Move SampleRexfile to installable location
If no config file found (i.e. on first run / testing) copy template config and SampleRexfile to current dir from installation dir
Final tweaks for 0.01 release
Move webui.conf to installable location
Preparing for an 0.01 alpha release
Moved public and templates files to installable dir, as per: http://search.cpan.org/~sri/Mojolicious-3.85/lib/Mojolicious/Guides/Cookbook.pod#Making_your_application_installable
Added Makefile.PL
Improved tests using Test::Mojo
Added SQLite database tables for jobs, users and status
Autocreate database on first run (need to think about future upgrade issues)
Fleshed out the Dashboard
Implemented notification message bar updates via ajax polling