use strict;
$Net::RRP::Request::VERSION = (split " ", '# $Id:,v 1.4 2000/09/11 15:34:14 mkul Exp $ ')[3];
=head1 NAME
Net::RRP::Request - rrp request abstraction class
use Net::RRP::Request;
my $request = new Net::RRP::Request;
This is a base class for all Request::* classes.
=head2 new
The constructor. You can pass entity && options attributes to this method. Example:
my $request = new Net::RRP::Request ( entity => new Net::RRP::Entity ( .... ),
options => { key => 'value' } );
my $request1 = new Net::RRP::Request ( );
sub new
my ( $class, %params ) = @_;
bless { %params }, $class;
=head2 getName
Return a *real* name of this request. You must overwrite this method at child class. Example:
my $requestName = $request->getName();
print STDERR "EntityName is $requestName\n";
sub getName
die "Must be implemented at child class";
=head2 setEntity
Setup the rrp entity for this request. Example:
$request->setEntity ( new Net::RRP::Entity ( ... ) );
sub setEntity
my ( $this, $entity ) = @_;
my $old = $this->{entity};
$this->{entity} = $entity;
=head2 getEntity
Return a entity of this request. Example:
my $entity = $request->getEntity();
Can throw Net::RRP::Exception::MissingRequiredEntity exception
sub getEntity
my $this = shift;
$this->{entity} || throw Net::RRP::Exception::MissingRequiredEntity();
=head2 getOption
Return a request option by $optionName. Example:
print $request->getOption ( $optionName );
print $request->getOption ( 'ttt' ); # no '-' here
Can throw Net::RRP::Exception::MissingCommandOption() exception.
sub getOption
my ( $this, $optionName ) = @_;
$this->{options}->{ lc ( $optionName ) } || throw Net::RRP::Exception::MissingCommandOption();
=head2 setOption
Set $optionName rrp request option to the $optionValue. Example:
$request->setOption ( $optionName => $optionValue );
$request->setOption ( tt => 'qq' );
sub setOption
my ( $this, $optionName, $optionValue ) = @_;
$optionName = lc ( $optionName );
my $old = $this->{options}->{$optionName};
$this->{options}->{$optionName} = $optionValue;
=head2 getOptions
Return a hash ref to the request options. Example:
my $options = $request->gtOptions();
map { print "$_ = " . $options->{$_} } keys %$options;
sub getOptions
my $this = shift;
=head2 isSuccessResponse
Return a true if response is successfull.
my $protocol = new Net::RRP::Protocol ( .... );
my $request = new Net::RRP::Request::Add ( .... );
$protocol->sendRequest ( $request );
my $response = $protocol->getResponse ();
die "error" unless $request->isSuccessResponse ( $response );
sub isSuccessResponse
my ( $this, $response ) = @_;
return 0 unless $response;
return { 200 => 1, 220 => 1 }->{ $response->getCode() };
Net::RRP::Request (C) Michael Kulakov, Zenon N.S.P. 2000
125124, 19, 1-st Jamskogo polja st,
Moscow, Russian Federation
All rights reserved.
You may distribute this package under the terms of either the GNU
General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the
Perl README file.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Net::RRP::Entity(3)>, L<Net::RRP::Response(3)>, L<Net::RRP::Codec(3)>, RFC 2832,
L<Net::RRP::Exception::MissingCommandOption(3)>, L<Net::RRP::Exception::MissingRequiredEntity(3)>