Feature: Comparing values to values of attributes of entries within the directory
As a directory consumer
I want to ensure that I can test the value of an attribute on an entry within the directory
In order to perform simple comparisons
Given a usable Net::LDAPapi class
Scenario: Can compare an attribute on an entry within the directory
Given a Net::LDAPapi object that has been connected to the LDAP server
When I've bound with default authentication to the directory
And a test container has been created
And I've added a new entry to the directory
And I've compared to an attribute on the new entry
Then the new entry result is LDAP_SUCCESS
And the new entry comparison result is LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE
And the test container has been deleted
Scenario: Can asynchronously compare an attribute on an entry within the directory
Given a Net::LDAPapi object that has been connected to the LDAP server
When I've asynchronously bound with default authentication to the directory
And a test container has been created
And I've asynchronously added a new entry to the directory
And I've asynchronously compared to an attribute on the new entry
Then after waiting for all results, the new entry result message type is LDAP_RES_ADD
And the new entry result is LDAP_SUCCESS
And after waiting for all results, the new entry comparison result message type is LDAP_RES_COMPARE
And the new entry comparison result is LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE
And the test container has been deleted