($errs[3] =~ /'\&zilch', which is undefined/, "Make sure we catch the undefined alias in resource");
# prevent recursion loops
open(STEST, '>', 'loop.conf');
print STEST <<'CHUMBA';
one = two, three, @four
four = five, six, @one
direct = @direct, foo
@one = r
@four = rw
#/];# (keep emacs perl-mode happy)
@errs = ();
$acl = eval { SVN::Access->new(acl_file => 'loop.conf'); };
ok(defined($acl), "Make sure we can parse a file with loops");
is($#errs, -1, "the parser doesn't catch the errors");
# verify doesn't check for loops... yet
@errs = split(/\n/, $acl->verify_acl);
is($#errs, 2, "Make sure we got the right number of verify errors");
@errs = ();
my @g = $acl->resolve('@one');
is($#errs, 0, "One error from loop in group one");
ok($errs[0] =~ /^Error: group loop detected \@one/, "sanity checking error string content");
@errs = ();
@g = $acl->resolve('@four');
is($#errs, 0, "One error from loop in group four");
ok($errs[0] =~ /^Error: group loop detected \@four/, "sanity checking error string content");
@errs = ();
@g = $acl->resolve('@direct');
is($#errs, 0, "One error from loop in group direct");
ok($errs[0] =~ /^Error: group loop detected \@direct/, "sanity checking error string content");
exit 0;