use strict;
use lib '../lib';
use FindBin;
my $g = AnyEvent::Groonga->new( debug => 0 );
my $groonga_path = $g->groonga_path;
my $test_database_path
= File::Spec->catfile( $FindBin::RealBin, "data", "test.db" );
unless ( $groonga_path and -e $groonga_path ) {
plan skip_all => "groonga is not installed.";
else {
plan tests => 21;
`$groonga_path -n $test_database_path quit`;
File::Spec->catfile( $FindBin::RealBin, "data", "test.db" ) );
# status
my $result = $g->call("status")->recv;
is( $result->body->{uptime}, 0 );
is( $result->body->{cache_hit_rate}, 0 );
# table_careate
$result = $g->call(
table_create => {
name => "Site",
flags => "TABLE_HASH_KEY",
key_type => "ShortText",
is( $result->body, "true" );
# select
$result = $g->call( select => { table => "Site" } )->recv;
is( $result->hit_num, 0 );
is_deeply( $result->columns, [ '_id', '_key' ] );
# column_create
$result = $g->call(
column_create => {
table => "Site",
name => "title",
flags => "COLUMN_SCALAR",
type => "ShortText",
is( $result->body, "true" );
# table_create Terms
$result = $g->call(
table_create => {
name => "Terms",
key_type => "ShortText",
default_tokenizer => "TokenBigram",
is( $result->body, "true" );
# column_create Terms
$result = $g->call(
column_create => {
table => "Terms",
name => "blog_title",
type => "Site",
source => "title",
is( $result->body, "true" );
# load
my $data = [
{ _key => "",
title => "This is test record 1!",
{ _key => "",
title => "test record 2.",
{ _key => "",
title => "test test record three.",
title => "test record four.",
title => "test test test record five.",
title => "test test test test record six.",
title => "test test test record seven.",
title => "test test record eight.",
title => "test test record nine.",
$result = $g->call(
load => {
table => "Site",
values => $data,
is( $result->body, 9 );
# select by _id
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
query => "_id:1",
{ '_id' => 1,
'_key' => '',
'title' => 'This is test record 1!'
# select by _key
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
query => '_key:\"\"',
{ '_id' => 1,
'_key' => '',
'title' => 'This is test record 1!'
# full text search
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
query => 'title:@this',
{ '_id' => 1,
'_key' => '',
'title' => 'This is test record 1!'
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
match_columns => "title",
query => "this",
{ '_id' => 1,
'_key' => '',
'title' => 'This is test record 1!'
# output_columns
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
output_columns => [qw(_key title _score )],
query => 'title:@test',
is( $result->hit_num, 9 );
# offset and limit
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
offset => 0,
limit => 3,
[ { '_id' => 1,
'_key' => '',
'title' => 'This is test record 1!'
{ '_id' => 2,
'_key' => '',
'title' => 'test record 2.'
{ '_id' => 3,
'_key' => '',
'title' => 'test test record three.'
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
offset => 3,
limit => 3,
[ { '_id' => 4,
'title' => 'test record four.'
{ '_id' => 5,
'title' => 'test test test record five.'
{ '_id' => 6,
'title' => 'test test test test record six.'
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
offset => 7,
limit => 3,
[ { '_id' => 8,
'title' => 'test test record eight.'
{ '_id' => 9,
'title' => 'test test record nine.'
# sortby
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
sortby => "-_id",
[ { '_id' => 9,
'title' => 'test test record nine.'
{ '_id' => 8,
'title' => 'test test record eight.'
{ '_id' => 7,
'title' => 'test test test record seven.'
{ '_id' => 6,
'title' => 'test test test test record six.'
{ '_id' => 5,
'title' => 'test test test record five.'
{ '_id' => 4,
'title' => 'test record four.'
{ '_id' => 3,
'_key' => '',
'title' => 'test test record three.'
{ '_id' => 2,
'_key' => '',
'title' => 'test record 2.'
{ '_id' => 1,
'_key' => '',
'title' => 'This is test record 1!'
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
query => 'title:@test',
output_columns => [qw(_id _score title)],
sortby => '_score',
[ { '_score' => 1,
'_id' => 1,
'title' => 'This is test record 1!'
{ '_score' => 1,
'_id' => 2,
'title' => 'test record 2.'
{ '_score' => 1,
'_id' => 4,
'title' => 'test record four.'
{ '_score' => 2,
'_id' => 3,
'title' => 'test test record three.'
{ '_score' => 2,
'_id' => 9,
'title' => 'test test record nine.'
{ '_score' => 2,
'_id' => 8,
'title' => 'test test record eight.'
{ '_score' => 3,
'_id' => 7,
'title' => 'test test test record seven.'
{ '_score' => 3,
'_id' => 5,
'title' => 'test test test record five.'
{ '_score' => 4,
'_id' => 6,
'title' => 'test test test test record six.'
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
query => 'title:@test',
output_columns => [qw(_id _score title)],
sortby => [qw(_score _id)],
[ { '_score' => 1,
'_id' => 1,
'title' => 'This is test record 1!'
{ '_score' => 1,
'_id' => 2,
'title' => 'test record 2.'
{ '_score' => 1,
'_id' => 4,
'title' => 'test record four.'
{ '_score' => 2,
'_id' => 3,
'title' => 'test test record three.'
{ '_score' => 2,
'_id' => 8,
'title' => 'test test record eight.'
{ '_score' => 2,
'_id' => 9,
'title' => 'test test record nine.'
{ '_score' => 3,
'_id' => 5,
'title' => 'test test test record five.'
{ '_score' => 3,
'_id' => 7,
'title' => 'test test test record seven.'
{ '_score' => 4,
'_id' => 6,
'title' => 'test test test test record six.'
# filter test.
$result = $g->call(
select => {
table => "Site",
query => 'title:@test',
filter => '_id > 1 && _id < 5',
output_columns => [qw(_id _score title)],
sortby => [qw(_score _id)],
[ { '_score' => 3,
'_id' => 2,
'title' => 'test record 2.'
{ '_score' => 3,
'_id' => 4,
'title' => 'test record four.'
{ '_score' => 4,
'_id' => 3,
'title' => 'test test record three.'
sub _cleanup {
my @files = glob( File::Spec->catfile( $FindBin::RealBin, "data", "*" ) );
if ( @files > 0 ) {
for (@files) {
unlink $_;