#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
test Net::Graylog::Client
=head1 AUTHOR
kevin mulholland, moodfarm@cpan.org
use v5.10;
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 4;
BEGIN { use_ok('Net::Graylog::Client'); }
# as most people will not have a graylog server to hand, there is not
# much we can test, except that the module compiles and has some of
# the expected methods, esp those that autoload
my $graylog = Net::Graylog::Client->new( url => 'http://localhost:1/gelf' );
isa_ok( $graylog, 'Net::Graylog::Client' );
# all of the levels should autoload
my @levels = Net::Graylog::Client::valid_levels();
my $lvls = 0 ;
foreach my $method ( @levels) {
eval {
$graylog->$method( message => 'message') ;
$lvls++ ; # if this was OK
} ;
ok( $lvls == scalar( @levels), 'All autoload methods ok ' . $lvls . " vs " . scalar( @levels)) ;
# we should get a 500 code if we connect to an invalid url
my ( $status, $code ) = $graylog->send( message => 'message' );
ok( $code == 500, 'Failed to connect to server (as expected)')
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# completed all the tests