#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use Path::Tiny qw( path );
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $outfile = 'docker-names.yml';
GetOptions('help|?' => \$help, 'man!' => \$man, 'verbose!' => \$verbose, 'out=s' => \$outfile) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
my $code = path('names-generator.go')->slurp_utf8;
my ($left, $right) = $code =~ m/var \s{1,} \( \s{0,1} \n
\s{0,} left \s{1,} = \s{1,} \[\.\.\.\]string \s{0,} \{ \s{0,} \n
(?<adjectives> (?: \s{0,} \" [^"]{1,} \" \s{0,} , \s{0,} \n )+ )
\s{0,} } \n
\s{0,} \n
\s{0,} \/\/.*\n
\s{0,} \/\/.*\n
\s{0,} right \s{1,} = \s{1,} \[\.\.\.\]string \s{0,} \{ \s{0,} \n
(?<names> (?:
(?: \s{0,} \/\/.*\n){1,}
\s{0,} \" [^"]{1,} \" \s{0,} , \s{0,} \n
(?: \s{0,} \n){0,1}
)+ )
\s{0,} \} \n
\s{0,} \)
my @adjectives;
while( $left =~ m/ " (?<adjective> [^"]{1,} ) " /gx ) {
dd($1) if( $verbose );
push @adjectives, $1;
my @names;
while ( $right =~ m/
\s{0,} \/{2} \s{1} [^\n]{1,}
(?: \n \s{0,} \/{2} \s{1} [^\n]{1,} ){0,}
\s{0,} " (?<surname> [^"]{1,} ) " \s{0,} ,
/gx ) {
my $surname = $+{surname};
dd($1) if ( $verbose );
my ($info, $link) = $1 =~ m/
\s{0,} \/{2} \s{1} [^\n]{1,}
(?: \n \s{0,} \/{2} \s{1} [^\n]{1,} ){0,}
(?<url> http [s]{0,1} :\/\/ .* ) $
if( ! defined $info) {
($info, $link) = ($1, '');
$info =~ s/(\n*)//msx;
$info =~ s/(\t*)//msx;
$info =~ s/(\/*)//msx;
($info) = $info =~ m/^ \s* (.*?) \s* $/msx; # Attn. non-greedy qualifier in (.*?)
push @names, { 'surname' => $surname, 'explanation' => $info, 'link' => $link, };
my %serialize_me = (
'adjectives' => [ map { { 'word' => $_ } } @adjectives ],
'names' => [ @names ],
my $ypp = YAML::PP->new;
$ypp->dump_file( path($outfile), \%serialize_me );
exit 0;
=head1 NAME
parse_docker_names.pl - Parse file `names-generator.go` to a YAML
parse_docker_names.pl [options]
--help brief help message
--man full documentation
--verbose print out information as you go
--out file name to write
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<--help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<--man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<--verbose>
Explain what you are doing when progressing.
=item B<--out>
Write to this file.
B<This program> will read the given input file(s) and do something
useful with the contents thereof.