use Moose;
use RPC::XML qw(smart_encode);
extends 'RPC::Any::Server';
has parser => (is => 'rw', isa => 'JSON::RPC::Common::Marshal::Text',
lazy_build => 1);
has _last_call => (is => 'rw', isa => 'JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Call',
clearer => '_clear_last_call');
has default_version => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => '2.0');
has '+package_base' => (default => 'RPC::Any::Package::JSONRPC');
before 'get_input' => sub {
my $self = shift;
sub decode_input_to_object {
my ($self, $input) = @_;
if (!defined $input or $input eq '') {
$self->exception("ParseError", "You did not supply any JSON to parse.");
$self->parser->json->utf8(utf8::is_utf8($input) ? 0 : 1);
my $request = eval { $self->parser->json_to_call($input) };
if ($@) {
$self->exception('ParseError', "Error while parsing JSON request: $@");
return $request;
sub input_object_to_data {
my ($self, $input_object) = @_;
my $params = $input_object->params;
if (ref $params ne 'ARRAY') {
$params = [$params];
return { method => $input_object->method,
arguments => $params };
sub output_data_to_object {
my ($self, $method_result) = @_;
my $json_return = $self->_last_call->return_result($method_result);
return $json_return;
sub encode_output_from_object {
my ($self, $output_object) = @_;
return $self->parser->return_to_json($output_object);
sub encode_output_from_exception {
my ($self, $exception) = @_;
my %error_params = (
message => $exception->message,
code => $exception->code,
my $json_error;
if ($self->_last_call) {
$json_error = $self->_last_call->return_error(%error_params);
# Default to default_version. This happens when we throw an exception
# before inbound parsing is complete.
else {
$json_error = $self->_default_error(%error_params);
return $self->encode_output_from_object($json_error);
sub _default_error {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $version = $self->default_version;
$version =~ s/\./_/g;
my $error_class = "JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Return::Version_${version}::Error";
my $error = $error_class->new(%params);
my $return_class = "JSON::RPC::Common::Procedure::Return::Version_$version";
return $return_class->new(error => $error);
sub _build_parser {
return JSON::RPC::Common::Marshal::Text->new();
=head1 NAME
RPC::Any::Server::JSONRPC - A basic JSON-RPC server
use RPC::Any::Server::JSONRPC;
# Create a server where calling will call My::Module->bar.
my $server = RPC::Any::Server::JSONRPC->new(
dispatch => { 'Foo' => 'My::Module' },
default_version => '2.0',
# Read JSON from STDIN and print JSON to STDOUT.
print $server->handle_input();
This is a server that implements the various
It supports JSON-RPC 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0. It uses L<JSON::RPC::Common>
as its backend for parsing input and producing output, and so
it supports everything that that module supports.
This is a basic server that just takes JSON as input to C<handle_input>,
and produces JSON as the output from C<handle_input>. It doesn't understand
HTTP headers or anything like that, and it doesn't produce HTTP headers. For
that, see L<RPC::Any::Server::JSONRPC::HTTP> or
See L<RPC::Any::Server> for a basic description of how servers
work in RPC::Any.
These are additional attributes beyond what is specified in
L<RPC::Any::Server> that are available for a JSON-RPC server.
These can all be specified during C<new> or set like
C<< $server->method($value) >>. They are all optional.
=item C<default_version>
This is a string specifying the version to use for error messages
in situations where the server doesn't know the JSON-RPC version
of the incoming message. (This happens when there is an error
parsing the JSON-RPC input--we haven't parsed the input, so we
don't know what JSON-RPC version is in use.) This defaults to
C<2.0> if not specified.
=item C<parser>
This is a L<JSON::RPC::Common::Marshal::Text> instance that is
used to parse incoming JSON and produce output JSON.