# Integer or named level
# SEVERITY NAME ...is equivalent to... SEVERITY NUMBER
# --------------------------------------------------------
# -severity => 'gentle' -severity => 5
# -severity => 'stern' -severity => 4
# -severity => 'harsh' -severity => 3
# -severity => 'cruel' -severity => 2
# -severity => 'brutal' -severity => 1
severity = brutal
# Only choose from Policies that are mentioned in the user's profile. Zero or One. Default: 0
only = 0
# Don't care for ## annotation. Zero or One
force = 0
#Integer or format spec (1-11)
verbose = 11
#Max number of violation. A positive integer
top = 1000
#A theme expression
##theme = (pbp || security) && bugs
#Space-delimited list
##include = NamingConventions ClassHierarchies
#Space-delimited list
##exclude = Variables Modules::RequirePackage
##exclude = ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls
exclude = Documentation::PodSpelling CodeLayout::RequireTidyCode
# Zero or One
#color = 1
# Allow the use of Policies that are marked as "unsafe" by the author. Zero or One
allow-unsafe = 0