use strict;
BEGIN { plan tests => 82 }
my $m = new Math::Expression::Evaluator;
ok($m, "new works");
sub e {
return $m->parse(shift)->val();
sub o {
return $m->parse(shift)->optimize->val();
sub c {
return &{$m->parse(shift)->compiled}();
my @tests = (
['1+2*3', 7, '* over +'],
['1+2*-3', -5, '*-3'],
['1+3%2', 2, '% over +'],
['1-2*3', -5, '* over -'],
['1+4/2', 3, '/ over +'],
['1-4/2', -1, '/ over -'],
['3*2^4', 48, '^ over *'],
['4*2^-2', 1, '^ with negative number'],
['3-2^4', -13, '^ over -'],
['3+2^4', 19, '^ over +'],
['16/2^3', 2, '^ over /'],
['16%3^2', 7, '^ over %'],
['2 * 2 **4', 32, 'power ** tighter than multiplication'],
['2*3%5', 1, '* and % evaluate left to right 1'],
['3%5*2', 6, '* and % evaluate left to right 2'],
['12/2%5', 1, '/ and % evaluate left to right 1'],
['4%5/2', 2, '/ and % evaluate left to right 2'],
['2*3%4/2', 1, '*, / and % eval left to right 1'],
['6%4/2*3', 3, '*, / and % eval left to right 2'],
['6/2%2', 1, '*, / and % eval left to right 3'],
['16%9%5', 2, '% is left assoc'],
['(1)', 1, 'Parenthesis 0'],
['(1+2)*3', 9, 'Parenthesis 1'],
['(1-2)*3', -3, 'Parenthesis 2'],
['(1+2)^2', 9, 'Parenthesis 3'],
['(2)^(1+2)', 8, 'Parenthesis 4'],
['((1))', 1, 'Double Parenthesis'],
for (@tests){
is e($_->[0]), $_->[1], $_->[2];
is o($_->[0]), $_->[1], $_->[2] . ' [optimized]';
is c($_->[0]), $_->[1], $_->[2] . ' [compiled]';
# vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab