use strict;
use Class::Tiny qw( snapshot cpanfile cpanfile_path repository_base collect_artifact );
sub tempdir {
my $self = shift;
$self->{tempdir} ||= $self->build_tempdir;
sub build_tempdir {
my %opts = ();
sub install {
my($self, @args) = @_;
my @cmd;
if ($self->cpanfile) {
my $path = Path::Tiny->tempfile;
@cmd = ("--cpanfile", $path, "--installdeps", ".");
} else {
@cmd = @args;
if ($self->snapshot) {
my $path = Path::Tiny->tempfile;
unshift @cmd,
"--mirror-index", $path,
local $ENV{PERL_CPANM_HOME} = $self->tempdir;
# FIXME: we could set the mirror option to $self->cpanfile in the caller
my $cpanfile = $self->cpanfile_path
or die "Can't locate 'cpanfile' to load module list.\n";
# one mirror for now
my $mirror = Module::CPANfile->load($cpanfile)->mirrors->[0];
# cleanup perl5 in case it was left from previous runs
my $lib = $self->repository_base->child('perl5');
$lib->remove_tree({ safe => 0 });
my $cli = Menlo::CLI::Compat->new;
($Carmel::DEBUG ? () : "--quiet"),
($mirror ? ("-M", $mirror) : ("--mirror", "")),
"--save-dists", $self->repository_base->child('cache'),
"-L", $lib,
my @artifacts;
for my $ent ($self->tempdir->child("latest-build")->children) {
next unless $ent->is_dir && $ent->child("blib/meta/install.json")->exists;
push @artifacts, $self->collect_artifact->($ent);
$lib->remove_tree({ safe => 0 });
return @artifacts;
sub search_module {
my($self, $module, $version) = @_;
local $ENV{PERL_CPANM_HOME} = $self->tempdir;
my $cpanfile = $self->cpanfile_path
or die "Can't locate 'cpanfile' to load module list.\n";
# one mirror for now
my $mirror = Module::CPANfile->load($cpanfile)->mirrors->[0];
require Carton::Dist;
my $cli = Menlo::CLI::Compat->new;
($Carmel::DEBUG ? () : "--quiet"),
($mirror ? ("-M", $mirror) : ()),
"--save-dists", $self->repository_base->child('cache'),
# This needs to be done to setup http backends for mirror #52
my $dist = $cli->search_module($module, $version);
if ($dist) {
return Carton::Dist->new(
name => $dist->{distvname},
pathname => $dist->{pathname},
provides => {
$dist->{module} => {
version => $dist->{module_version},
version => $dist->{version},
sub rollout {
my($self, $install_base, $artifacts) = @_;
for my $artifact (@$artifacts) {
my $dir = pushd $artifact->path;
my $paths = ExtUtils::InstallPaths->new(install_base => $install_base);
printf "Installing %s to %s\n", $artifact->distname, $install_base;
# ExtUtils::Install writes to STDOUT
open my $fh, ">", \my $output;
my $old; $old = select $fh unless $Carmel::DEBUG;
my %result;
from_to => $paths->install_map,
verbose => 0,
dry_run => 0,
uninstall_shadows => 0,
skip => undef,
always_copy => 1,
result => \%result,
select $old unless $Carmel::DEBUG;