# Biblio::Document::Parser::Brody;
# Reference Parser by Tim Brody <tdb01r@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
# This file is part of ParaCite Tools (http://paracite.eprints.org/developers/)
# Copyright (c) 2002 University of Southampton, UK. SO17 1BJ.
# ParaTools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ParaTools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ParaTools; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
=head1 NAME
Module that parses reference strings from a document. Relies on a reference section starting with a title "References", "Bibliography", or "Cited". Seperates references by prefixed number (e.g. "[1]" or "1.") or by year (e.g. "Smith, J (1992)").
use Biblio::Document::Parser::Brody;
my $parser = new Biblio::Document::Parser::Brody();
my @refs = $parser->parse(\*FILE_IO);
my @refs = $parser->parse($str);
=head1 METHODS
use strict;
use Carp;
# Set up the input/output appropriately
#use open IN => ':encoding(latin1)', OUT => ':utf8';
$MAX_SIZE = 1024*2000; # 2MB
$RE_BOR = qr/^[^a-z]*(?:references(?:\s+cited)?)|(?:bibliography)[^a-z]*$/i;
$RE_EOR = qr/^\s*(?:\d+\.?\s*)*(?:acknowledge?ment)|(?:footnote)|(?:appendix)|(?:abbreviation)|(?:glossary)|(?:figure)[^\n]{0,10}\s*$/i;
$RE_NAME_CHARS = qr/[a-zA-Z`'\-]/;
$RE_NAME_LIST_CHARS = qr/[a-zA-Z,\.;\(\)\-\s\&'`]/;
$RE_NAME = qr/(?:[a-zA-Z`'\-]{4,7}, *(?:[a-zA-Z]\. *)+)/;
=over 4
=item $p = Biblio::Document::Parser::Brody->new([-debug=>1])
Constructor method for class.
sub new {
my ($class,%args) = @_;
$DEBUG = $args{-debug};
return bless {}, $class;
=item @refs = $p->parse($str)
Parses a string $str and returns a list of unstructured reference strings.
sub parse {
my $self = shift @_;
my $arg = shift @_;
my $BIBL = '';
# UNIVERSAL::isa($arg,"IO::Handle") doesn't work?
if( ref($arg) ) {
read($arg,$BIBL,$MAX_SIZE) or croak "Error reading from file handle: $!\n";
} else {
$BIBL = join('',$arg,@_);
croak "No data to parse\n" unless length($BIBL);
$BIBL =~ s/\f/\n\n/sg;
while( $BIBL =~ /(?:\n[\r[:blank:]]*){2}([^\n]{0,40}\w+[^\n]{0,40})(?:\n[\r[:blank:]]*){3}/osg ) {
if( %HEADERS ) {
my @regexps = sort { $HEADERS{$b} <=> $HEADERS{$a} } keys %HEADERS;
my $regexp = $regexps[0];
if( $HEADERS{$regexp} > 3 ) {
my $c = $BIBL =~ s/(?:\n[\r[:blank:]]*){2}(?:$regexp)(?:\n[\r[:blank:]]*){3}/\n\n/sg;
warn "Applying regexp: $regexp ($HEADERS{$regexp} original matches) Removed $c header/footers using ($HEADERS{$regexp} original matches): $regexp\n" if $DEBUG;
} else {
warn "Not enough matching header/footers were found\n" if $DEBUG;
} else {
warn "No header/footers were found\n" if $DEBUG;
# Kill any bad chars
# local *lat2uni = convertor( 'latin1', 'utf8' );
# lat2uni(\$BIBL);
# if( $BIBL =~ /$RE_BOR/mi ) {
# $BIBL = $';
# } else {
# croak "FATAL: Unable to find reference section\n";
# }
my @REFS;
# Attempt to find the reference section
while( !@REFS && ($BIBL =~ /$RE_BOR/mi) && ($BIBL = $') ) {
my $c = 0;
# Count the number of occurences of [\d] over the next 2k of data or so
my $buffer = substr($BIBL, 0, 2048);
$c = 0;
while($buffer =~ m/^\s*\[\d+\]/mog) { last if ++$c == 5 }
if( $c >= 5 ) {
warn "Style = numbered square ([1])\n" if $DEBUG;
last if (@REFS = &style_numbered_square($BIBL));
# How about 1. notation
# $buffer = substr($BIBL, 0, 2046);
$c = 0;
while($buffer =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\./mog) { last if ++$c == 5 }
if( $c >= 5 ) {
warn "Style = numbered (1.)\n" if $DEBUG;
# $BIBL =~ s/^\s*(\d+)\./\[$1\]/mg;
last if (@REFS = &style_numbered($BIBL));
# Now we're getting desperate - hopefully its a name list followed by year
# $buffer = substr($BIBL, 0, 2048);
$c = 0;
while($buffer =~ m/^$RE_NAME_LIST_CHARS{10,40}[^\d\-]19|20\d{2}[^\d\-]/mog) { last if ++$c == 5 }
if( $c >= 5 ) {
warn "Style = years\n" if $DEBUG;
last if (@REFS = &style_years($BIBL));
# if( @REFS ) {
# last;
# } elsif( $BIBL =~ /$RE_BOR/mi ) {
# warn "Skipping section ...\n" if $DEBUG;
# $BIBL = $';
# } else {
# last;
# }
for( my $i = 0; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
my $ref = $REFS[$i] or next;
# $REFS[$i] = "[" . ($i+1) . "] " . unicode_string($ref);
$REFS[$i] = "[" . ($i+1) . "] " . $ref;
return grep { defined($_) && length($_) } @REFS;
#my ($BIBL, $buffer);
#$BIBL = '';
#my $lc = 0;
#die "FATAL: Input has gone beyond $MAX_SIZE byte limit" if read(STDIN,$BIBL,$MAX_SIZE) == $MAX_SIZE;
#die "Empty input" unless length($BIBL);
#while( read(STDIN,$buffer,4096) ) {
# $BIBL .= $buffer;
# die "FATAL: Input has gone beyond $MAX_SIZE bytes limit" if length($BIBL) > $MAX_SIZE;
#while( <> ) {
# s/\f/\n\n/sg;
# $BIBL = $_ . $BIBL;
# die "FATAL: Input has gone beyond $MAX_SIZE bytes limit" if length($BIBL) > $MAX_SIZE;
# if( $_ =~ /^(?:\n\s*){3}/ ) {
# # Regexp matches for the end of the string are *really* bad performance
# # Lines are in reverse order!
# if( $BIBL =~ /^(?:\n\s*){3}([^\n]{0,40}\w+[^\n]{0,40})(?:\n\s*){2}/os ) {
# $HEADERS{header_to_regexp($1)}++;
# }
# }
# Put the lines back in-order
#my @lines = split(/\n/,$BIBL);
#$BIBL = '';
#for(@lines) {
# $BIBL = $_ . "\n" . $BIBL;
# Read in the document
#while( read(STDIN,$buffer,4096) ) {
# if( length($BIBL) > $MAX_SIZE ) {
# die "FATAL: Input has gone beyond $MAX_SIZE Bytes limit\n";
# }
# $BIBL .= $buffer;
#print "Ref section:\n", $BIBL;
# Change to utf8
#use utf8;
sub end_of_references {
my $ref = shift;
if( $$ref =~ /${RE_EOR}/im ||
$$ref =~ /^\s*acknowledgements:/im ) {
$$ref = $`;
return 1;
if( $$ref =~ /(?:\s*\n){3,}/s ) {
$$ref = $`;
return 1;
if( length($$ref) > 1024 ) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub style_numbered {
my @REFS = split(/^\s*(\d+\.)/m, shift);
shift @REFS while (@REFS && ($REFS[0] !~ /^\d+\./ || substr($REFS[0],0,-1) != 1));
my $i = 2;
while( $i < @REFS ) {
if( $REFS[$i] =~ /^\d+\./ ) {
my $val = substr($REFS[$i],0,-1);
if( $val != ($i/2)+1 ) {
$REFS[$i-1] .= splice(@REFS,$i,1);
} else {
} else {
$REFS[$i-1] .= splice(@REFS,$i,1);
if( end_of_references(\$REFS[$i-1]) ) {
for( my $i = 0; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
$REFS[$i] .= splice(@REFS,$i+1,1);
$REFS[$i] =~ s/\s+/ /sg;
$REFS[$i] =~ s/^\s+//;
$REFS[$i] =~ s/\s+$//;
sub style_numbered_square {
my $BIBL = shift;
# Split the bibliography
$BIBL =~ /(?=\[\d+\])/;
my @REFS = split(/^\s*\[(\d+)\]/m, $') or return ();
shift @REFS unless $REFS[0];
# Make sure there is a "value" to go with a reference number
# for( my $i = 0; $i < @REFS; $i+=2 ) {
# if( $REFS[$i+1] =~ /\[\d+\]/ ) {
# splice(@REFS,$i+1,0,'');
# }
# }
# If there is a large reference its probably the end of the bibliography
for( my $i = 10; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
if( length($REFS[$i]) > 1024 ) {
splice(@REFS, $i+1);
$REFS[$i] = substr($REFS[$i],0,1024) . " RUNAWAY_REFERENCE_DETECTED ";
# Add any out-of-order chunks to the previous reference value
my $last = 0;
my $max = 0;
for( my $i = 0; $i < @REFS; $i+=2 ) {
my $n = $REFS[$i];
# $n =~ s/\D//g;
$max = $n if $n > $max;
if( $n == $last+1 ) {
} else {
# Join this out-of-order chunk onto the previous ref.
$REFS[$i-1] .= splice(@REFS,$i,2);
# Remove any trailing garbage
splice(@REFS, $last*2, -1);
# Presumably there is a gap between the last reference and any trailing junk
$REFS[$#REFS] =~ s/(\r?\n){2}.*//s;
# Prettify the references
for( my $i = 1; $i < @REFS; $i+=2 ) {
$REFS[$i] =~ s/[\r\n]+/ /sg;
$REFS[$i] =~ s/^\s+//sg;
$REFS[$i] =~ s/\s+$//sg;
# Get rid of the numbering
for( my $i = 0; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
# $REFS[$i] = $REFS[$i+1];
return @REFS;
sub style_years {
my $BIBL = shift;
$BIBL =~ s/^\s+//sg;
# Convert very long lines of spaces into a return
$BIBL =~ s/ {70} */\n/sg;
my @REFS;
# Lets try splitting on a blank line
@REFS = split(/((?:\s*\n){2})/, $BIBL);
shift @REFS while (@REFS && $REFS[0] !~ /^$RE_NAME_LIST_CHARS+\d{4}\D/);
# That didn't work, lets split on left-aligned things (where the next line(s) are blank or indented)
if( !@REFS || length($REFS[0]) > 300 ) {
@REFS = split(/\n[ ]{0,2}((?:(?:\S$RE_NAME_LIST_CHARS{10,})|$RE_NAME[^\d\-])\d{4}[^\d\-][^\n]+)/, $BIBL);
shift @REFS while (@REFS && $REFS[0] !~ /^$RE_NAME_LIST_CHARS{10,}\d{4}\D/s);
#return @REFS;
for( my $i = 1; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
if( end_of_references(\$REFS[$i]) ) {
# Indented
} elsif( $REFS[$i] =~ /^\s* {5}|\t/m ) {
$REFS[$i-1] .= splice(@REFS,$i,1);
} else {
for( my $i = 1; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
if( end_of_references(\$REFS[$i]) ) {
# If we find what looks like the end of the reference section, discard the trailing rubbish
# for( my $i = 0; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
# if( end_of_references(\$REFS[$i]) ) {
# splice(@REFS,$i+1);
# } elsif( $BIBL =~ /(\r?\n){3}/s ) {
# $REFS[$i] = $`;
# splice(@REFS,$i+1);
# }
# }
unless( @REFS ) {
warn "Unable to split year-based references\n";
return ();
# Remove heavily indented lines following a blank line
for( my $i = 1; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
if( $REFS[$i-1] !~ /\S/ && $REFS[$i] =~ /^\s{40}/ ) {
# Join refs with the previous reference if they are very short or are quite short and don't start with ...(year)
for( my $i = 1; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
my $l = $REFS[$i];
$l =~ s/\s+//sg;
if( (length($l) < 30) ||
(length($l) < 50 && $REFS[$i] !~ /^$RE_NAME_LIST_CHARS{10,40}[^\d\-](\d{4})[^\d\-]/s) ) {
$REFS[$i-1] .= $REFS[$i];
# If we find 3 sequential references without years near the beginning we probably have trailing garbage
my $lc = 0;
for( my $i = 10; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
if( $REFS[$i] =~ /^\D{10,50}19|20\d{2}/s ) {
$lc = 0;
} else {
if( $lc == 3 ) {
# Remove lines without any numbers that are quite long (excluding spaces)
for( my $i = 0; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
my $l = $REFS[$i];
$l =~ s/\s+//sg;
if( length($l) > 100 && $REFS[$i] !~ /\d/ ) {
# Prettify
map { $_ =~ s/\s+/ /sg; $_ =~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/\s+$//s; } @REFS;
# This doesn't work - names are too icky
# Now go back in and split anything that looks like name, x (year)
# for( my $i = 0; $i < @REFS; $i++ ) {
# my @srefs = grep { $_ =~ /\S/ } split(/((?:[a-zA-Z\-\'\.]+\s*,\s*[a-zA-Z\.]+.{0,7})+\d{4}\b)/, $REFS[$i]);
# next unless @srefs > 2;
#print "Split reference:\n",
# (map { "PART: \"$_\"\n" } @srefs), "\n";
# }
return @REFS;
sub header_to_regexp {
my $header = shift;
$header =~ s/([\\\|\(\)\[\]\.\*\+\?\{\}])/\\$1/g;
$header =~ s/\s+/\\s+/g;
$header =~ s/\d+/\\d+/g;
return $header;
return q/(?:\n\s*){3}(/.$header.q/)(?:\n\s*){2}/;
#sub unicode_string {
# $_ = shift();
# s/[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f]//sg;
# s/([\x80-\xff])/sprintf("&#x%04x;",ord($1))/seg;
# return $_;
=head1 AUTHOR
Written by Tim Brody <tdb01r@ecs.soton.ac.uk>