my $get_border_radius_value = qr{
(?'h1' $individual_border_radius_value )
(?: \s+ (?'h2' $individual_border_radius_value ) )?
(?: \s+ (?'h3' $individual_border_radius_value ) )?
(?: \s+ (?'h4' $individual_border_radius_value ) )?
\s* / \s*
(?'v1' $individual_border_radius_value )
(?: \s+ (?'v2' $individual_border_radius_value ) )?
(?: \s+ (?'v3' $individual_border_radius_value ) )?
(?: \s+ (?'v4' $individual_border_radius_value ) )?
sub expand {
my $self = shift;
my $property = shift;
my $value = shift;
# individual directions
foreach my $corner ( @standard_corners ) {
if ( "-cp-border-${corner}-radius" eq $property ) {
return expand_vendor_properties( $corner, $value );
if ( '-cp-border-radius' eq $property ) {
if ( $value =~ m{^ $get_border_radius_value $}x ) {
my %match = %+;
my @matches;
map { push @matches, $match{$_} if defined $match{$_} }
qw( h1 h2 h3 h4 );
my @horizontal = expand_corner_values( @matches );
undef @matches;
map { push @matches, $match{$_} if defined $match{$_} }
qw( v1 v2 v3 v4 );
my @vertical = expand_corner_values( @matches );
my @return;
foreach my $corner ( @standard_corners ) {
my $value = shift( @horizontal )
. ( defined $vertical[0]
? ' ' . shift( @vertical )
: ''
my $values = expand_vendor_properties( $corner, $value );
push @return, @$values;
return \@return;
sub output {
my $self = shift;
my $block = shift;
my @output;
# do this for "-moz-border-radius"
my @radii;
foreach my $corner ( @standard_corners ) {
my $moz_corner = $corner;
$moz_corner =~ s{-}{};
my $key = "-moz-border-radius-${moz_corner}";
my $value = $block->{ $key };
push @radii,
sprintf $self->output_format, "${key}:", $value
if defined $value;
if ( 4 == scalar @radii ) {
my( $h_array, $v_array ) = get_corner_values( $block, 'moz' );
my $horizontal = collapse_corner_values( @$h_array );
my $vertical = collapse_corner_values( @$v_array );
my $value = $horizontal . ( $vertical ? " / ${vertical}" : '' );
push @output,
sprintf $self->output_format, "-moz-border-radius:", $value;
else {
push @output, @radii;
# do this for "-webkit-border-radius"
undef @radii;
foreach my $corner ( @standard_corners ) {
my $key = "-webkit-border-${corner}-radius";
my $value = $block->{ $key };
push @radii,
sprintf $self->output_format, "${key}:", $value
if defined $value;
if ( 4 == scalar @radii ) {
my( $h_array, $v_array ) = get_corner_values( $block, 'webkit' );
my $horizontal = collapse_corner_values( @$h_array );
my $vertical = collapse_corner_values( @$v_array );
my $value = $horizontal . ( $vertical ? " / ${vertical}" : '' );
push @output,
sprintf $self->output_format, "-webkit-border-radius:", $value;
else {
push @output, @radii;
# remove the vendor prefixes from $block, or
# they will reoccur thanks to
foreach my $corner ( @standard_corners ) {
my $moz_corner = $corner;
$moz_corner =~ s{-}{};
delete $block->{"-moz-border-radius-${moz_corner}"};
delete $block->{"-webkit-border-${corner}-radius"};
return @output;
sub parse {}
sub expand_vendor_properties {
my $corner = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $moz_corner = $corner;
$moz_corner =~ s{-}{};
return [
property => "-webkit-border-${corner}-radius",
value => $value,
property => "-moz-border-radius-${moz_corner}",
value => $value,
property => "border-${corner}-radius",
value => $value,
=head1 -cp-border-radius
The meta-properties C<-cp-border-radius>, C<-cp-border-top-left-radius>,
C<-cp-border-top-right-radius>, C<-cp-border-bottom-right-radius> and
C<-cp-border-bottom-left-radius> will be expanded to the appropriate
declarations for the three properties C<border-radius>, C<-moz-border-radius>
and C<-webkit-border-radius>. For example, an input of:
#masthead { -cp-border-top-left-radius: 5px 2px; }
will be output as:
#masthead {
border-top-left-radius: 5px 2px;
-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px 2px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 5px 2px;