Example Descriptions
NB: These examples will only work once the Perl module is installed
(see INSTALL for more information).
parsing/ - Examples using the ParaTools API
parsing/complexparser.pl - Shows some detailed metadata from a parsed reference
parsing/openurl.pl - Creates an OpenURL address from a parsed reference
parsing/openurl2.pl - Decomposes and trims OpenURL metadata then displays the result.
parsing/simpleparser.pl - Displays the basic metadata of a parsed reference
webservice - Examples using the WSDL web service. These require the SOAP::Lite Perl module.
webservice/make_html.pl - Creates a list of ParaCite links using the provided reference list.
webservice/make_openurl.pl - Generates an OpenURL via the web service.
webservice/parse_reference.pl - Extracts the metadata from a reference over the web service.
webservice/ref_search.pl - Searches the ParaCite engine on a reference and displays the results.
webservice/paracite.wsdl - The ParaCite WSDL document.
webservice/referencelist.txt - The reference list used by make_html.pl