# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..10\n"; }
END {print "modinit - not ok\n" unless $loaded;}
$loaded = 1;
print "modinit - ok\n";
######################### End of black magic.
## Change these values for test to work...
print "\nEnter LDAP Server: ";
chomp($ldap_host = <>);
print "Enter port: ";
chomp($ldap_port = <>);
print "Enter Search Filter (ex. uid=abc123): ";
chomp($filter = <>);
print "Enter LDAP Search Base (ex. o=Org, c=US): ";
chomp($BASEDN = <>);
print "\n";
if (!$ldap_host)
die "Please edit \$BASEDN, \$filter and \$ldap_host in test.pl.\n";
## Initialize LDAP Connection
if (($ld = new Net::LDAPapi(-host=>$ldap_host,-port=>$ldap_port)) == -1)
print "open - not ok\n";
exit -1;
print "open - ok\n";
## Bind as DN, PASSWORD (NULL,NULL) on LDAP connection $ld
if ($ld->bind_s != LDAP_SUCCESS)
print "bind - not ok\n";
exit -1;
print "bind - ok\n";
## ldap_whoami_s
$id = '';
if ($ld->whoami_s(\$id) != LDAP_SUCCESS)
print "whoami - not ok\n";
exit -1;
print "whoami - ok\n";
## ldap_extended_operation_s
%result = ();
if ($ld->extended_operation_s(-oid => "", -result => \%result) != LDAP_SUCCESS)
print "ldap_extended_operation - not ok\n";
exit -1;
print "ldap_extended_operation - ok\n";
## ldap_search_s - Synchronous Search
@attrs = ();
if ($ld->search_s($BASEDN,LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,$filter,\@attrs,0) != LDAP_SUCCESS)
print "search - not ok\n";
print "search - ok\n";
## ldap_count_entries - Count Matched Entries
if ($ld->count_entries == -1)
print "count - not ok\n";
print "count - ok\n";
## first_entry - Get First Matched Entry
## next_entry - Get Next Matched Entry
for ($ent = $ld->first_entry; $ent; $ent = $ld->next_entry)
## ldap_get_dn - Get DN for Matched Entries
if ($ld->get_dn ne "")
print "getdn - ok\n";
} else {
print "getdn - not ok\n";
if (($attr = $ld->first_attribute) ne "")
print "firstatt - ok\n";
## ldap_get_values
@vals = $ld->get_values($attr);
if ($#vals >= 0)
print "getvals - ok\n";
} else {
print "getvals - not ok\n";
} else {
print "firstattr - not ok\n";
## Unbind LDAP Connection