use strict;
use Test::Requires qw(Test::TCP Proc::Guard);
use ZMQ::Constants ':all';
#use Data::Dumper;
sub start_proxy {
my @ports = map { Test::TCP::empty_port() } 1..3;
my $proc = Proc::Guard->new(code => sub {
my $in_addr = sprintf 'tcp://', $ports[0];
my $out_addr = sprintf 'tcp://', $ports[1];
my $cap_addr = sprintf 'tcp://', $ports[2];
my $ctx = zmq_init(1);
my $sub_in = zmq_socket($ctx, ZMQ_SUB);
my $pub_out = zmq_socket($ctx, ZMQ_PUB);
my $cap_out = zmq_socket($ctx, ZMQ_PUB);
zmq_setsockopt($sub_in, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, '');
zmq_bind($sub_in, $in_addr);
zmq_bind($pub_out, $out_addr);
zmq_bind($cap_out, $cap_addr);
note "Starting proxy.. IN -> $in_addr, OUT -> $out_addr, CAP -> $cap_addr";
zmq_proxy($sub_in, $pub_out, $cap_out);
diag "Proxy process exiting";
# Wait till the proxy is up
Test::TCP::wait_port($_) for @ports;
return ($proc, @ports);
sub start_publisher {
my ($port, $messages) = @_;
my $proc = Proc::Guard->new(code => sub {
note "Sleeping for 3 seconds to give the main process to set up things";
sleep 3;
my $ctx = zmq_init();
my $sock = zmq_socket($ctx, ZMQ_PUB);
my $endpoint = sprintf "tcp://", $port;
note "Publisher: connect to $endpoint";
if (zmq_connect($sock, $endpoint) != 0) {
die "Failed to connect to $endpoint: $!";
note "Sleeping for 1 seconds to give time for the zmq_connect() to, you know, connect...";
sleep 1;
foreach my $topic (keys %$messages) {
my @messages = @{$messages->{$topic}};
unshift @messages, $topic;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @messages; $i++) {
my @args = ($messages[$i]);
if ($i < $#messages) {
push @args, ZMQ_SNDMORE;
note "Sending '@args'...";
if (zmq_sendmsg($sock, @args) != length($messages[$i])) {
die "Failed to send message: $!";
return $proc;
sub start_capturer {
my $port = shift;
return Proc::Guard->new(code => sub {
my $ctx = zmq_init();
my $sock = zmq_socket($ctx, ZMQ_SUB);
my $endpoint = sprintf "tcp://", $port;
note "Capturer: connect to $endpoint";
zmq_setsockopt($sock, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, '');
zmq_connect($sock, $endpoint);
while (1) {
my $msg = zmq_recvmsg($sock);
next unless $msg;
note "Capture: Received " . zmq_msg_data($msg);
my %messages = (
hello_world => [ "This is a simple Hello, World!", "Hope you had a nice day" ],
random_string => [ map { rand(10000000) } 1..10 ],
ordered_ints => [ 1..100 ],
my ($proxy_proc, $in_port, $out_port, $cap_port) = start_proxy();
my $publisher_proc = start_publisher($in_port, \%messages);
my $cap_proc = start_capturer($cap_port);
# The main process is the subscriber
my $ctx = zmq_init();
my $sock = zmq_socket($ctx, ZMQ_SUB);
my $endpoint = sprintf "tcp://", $out_port;
note "Subscriber: connect to $endpoint";
zmq_setsockopt($sock, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, '');
zmq_connect($sock, $endpoint);
my $timeout = time() + 20;
my $loop = 1;
while ($loop && $timeout > time()) {
my $msg = zmq_recvmsg($sock, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
if (! $msg) {
note "no message received...";
select(undef, undef, undef, rand());
my $topic;
my $fragments;
while ($msg) {
note "Received message...";
my $data = zmq_msg_data($msg);
if (! $topic) {
$topic = $data;
note "Received topic $topic";
if (! ok ($fragments = delete $messages{$topic})) {
diag "Could not find messages for topic $topic!";
} else {
my $expect = shift @$fragments;
is $data, $expect, "Got expected message for topic $topic";
if (zmq_getsockopt($sock, ZMQ_RCVMORE)) {
note "RCVMORE = true, try zmq_recvmsg again";
$msg = zmq_recvmsg($sock);
} else {
note "We're done reading messages for topic $topic";
undef $msg;
if (scalar keys %messages <= 0) {
$loop = 0;
note "new iteration!";
ok scalar keys %messages == 0, "Exhausted messages";