use strict;
BEGIN { plan tests => 13 }
my $m = new Math::Expression::Evaluator;
ok($m, "new works");
sub e {
return $m->parse(shift)->val();
sub c {
return &{$m->parse(shift)->compiled}();
$m->set_function('abs', sub { abs($_[0]) });
is e('abs(-10.6)'), 10.6, 'Can define user function (1)';
is c('abs(-10.6)'), 10.6, 'Can define user function (1, compiled)';
is e('abs(-2)'), 2, 'Can define user function (2)';
is c('abs(-2)'), 2, 'can define user function (2, compiled)';
$m->set_function('round', sub { int($_[0] + .5) });
is e('round(10.1)'), 10, 'round(10.1)';
is e('round(0.9)'), 1, 'round(0.9)';
is c('round(10.1)'), 10, 'round(10.1) - compiled';
is c('round(0.9)'), 1, 'round(0.9) - compiled';
# test overriding of existing functions
$m->set_function('sin', sub { 42 });
is e('sin(4)'), 42, 'can override built-in functions';
is c('sin(4)'), 42, 'can override built-in functions (compiled)';
my $compiled = $m->compiled();
$m->set_function('sin', sub { -23 });
is $compiled->(), 42,
'compiling first and then resetting user function leaves compiled code unchanged';
$m->set_function('f', sub { 42 });
$compiled = $m->parse('f()')->compiled;
$m->set_function('f', sub { -23 });
is $compiled->(), 42, 'same for non-builtin function';
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