use strict;
use 5.008_001;
our $VERSION = '0.12';
my %bulk_command = map { $_ => 1 }
qw( set setnx rpush lpush lset lrem sadd srem sismember echo getset smove zadd zrem zscore zincrby append hexists hset hsetnx hget hmget hmset hdel);
sub new {
my($class, %args) = @_;
my $host = delete $args{host} || '';
my $port = delete $args{port} || 6379;
bless {
host => $host,
port => $port,
}, $class;
sub run_cmd {
my $self = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
$self->{cmd_cb} or return $self->connect($cmd, @_);
$self->{cmd_cb}->($cmd, @_);
sub DESTROY { }
my $self = shift;
(my $method = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
$self->run_cmd($method, @_);
sub all_cv {
my $self = shift;
$self->{all_cv} = shift if @_;
unless ($self->{all_cv}) {
$self->{all_cv} = AE::cv;
sub cleanup {
my $self = shift;
delete $self->{cmd_cb};
delete $self->{sock};
sub connect {
my $self = shift;
my $cv;
if (@_) {
$cv = AE::cv;
push @{$self->{connect_queue}}, [ $cv, @_ ];
return $cv if $self->{sock};
$self->{sock} = tcp_connect $self->{host}, $self->{port}, sub {
my $fh = shift
or die "Can't connect Redis server: $!";
my $hd = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
fh => $fh,
on_error => sub { $_[0]->destroy;
if ($_[1]) {
on_eof => sub { $_[0]->destroy;
$self->cleanup('connection closed');
$self->{cmd_cb} = sub {
my $command = shift;
my($cv, $cb);
if (@_) {
$cv = pop if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'AnyEvent::CondVar');
$cb = pop if ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE';
my $cv_send = sub {
my $cv = shift;
my($res, $err) = @_;
$err ? $cv->croak($res) : $cv->send($res);
my $send;
if ( defined $bulk_command{$command} ) {
my $value = pop;
$value = '' if ! defined $value;
$send = uc($command)
. ' '
. join(' ', @_)
. ' '
. length( $value )
. "\r\n$value\r\n";
} else {
$send = uc($command)
. ' '
. join(' ', @_)
. "\r\n";
warn $send if DEBUG;
$cv ||= AE::cv;
$cv->cb(sub {
my $cv = shift;
try {
my $res = $cv->recv;
} catch {
($self->{on_error} || sub { die @_ })->($_);
}) if $cb;
$hd->push_read(line => _decoder($send, $cv, $cv_send, $command));
return $cv;
for my $queue (@{$self->{connect_queue} || []}) {
my($cv, @args) = @$queue;
$self->{cmd_cb}->(@args, $cv);
return $cv;
sub _decoder {
my ($send, $cv, $cv_send, $command) = @_;
sub {
my($hd, $result) = @_;
warn "got line <$result> for command [$send]" if DEBUG;
my $type = substr $result, 0, 1;
$result =~ s/^.//;
if ( $type eq '-' ) {
$cv_send->($cv, $result, 1);
} elsif ( $type eq '+' ) {
$cv_send->($cv, $result);
} elsif ( $type eq '$' ) {
if ($result < 0) {
return $cv_send->($cv, undef);
$hd->unshift_read(chunk => $result + 2, sub {
my($hd, $chunk) = @_;
$chunk =~ s/\r\n$//;
warn "chunk <$chunk>" if DEBUG;
if ($command eq 'info') {
my %info = map { split /:/, $_, 2 } split /\r\n/, $chunk;
$cv_send->($cv, \%info);
} elsif ($command eq 'keys') {
my @keys = split /\s+/, $chunk;
$cv_send->($cv, \@keys);
} else {
$cv_send->($cv, $chunk);
} elsif ( $type eq '*' ) {
my $size = $result;
warn "size is $size" if DEBUG;
if ($result < 0) {
return $cv_send->($cv, undef);
} elsif ($result == 0) {
return $cv_send->($cv, []);
my @lines;
for (1..$size) {
$hd->unshift_read(line => _decoder
("recursion $_ of $send", undef,
sub { my (undef, $result) = @_;
push @lines, $result;
if (@lines >= $size) {
$cv_send->($cv, \@lines);
} elsif ( $type eq ':' ) {
$cv_send->($cv, $result);
} else {
$cv_send->($cv, "Unknown type $type", 1);
=encoding utf-8
=for stopwords
=head1 NAME
AnyEvent::Redis - Non-blocking Redis client
use AnyEvent::Redis;
my $redis = AnyEvent::Redis->new(
host => '',
port => 6379,
on_error => sub { warn @_ },
# callback based
$redis->set( 'foo'=> 'bar', sub { warn "SET!" } );
$redis->get( 'foo', sub { my $value = shift } );
my ($key, $value) = ('list_key', 123);
$redis->lpush( $key, $value );
$redis->lpop( $key, sub { my $value = shift });
# condvar based
my $cv = $redis->lpop( $key );
$cv->cb(sub { my $value = $_[0]->recv });
AnyEvent::Redis is a non-blocking Redis client using AnyEvent.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa E<lt>miyagawa@bulknews.netE<gt>
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Redis> L<AnyEvent>