# PODNAME: csvcopy.pl
# Written by Sébastien Millet
# 2016, 2017
# Copy a CSV file using Text::AutoCSV module
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw( :config bundling no_ignore_case );
# I put here the exact same version number as Text::AutoCSV
my $VERSION = '1.2.0';
my $infoh = \*STDERR;
warn "$0 not in the same version as Text::AutoCSV"
if $VERSION ne $Text::AutoCSV::VERSION;
# Manage options
# Each element of @PARAMS is an array ref made of:
# 0: help option as passed to GetOptions
# 1: option type when displaying option value in verbose mode,
# can be undef (meaning: not applicable), 'STR', 'BOOL' or 'ARRAYREF'
# ARRAYREF must be followed by the separator
# 2: Text::AutoCSV attribute of option (undef if not applicable)
# 3: option default value (for display only ; *not* passed to Text::AutoCSV
# attributes)
# 4: help of option, displayed by -h
# 5: (rarely used): enforce passing attribute to Text::AutoCSV even if option
# is not in use ; used to enforce attributes values for which this script
# default value does not match Text::AutoCSV default value
my @PARAMS = (
[ 'help|h', undef, undef, undef, 'print a short help screen' ],
[ 'Help|hh', undef, undef, undef, 'print a bigger help screen' ],
[ 'version|V', 'BOOL', undef, 'no', 'display version and quit' ],
[ 'verbose|v', 'BOOL', undef, 'no', 'verbose output' ],
'id', undef, undef, undef,
'Don\'t copy, instead, print information about input'
[ 'i=s', 'STR', 'in_file', '<stdin>', 'input file (default: stdin)' ],
[ 'o=s', 'STR', 'out_file', '<stdout>', 'output file (default: stdout)' ],
'encoding|e=s', 'STR',
'encoding', 'UTF-8,latin1',
'encoding (default: auto-detection)'
'sep_char|s=s', 'STR', 'sep_char', '<auto-detect>',
'CSV separator (default: auto-detection)'
'quote_char=s', 'STR',
'quote_char', '"',
'CSV quote character (default: ")'
'escape_char=s', 'STR', 'escape_char', '<auto-detect>',
'CSV escape character (default: auto-detection)'
'out_encoding=s', 'STR',
'out_encoding', '<same as input>',
'output encoding (default: same as input)'
'out_utf8_bom=i', 'BOOL',
'out_utf8_bom', 'no',
'add BOM on UTF-8 output (default: no)'
'out_sep_char=s', 'STR', 'out_sep_char',
'<same as input>',
'output CSV separator (default: same as input)'
'out_quote_char=s', 'STR',
'out_quote_char', '<same as input>',
'output quote char (default: same as input)'
'out_escape_char=s', 'STR',
'out_escape_char', '<same as input>',
'output escape char (default: same as input)'
'<same as input>',
"always surround each output field with quote chars\n"
. "0 to remove feature \"always quote\", 1 to enforce it\n"
. "(default: same as input)"
'<same as input>',
"list of fields to write to output\n"
. "you separate field names with ','\n"
. "as in \"NAME,ADDRESS\"\n"
. "(default: none)"
'<same as input)>',
"list of fields to sort output\n"
. "you separate field names with ','\n"
. "as in \"NAME,ADDRESS\"\n"
. "(default: none)"
"if set to 1, completely ignore encoding aspects, meaning,\n"
. "leave it to perl default\n"
. "(default: input encoding auto-detection)"
"list of fields that must contain a datetime\n"
. "you can specify multiple fields by separating them with ','\n"
. "as in \"LASTLOGIN,CREATED\"\n"
. "(default: none, no datetime expected by default)"
"if set to 0, turn off datetime formats auto-detection\n"
. "(default: datetime formats auto-detection is on)",
"if set to 1, turn on datetime format auto-detection optimization,\n"
. "relevant only if dates_auto is also set (use with caution:\n"
. "when set, the detection will stop as soon as there's no more\n"
. "ambiguity. If a following line contains a wrong date as per\n"
. "detected format, turning on this optimization will detect a\n"
. "format and later, complain about a wrong date encountered.)\n"
. "(default: datetime format auto-detection optimization is off)",
'<plenty of formats>',
"list of formats to try when detecting datetime formats\n"
. "you can specify multiple formats by separating them with ||\n"
. "as in \"%d-%m-%y||%m-%d-%y\"\n"
. "formats rely on Strptime syntax\n"
. "(default: numerous formats are checked)"
'<plenty of formats>',
"list of *supplementary* formats to try when detecting datetime formats\n"
. "you can specify multiple formats by separating them with ||\n"
. "as in \"%d-%m-%y||%m-%d-%y\"\n"
. "formats rely on Strptime syntax\n"
. "(default: none)"
"comma-separated list of locales to try when detecting\n"
. "datetime formats, for example \"fr,en\"\n"
. "(default: use default perl locale)"
'<same as input>',
"dates format on output, in Strptime syntax\n"
. "(default: use format detected on input)"
'<same as input>',
"use only in addition to out_dates_format\n"
. "dates locale on output\n"
. "(default: use locale detected on input)"
"if set to 0, detect only dates (don't look for times) when \n"
. "detecting datetime formats\n"
. "(default: auto-detect date and time)",
'<no links>',
"Links input with another CSV file\n"
. "Argument is formed as \"PREFIX,LOCAL->REMOTE,FILE\"\n"
. "where PREFIX will be added at beginning at each field of linked\n"
. "file, where LOCAL is the main input field to read,\n"
. "where REMOTE is the linked file field to find,\n"
. "and FILE is the linked file.\n"
. "Example: \"1:,LOGIN->SHORTNAME,users.csv\"\n"
. "Options can be appended with \",{ ...options... }\" as in\n"
. "\",LOGIN->SHORTNAME,users.csv,{ignore_empty => 0}\"\n"
. "(default: no links)"
'croak_if_error=i', 'BOOL',
'croak_if_error', 'yes',
"croak if an error occurs in Text::AutoCSV"
[ 'debug|d', 'BOOL', '_debug', 'no', 'debug output' ],
my %opts_vals;
my %opts;
for my $p (@PARAMS) {
my $k = opt_to_key( $p->[0] );
undef $opts_vals{$k};
$opts{ $p->[0] } = \$opts_vals{$k};
veryshortusage() unless GetOptions(%opts);
usage() if ( $opts_vals{'help'} );
usage(1) if ( $opts_vals{'Help'} );
version() if ( $opts_vals{'version'} );
if (@ARGV) {
print( $infoh "Trailing options\n" );
my $verbose = $opts_vals{'verbose'};
my $opt_name_max_length = -1;
for my $p (@PARAMS) {
my $l = length( opt_to_disp( $p->[0], 1 ) );
$opt_name_max_length = $l if $l > $opt_name_max_length;
for my $p (@PARAMS) {
next if ( !defined $p->[1] ) or $p->[1] !~ m/^ARRAYREF/;
my $sep;
($sep) = $p->[1] =~ m/^ARRAYREF(.*)$/;
if ( ( !defined $sep ) or $sep eq '' ) {
die "Invalid ARRAYREF value for option '$p', check \@PARAMS!";
my $optname = opt_to_key( $p->[0] );
my $optval = $opts_vals{$optname};
next unless defined $optval;
$opts_vals{$optname} = [ split( quotemeta($sep), $optval ) ];
$opts_vals{dates_auto} = 0
if ( !defined $opts_vals{dates_auto} )
and defined $opts_vals{dates};
# Print out options value (if verbose is set and not with --id)
for my $p (@PARAMS) {
next unless defined $p->[2];
my $v = $opts_vals{ opt_to_key( $p->[0] ) };
my $vstr;
$vstr = do {
if ( !defined $v ) { $p->[3] // '<undef>' }
elsif ( $p->[1] eq 'BOOL' ) { $v ? 'yes' : 'no' }
elsif ( $p->[1] eq 'STR' ) { $v }
elsif ( $p->[1] =~ m/^ARRAYREF/ ) { '[' . join( '], [', @{$v} ) . ']' }
else { undef }
die "\$vstr is undef, not allowed condition" unless defined($vstr);
my $opt_disp = opt_to_disp( $p->[0], 1 );
printf( $infoh "%-${opt_name_max_length}s %s %s\n",
$opt_disp, ( defined($v) ? '*' : '.' ), $vstr )
if $verbose and ( !$opts_vals{'id'} );
# Work out Text::AutoCSV attributes and create object
my %opts_autocsv;
for my $p (@PARAMS) {
my $attribute = $p->[2];
next unless defined($attribute);
my $v = $opts_vals{ opt_to_key( $p->[0] ) };
$v = $p->[5] if ( !defined $v ) and defined $p->[5];
$opts_autocsv{$attribute} = $v if defined($v);
my $csv = Text::AutoCSV->new(%opts_autocsv);
# Manage links
if ( defined( $opts_vals{'links'} ) ) {
my ( $prefix, $local, $remote, $file, $opts_read );
unless ( ( $prefix, $local, $remote, $file, undef, $opts_read ) =
$opts_vals{'links'} =~
m/^([^,]*),([^,]+)->([^,]+),([^,]+)(,(\{.*\}))?$/ )
print( $infoh "Invalid links string\n" );
$opts_read = '' unless defined($opts_read);
print( $infoh
"** links with $file:\n prefix: $prefix\n local field: $local\n"
. " remote field: $remote\n options: $opts_read\n" )
if $verbose;
my $opts = {};
if ( $opts_read ne '' ) {
$opts = eval $opts_read; ## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
if ( defined($@) or length($@) or ref($opts) ne 'HASH' ) {
print( $infoh "Invalid links options\n" );
$csv->links( $prefix, "${local}->${remote}", $file, $opts );
# Final: ask $csv object to do the work
my $funcname = ( $opts_vals{'id'} ? 'print_id' : 'write' );
my $funcref = $csv->can($funcname);
die "Text::AutoCSV has no member function $funcname !!?"
unless defined($funcref);
# End of main code.
# Below are the subs.
sub veryshortusage {
print $infoh <<'EOF';
Try 'csvcopy.pl --help' for more information.
exit 1;
sub version {
print $infoh "csvcopy.pl $VERSION\n";
exit 0;
sub usage {
my $bigger = shift;
print $infoh <<'EOF';
csvcopy.pl [OPTIONS...]
Copy source to destination, doing CSV parsing in-between.
my $max = -1;
for (@PARAMS) {
my $l = length( opt_to_disp( $_->[0] ) );
$max = $l if $l > $max;
for my $opt (@PARAMS) {
printf( $infoh " %-${max}s ", opt_to_disp( $opt->[0] ) );
die "\nPlease write a help for this option!" unless $opt->[4];
print $infoh
join( "\n" . ( ' ' x ( $max + 3 ) ), split( /\n/, $opt->[4] ) );
print $infoh "\n";
print( $infoh "\n" );
exit 0 unless $bigger;
print $infoh <<'EOF';
Input encoding "auto-detection" is very basic and could be called "hack it".
It just tries UTF-8 and if any issues found (= reading triggers at least one
warning), it falls back to latin1.
Note that when providing the --encoding option, you can put a list (comma
separated) of encodings to try: the selected one will be the first with
which no warning occurs. If all produce warnings, the first one is selected.
csvcopy.pl -i myfile.csv -e "UTF-8,UTF-16LE"
It'll try UTF-8 and if a warning occurs, try UTF-16LE. If UTF-16LE also
produces a warning, it'll finally choose UTF-8.
The CSV separator is detected among ",", ";" and "\t" (tab)
The CSV escape character is detected among "\\" (one backslash) and "\""
(one ")
csvcopy.pl -i a.csv -o t.csv --out_escape_char "\\" --out_sep_char "," --out_always_quote 1 --out_encoding UTF-8
Copy a.csv into t.csv, enforcing backslash as escape char, comma as
separator, always quoting fields, and encoding output (whatever input
encoding is) to UTF-8.
csvcopy.pl -i a.csv -o t.csv --out_dates_format "%FT%T"
Copy a.csv into t.csv, enforcing yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss format for any column
that contains a datetime.
csvcopy.pl -i a.csv -o t.csv --out_dates_format "%b %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S %p" --out_dates_locale "en"
Copy a.csv into t.csv, enforcing US datetime format.
csvcopy.pl -i f1.csv -o linked.csv --links "1:,A->B,f2.csv,{case=>1}"
Links f2.csv to f1.csv by mathcing f1'A field with f2'B field, case sensitive match.
exit 0;
sub opt_to_key {
my $k = shift;
$k =~ s/[|=].*//;
return $k;
sub opt_to_disp {
my $opt = shift;
my $ltrim = shift; # ltrim = left-trim only
$opt =~ s/[=].*//;
my $short_opt_seen = 0;
my $r = '';
for ( split( /\|/, $opt ) ) {
if ( length($_) == 1 ) {
$r = ", " . $r if length($r) >= 1;
$r = "-$_" . $r;
$short_opt_seen = 1;
else {
$r .= ", " if length($r) >= 1;
$r .= "--$_";
$r = ' ' . $r if ( !$short_opt_seen ) and ( !$ltrim );
return $r;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
=head1 VERSION
version 1.2.0
=head1 AUTHOR
Sébastien Millet <milletseb@laposte.net>
This software is copyright (c) 2016, 2017 by Sébastien Millet.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.