#!/bin/env perl
unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
unshift @INC, '../lib' if -d '../lib';
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 7 }
{ # check 'use ...'
print "'use Biblio::Citation::Parser...' test(s)...\n";
eval "use Biblio::Citation::Parser 99.99";
ok($@ =~ /99\.99 required/);
# Check a simple ref
my $ref = "Jewell, M (2002) Making Examples for Reference Parsers. Journal of Example Writing 3:100-150.";
my $cit_parser = new Biblio::Citation::Parser::Standard;
my $metadata = $cit_parser->parse($ref);
ok(scalar keys %$metadata == 14);
ok($metadata->{pages} eq "100-150");
ok($metadata->{title} eq "Journal of Example Writing");
# Do a few OpenURL util checks
# Add a spurious key
$metadata->{foo} = "bar";
$metadata = trim_openurl($metadata);
($metadata,undef) = decompose_openurl($metadata);
ok($metadata->{spage} eq "100");
# Test the Jiao module
my $ref = "Jewell, M (2002) Making Examples for Reference Parsers. Journal of Example Writing 3:100-150.";
my $cit_parser = new Biblio::Citation::Parser::Jiao;
my $metadata = $cit_parser->parse($ref);
ok($metadata->{spage} eq "100");