The TrueType Font Files in this package are from the Bitstream Vera family.
The complete family comprises:
Bitstream Vera Sans - Vera.ttf
Bitstream Vera Sans Bold - VeraBd.ttf
Bitstream Vera Sans Italic - VeraIt.ttf
Bitstream Vera Sans Bold Italic - VeraBI.ttf
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono - VeraMono.ttf
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Bold - VeraMoBd.ttf
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Italic - VeraMoIt.ttf
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Bold Italic - VeraMoBI.ttf
Bitstream Vera Serif - VeraSe.ttf
Bitstream Vera Serif Bold - VeraSeBd.ttf
I am distributing these fonts unmodified and free of charge from CPAN in accordance with the Bitstream copyright agreement. Full copyright information can be found in the COPYRIGHT.TXT file (as well as being incoporated into the fonts themselves).
The releases notes are to be found in the file RELEASENOTES.TXT.
Martin Kutter