# t/01-gen.t
# Written by Sébastien Millet
# May 2016
# Test script for Text::AutoCSV: general
use strict;
use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET);
use Test::More tests => 79;
#use Test::More qw(no_plan);
my $OS_IS_PLAIN_WINDOWS = !!( $^O =~ /mswin/i );
my $ww = ( $OS_IS_PLAIN_WINDOWS ? 'ww' : '' );
if ( $ww eq '' ) {
note("\$ww is empty, no plain Windows environment detected");
else {
note("\$ww is equal to '$ww', Windows environment detected");
# Comment when not in dev
#use feature qw(say);
#use Data::Dumper;
#$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
can_ok( 'Text::AutoCSV', ('new') );
my $csv = Text::AutoCSV->new( in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv" );
isa_ok( $csv, 'Text::AutoCSV' );
$csv = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}bad-file-name.csv",
croak_if_error => 0,
quiet => 1
is( $csv, undef, "object not created if input file does not exist" );
# * *********************** *
# * Search member functions *
# * *********************** *
my @memcsv;
$memcsv[0] =
Text::AutoCSV->new( in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv", croak_if_error => 0 );
$memcsv[1] = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv",
search_trim => 0,
croak_if_error => 0
$memcsv[2] = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv",
search_case => 1,
croak_if_error => 0
$memcsv[3] = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv",
search_case => 1,
search_trim => 0,
croak_if_error => 0
isa_ok( $_, 'Text::AutoCSV' ) foreach @memcsv;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#memcsv ) {
my $m = $memcsv[$i];
my $desc;
my @exp;
if ( $i == 0 ) {
$desc = '(default)';
@exp = (
'Leoemeyyef, Leieq',
'Leoemeyyef, Leieq',
'Leoemeyyef, Leieq',
'Leoemeyyef, Leieq'
elsif ( $i == 1 ) {
$desc = '(search_trim => 0)';
@exp =
( 'Leoemeyyef, Leieq', undef, undef, 'Leoemeyyef, Leieq', undef );
elsif ( $i == 2 ) {
$desc = '(search_case => 1)';
@exp =
( 'Leoemeyyef, Leieq', undef, 'Leoemeyyef, Leieq', undef, undef );
elsif ( $i == 3 ) {
$desc = '(search_case => 1, search_trim => 0)';
@exp = ( 'Leoemeyyef, Leieq', undef, undef, undef, undef );
is( $m->vlookup( 'CN', 'LeoemeyyefL', 'DISPLAYNAME' ),
$exp[0], "$desc vlookup" );
is( $m->vlookup( 'CN', 'ZeoemeyyefL', 'DISPLAYNAME' ),
$exp[1], "$desc vlookup of bad key" );
is( $m->vlookup( 'CN', 'LeoemeyyefL ', 'DISPLAYNAME' ),
$exp[2], "$desc vlookup of key with space appended" );
is( $m->vlookup( 'CN', 'LEOEMEYYEFL', 'DISPLAYNAME' ),
$exp[3], "$desc vlookup of upper case'd key" );
is( $m->vlookup( 'CN', 'LEOEMEYYEFL ', 'DISPLAYNAME' ),
"$desc vlookup of key with space appended + upper case'd" );
$memcsv[0]->vlookup( 'CN', 'LeysLL', 'DISPLAYNAME' ),
'Leys, Leeee-Lyeeqe',
"vlookup (one returned out of two elements found)"
is( $memcsv[0]->vlookup( 'DISPLAYNAME', 'Oyeef, Feemep', 'CN' ),
'LeysLL', "vlookup (by DISPLAYNAME)" );
'CN', 'LeoemeyyefL',
'DISPLAYNAME', { value_if_not_found => 'bla' }
'Leoemeyyef, Leieq',
"vlookup with default value"
'CN', 'LeysLL', 'DISPLAYNAME', { value_if_not_found => 'bla' }
'Leys, Leeee-Lyeeqe',
"vlookup (one returned out of two elements found) with default value"
'CN', 'ZeysLL', 'DISPLAYNAME', { value_if_not_found => 'bla' }
"vlookup (bad key) with default value"
is_deeply( $memcsv[0]->search( 'CN', 'LeoemeyyefL' ),
[17], "search (one element found)" );
is_deeply( $memcsv[0]->search( 'CN', 'ZeoemeyyefL' ),
[], "search (bad key)" );
is_deeply( $memcsv[0]->search( 'CN', 'LeoemeyyefL' )->[0],
17, "search(...)->[0] (one element found)" );
is_deeply( $memcsv[0]->search( 'CN', 'ZeoemeyyefL' )->[0],
undef, "search(...)->[0] (bad key)" );
my $mm =
Text::AutoCSV->new( in_file => "t/${ww}test2.csv", croak_if_error => 0 );
$mm->search( 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', 'LeysLL' ),
[ 2, 5 ],
"search (two elements found)"
is_deeply( $mm->search( 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', 'LeysLL' )->[0],
2, "search(...)->[0] (one returned out of two elements found)" );
$mm->search_1hr( 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', 'LeeeekL' ),
'DISPLAYNAME' => 'Leeeek, Leeeee',
'DN' => 'CN=LeeeekL,OU=uzzzz,OU=HFVAR,DC=company,DC=biz'
"search1_hr (one element found)"
is_deeply( scalar( $mm->search_1hr( 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', 'ZeeeekL' ) ),
undef, "search1_hr (bad key)" );
$mm->search_1hr( 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', 'LeysLL' ),
'DISPLAYNAME' => 'Leys, Leeee-Lyeeqe',
'DN' => 'CN=LeysLL,OU=uzzzz,OU=HFVAR,DC=company,DC=biz'
"search1_hr (one returned out of two elements found)"
is( $mm->get_cell( 2, 'SAMACCOUNTNAME' ), 'LeysLL', "get_cell" );
my $mm_no_infoh = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test2.csv",
croak_if_error => 0,
quiet => 1
is( $mm_no_infoh->get_cell( 100, 'SAMACCOUNTNAME' ),
undef, "get_cell (row 100 non-existent)" );
'DN' => 'CN=OyeefF,OU=uzzzz,OU=HFVAR,DC=company,DC=biz',
'DISPLAYNAME' => 'Oyeef, Feemep'
is( $mm_no_infoh->get_row_hr(100),
undef, "get_row_hr (row 100 non-existent)" );
my $ar = $mm->get_row_ar(5);
'CN=OyeefF,OU=uzzzz,OU=HFVAR,DC=company,DC=biz', 'LeysLL',
'Oyeef, Feemep'
is( $mm_no_infoh->get_row_ar(100),
undef, "get_row_ar (row 100 non-existent)" );
my @column_names = $mm->get_fields_names();
is_deeply( \@column_names, [ 'DN', 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', 'DISPLAYNAME' ],
"get_fields_names" );
my $cn = $mm->get_field_name(1);
is_deeply( $cn, 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', "get_field_name" );
my @r = $mm->get_keys();
is_deeply( \@r, [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], "get_keys" );
my $nb_records = () = $mm->get_keys();
is( $nb_records, 7,
"record count idiom: my \$nb_records = () = \$obj->get_keys();" );
my @allkeys = $mm->get_keys();
my $lastk = $allkeys[-1];
my $aarr = $mm->get_row_ar($lastk);
'CN=WeyyeeaqL,OU=uzzzz,OU=HFVAR,DC=company,DC=biz', 'WeyyeeaqL',
'Weyyeeaq, Leeeeae'
"get_keys then get_row_ar"
@r = $mm->get_values('SAMACCOUNTNAME');
'YeepuW', 'LeeeekL',
'LeysLL', 'YeieyyeeW',
'LnfgrypreseeeaLez', 'LeysLL',
# * ***************************************************************** *
# * Test objects created passing inh (file handle) and/or Text::CSV *
# * object to deal with (normally Text::AutoCSV will manage both file *
# * opening and Text::CSV creation). *
# * ***************************************************************** *
open( my $inh, '<', "t/${ww}test2.csv" )
or die "Unable to open 't/${ww}test2.csv': $!";
my $mm = Text::AutoCSV->new( inh => $inh );
is( $mm->vlookup( 'DISPLAYNAME', 'Leys, Leeee-Lyeeqe', 'SAMACCOUNTNAME' ),
'LeysLL', "file handle passed by caller" );
close $inh;
open( my $inh, '<', "t/${ww}test2.csv" ) ## no critic (InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen)
or die "Unable to open 't/${ww}test2.csv': $!";
my $TextCsv = Text::CSV->new(
sep_char => "\t",
allow_whitespace => 1,
binary => 1,
auto_diag => 2,
quote_char => '\'',
escape_char => '\\',
allow_loose_escapes => 1
my $mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
inh => $inh,
in_csvobj => $TextCsv,
croak_if_error => 0
seek $inh, 0, SEEK_SET;
my $mm_no_infoh = Text::AutoCSV->new(
inh => $inh,
in_csvobj => $TextCsv,
croak_if_error => 0,
quiet => 1
my $eval_failed = 0;
eval {
$mm_no_infoh->vlookup( 'DISPLAYNAME', 'Lnfgrypreseeea, Lezeea',
or $eval_failed = 1;
is( $eval_failed, 1,
"vlookup on input with bad sep_char fails (non existing field)" );
close $inh;
open( $inh, '<', "t/${ww}test2.csv" ) ## no critic (InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen)
or die "Unable to open 't/${ww}test2.csv': $!";
$TextCsv = Text::CSV->new(
sep_char => ';',
allow_whitespace => 1,
binary => 1,
auto_diag => 2,
quote_char => '"',
escape_char => '\\',
allow_loose_escapes => 1
$mm = Text::AutoCSV->new( inh => $inh, in_csvobj => $TextCsv );
'DISPLAYNAME', 'Lnfgrypreseeea, Lezeea',
"file handle and Text::CSV object passed by caller (good CSV object)"
close $inh;
my $TextCsv = Text::CSV->new(
sep_char => "\t",
allow_whitespace => 1,
binary => 1,
auto_diag => 2,
quote_char => '\'',
escape_char => '\\',
allow_loose_escapes => 1
my $mm_no_infoh = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test2.csv",
in_csvobj => $TextCsv,
croak_if_error => 0,
quiet => 1
my $eval_failed = 0;
eval {
$mm_no_infoh->vlookup( 'DISPLAYNAME', 'Lnfgrypreseeea, Lezeea',
or $eval_failed = 1;
is( $eval_failed, 1,
"vlookup on input with bad sep_char fails (non existing field) (2)" );
$TextCsv = Text::CSV->new(
sep_char => ';',
allow_whitespace => 1,
binary => 1,
auto_diag => 2,
quote_char => '"',
escape_char => '\\',
allow_loose_escapes => 1
my $mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test2.csv",
in_csvobj => $TextCsv
'DISPLAYNAME', 'Lnfgrypreseeea, Lezeea',
"Text::CSV object passed by caller (good CSV object)"
# * *********************************************************************** *
# * sep_char option (check it is well passed on at Text::CSV creation time) *
# * *********************************************************************** *
my $mm =
Text::AutoCSV->new( in_file => "t/${ww}test3.csv", sep_char => ':' );
$mm->vlookup( 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', 'WeyyeeaqL', 'DN' ),
"sep_char option"
# * ******************************* *
# * fields names and header options *
# * ******************************* *
my $mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv",
fields_column_names =>
[ 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8' ]
$mm->vlookup( 'F7', 'NaqeewxeiepN', 'F3' ),
'Naqeewxeiep, Neaefe',
"(1) fields_column_names option"
is( $mm->vlookup( 'F7', 'cn', 'F3' ),
undef, "(2) fields_column_names option" );
$mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv",
fields_ar => [ 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', 'CN', 'DISPLAYNAME' ]
$mm->vlookup( 'CN', 'YeeqeeL', 'DISPLAYNAME' ),
'Yeeqee, Leoeee',
"fields_ar option"
$mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv",
fields_hr =>
{ 'My Cn' => 'cn', 'My Sam' => 'sam', 'My Disp' => 'display' }
$mm->vlookup( 'My Cn', 'LeszeaaN', 'My Disp' ),
'Leszeaa, Nyekeaqee',
"fields_hr option"
$mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv",
has_headers => 0,
fields_column_names =>
[ 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8' ]
$mm->vlookup( 'F7', 'NaqeewxeiepN', 'F3' ),
'Naqeewxeiep, Neaefe',
"(1) fields_column_names option, has_heeaders => 0"
is( $mm->vlookup( 'F7', 'cn', 'F3' ),
'displayName', "(2) fields_column_names option, has_heeaders => 0" );
# An error should be displayed by Text::AutoCSV about use of fields_ar while has_headers => 0
# We remove this error output by using infoh => 0
$mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv",
croak_if_error => 0,
has_headers => 0,
quiet => 1,
fields_ar => [ 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', 'CN', 'DISPLAYNAME' ]
is( $mm, undef, "incompatible use of fields_ar and has_headers => 0" );
# An error should be displayed by Text::AutoCSV about use of fields_hr while has_headers => 0
$mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv",
croak_if_error => 0,
has_headers => 0,
quiet => 1,
fields_hr =>
{ 'My Cn' => 'cn', 'My Sam' => 'sam', 'My Disp' => 'display' }
is( $mm, undef, "incompatible use of fields_hr and has_headers => 0" );
# A warning should be displayed by Text::AutoCSV about parallel use of fields_hr,
# fields_hr and fields_column_names.
# We remove this error output by using infoh => 0
$mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test.csv",
croak_if_error => 0,
quiet => 1,
fields_ar => [ 'SAMACCOUNTNAME', 'CN', 'DISPLAYNAME' ],
fields_hr =>
{ 'My Cn' => 'cn', 'My Sam' => 'sam', 'My Disp' => 'display' }
isa_ok( $mm, 'Text::AutoCSV' );
# * ******************* *
# * ignore_empty option *
# * ******************* *
my $mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test4.csv",
search_ignore_empty => 0
is( $mm->vlookup( 'DISPLAYNAME', 'Leeeek, Leeeee', 'SAMACCOUNTNAME' ),
'LeeeekL', "(1) search_ignore_empty => 0, regular vlookup" );
is( $mm->vlookup( 'DISPLAYNAME', '', 'SAMACCOUNTNAME' ),
'YeepuW', "(2) search_ignore_empty => 0, lookup empty key" );
$mm->search( 'DISPLAYNAME', '' ),
[ 0, 4 ],
"(3) search_ignore_empty => 0, lookup empty key"
is( $mm->_get_hash_build_count(), 1, "check _hash_build_count" );
my $mm = Text::AutoCSV->new(
in_file => "t/${ww}test4.csv",
search_ignore_empty => 1
is( $mm->vlookup( 'DISPLAYNAME', 'Leeeek, Leeeee', 'SAMACCOUNTNAME' ),
'LeeeekL', "(1) search_ignore_empty => 1, regular vlookup" );
is( $mm->vlookup( 'DISPLAYNAME', '', 'SAMACCOUNTNAME' ),
undef, "(2) search_ignore_empty => 1, lookup empty key" );
is_deeply( $mm->search( 'DISPLAYNAME', '' ),
[], "(3) search_ignore_empty => 1, lookup empty key" );
is( $mm->_get_hash_build_count(), 1, "check _hash_build_count" );
# * *************** *
# * no_undef option *
# * *************** *
my $csv = Text::AutoCSV->new( in_file => "t/${ww}addresses2.csv" );
my $all = [ $csv->get_hr_all() ];
{ 'CITY' => 'Grenoble', 'PERSON' => 'Machin' },
{ 'CITY' => '', 'PERSON' => '' },
{ 'CITY' => 'Paris', 'PERSON' => 'Truc' },
{ 'CITY' => undef, 'PERSON' => '' },
{ 'CITY' => 'New York', 'PERSON' => 'Untel' },
{ 'CITY' => undef, 'PERSON' => '' }
"no_undef => 0"
$csv =
Text::AutoCSV->new( in_file => "t/${ww}addresses2.csv", no_undef => 1 );
$all = [ $csv->get_hr_all() ];
{ 'CITY' => 'Grenoble', 'PERSON' => 'Machin' },
{ 'CITY' => '', 'PERSON' => '' },
{ 'CITY' => 'Paris', 'PERSON' => 'Truc' },
{ 'CITY' => '', 'PERSON' => '' },
{ 'CITY' => 'New York', 'PERSON' => 'Untel' },
{ 'CITY' => '', 'PERSON' => '' }
"no_undef => 1"