#!perl -T
use 5.006;
use strict;
# use Log::Any::Adapter ('Stderr'); # Activate to get all log messages.
require Git::Mailmap;
my $mailmap = Git::Mailmap->new();
# This is from Git git-check-mailmap manual (with slight changes):
## no critic (ValuesAndExpressions/ProhibitImplicitNewlines)
my $given_mailmap_file = '<cto@company.xx> <cto@coompany.xx>
Some Dude <some@dude.xx> nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
Other Author <other@author.xx> nick2 <bugs@company.xx>
# Comment in the middle.
Other Author <other@author.xx> <nick2@company.xx>
Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx> <me@company.xx> # Comment at the end.
Proper Name <commit@email.xx>
$mailmap->from_string( 'mailmap' => $given_mailmap_file );
my %expected_mailmap = ( 'committers' => [] );
push @{ $expected_mailmap{'committers'} },
'proper-email' => '<cto@company.xx>',
'aliases' => [
'commit-email' => '<cto@coompany.xx>',
push @{ $expected_mailmap{'committers'} },
'proper-email' => '<some@dude.xx>',
'proper-name' => 'Some Dude',
'aliases' => [
'commit-email' => '<bugs@company.xx>',
'commit-name' => 'nick1',
push @{ $expected_mailmap{'committers'} },
'proper-email' => '<other@author.xx>',
'proper-name' => 'Other Author',
'aliases' => [
'commit-email' => '<bugs@company.xx>',
'commit-name' => 'nick2',
'commit-email' => '<nick2@company.xx>',
push @{ $expected_mailmap{'committers'} },
'proper-email' => '<santa.claus@northpole.xx>',
'proper-name' => 'Santa Claus',
'aliases' => [
'commit-email' => '<me@company.xx>',
push @{ $expected_mailmap{'committers'} },
'proper-email' => '<commit@email.xx>',
'proper-name' => 'Proper Name',
'aliases' => [],
is_deeply( $mailmap, \%expected_mailmap, 'Object internal data is populated correctly.' );
my $another_mailmap = Git::Mailmap->from_string( 'mailmap' => $given_mailmap_file );
is_deeply( $another_mailmap, $mailmap, 'Second object is equal to another object.' );