use strict;
use List::Util qw/any/;
use constant {
DESC => 'Package variable declared or used',
EXPL => [73, 75],
sub evaluate {
my ($class, $file, $tokens, $src, $args) = @_;
my @allowed_packages = qw/Data::Dumper File::Find FindBin Log::Log4perl/;
if (my $this_policies_arg = $args->{prohibit_package_vars}) {
if (my $add_packages = $this_policies_arg->{add_packages}) {
push @allowed_packages, split /\s+/, $add_packages;
my @violations;
for (my $i = 0, my $token_type, my $token_data; my $token = $tokens->[$i]; $i++) {
$token_type = $token->{type};
$token_data = $token->{data};
if ($token_type == OUR_DECL) {
$token = $tokens->[++$i];
$token_type = $token->{type};
if ($token_type == LEFT_PAREN) {
my $violation;
my $left_paren_num = 1;
for ($i++; $token = $tokens->[$i]; $i++) {
$token_type = $token->{type};
if ($token_type == LEFT_PAREN) {
elsif ($token_type == RIGHT_PAREN) {
if (--$left_paren_num <= 0) {
if ($violation) {
push @violations, $violation;
undef $violation;
elsif (
$token_type == GLOBAL_VAR ||
$token_type == GLOBAL_ARRAY_VAR ||
$token_type == GLOBAL_HASH_VAR ||
$token_type == VAR ||
$token_type == ARRAY_VAR ||
$token_type == HASH_VAR
) {
if ($token->{data} !~ /\A.[A-Z0-9_]+\Z/) {
$violation ||= +{
filename => $file,
line => $token->{line},
description => DESC,
explanation => EXPL,
policy => __PACKAGE__,
elsif (
$token_type == GLOBAL_VAR ||
$token_type == GLOBAL_ARRAY_VAR ||
$token_type == GLOBAL_HASH_VAR ||
$token_type == VAR ||
$token_type == ARRAY_VAR ||
$token_type == HASH_VAR
) {
if ($token->{data} !~ /\A.[A-Z0-9_]+\Z/) {
push @violations, {
filename => $file,
line => $token->{line},
description => DESC,
explanation => EXPL,
policy => __PACKAGE__,
elsif ($token_type == LOCAL_DECL) {
$token = $tokens->[++$i];
$token_type = $token->{type};
if ($token_type == LEFT_PAREN) {
my $violation;
my $left_paren_num = 1;
my $does_exist_namespace_resolver = 0;
my @namespaces;
my @packages;
my @var_names;
for ($i++; $token = $tokens->[$i]; $i++) {
$token_type = $token->{type};
if ($token_type == LEFT_PAREN) {
elsif ($token_type == RIGHT_PAREN) {
push @var_names, pop @namespaces;
push @packages, join '::', @namespaces;
if (--$left_paren_num <= 0) {
@namespaces = ();
elsif ($token_type == COMMA) {
push @var_names, pop @namespaces;
push @packages, join '::', @namespaces;
@namespaces = ();
elsif ($token_type == NAMESPACE_RESOLVER) {
$does_exist_namespace_resolver = 1;
else {
push @namespaces, $token->{data};
if ($does_exist_namespace_resolver) {
$token = $tokens->[++$i];
if ($token->{type} == ASSIGN) {
my $is_violated = 0;
for my $package (@packages) {
if (!any {$package =~ /\A[\$\@\%]$_/} @allowed_packages) {
$is_violated = 1;
# TODO check @var_names ?
if ($is_violated) {
push @violations, {
filename => $file,
line => $token->{line},
description => DESC,
explanation => EXPL,
policy => __PACKAGE__,
else {
my $does_exist_namespace_resolver = 0;
my $is_assigned = 0;
my @namespaces = ($token->{data});
for ($i++; $token = $tokens->[$i]; $i++) {
$token_type = $token->{type};
$token_data = $token->{data};
if ($token_type == NAMESPACE) {
push @namespaces, $token_data;
elsif ($token_type == NAMESPACE_RESOLVER) {
$does_exist_namespace_resolver = 1;
elsif ($token_type == ASSIGN) {
$is_assigned = 1;
elsif ($token_type == SEMI_COLON) {
if ($does_exist_namespace_resolver && $is_assigned) {
pop @namespaces; # throw variable name away
my $package_name = join '::', @namespaces;
if (any {$package_name =~ /\A[\$\@\%]$_/} @allowed_packages) {
# TODO check the var name
push @violations, {
filename => $file,
line => $token->{line},
description => DESC,
explanation => EXPL,
policy => __PACKAGE__,
elsif (
$token_type == GLOBAL_VAR ||
$token_type == GLOBAL_ARRAY_VAR ||
$token_type == GLOBAL_HASH_VAR ||
$token_type == VAR ||
$token_type == ARRAY_VAR ||
$token_type == HASH_VAR
) {
my @namespaces = ($token->{data});
my $does_exist_namespace_resolver = $tokens->[$i+1]->{type} == NAMESPACE_RESOLVER ? 1 : 0;
for ($i++; $token = $tokens->[$i]; $i++) {
$token_type = $token->{type};
if ($token_type == ASSIGN || $token_type == SEMI_COLON) {
elsif ($token_type == NAMESPACE) {
push @namespaces, $token->{data};
if ($does_exist_namespace_resolver) {
my $var_name = pop @namespaces;
my $package_name = join '::', @namespaces;
if (any {$package_name =~ /\A[\$\@\%]$_/} @allowed_packages) {
if ($var_name !~ /\A.[A-Z0-9_]+\Z/) {
push @violations, {
filename => $file,
line => $token->{line},
description => DESC,
explanation => EXPL,
policy => __PACKAGE__,
elsif ($token_type == SPECIFIC_VALUE && $token_data eq '$:') {
$token = $tokens->[++$i];
my $does_exist_namespace_resolver = $token->{type} == COLON ? 1 : 0;
my $var_token;
for ($i++; $token = $tokens->[$i]; $i++) {
$token_type = $token->{type};
if ($token_type == ASSIGN) {
$var_token = $tokens->[$i-1];
elsif ($token_type == SEMI_COLON) { # XXX skip to the edge
if ($does_exist_namespace_resolver && $var_token->{data} !~ /\A.[A-Z0-9_]+\Z/) {
push @violations, {
filename => $file,
line => $token->{line},
description => DESC,
explanation => EXPL,
policy => __PACKAGE__,
elsif ($token_type == USED_NAME && $token_data eq 'vars') {
my $is_used_package_var = 0;
for ($i++; $token = $tokens->[$i]; $i++) {
$token_type = $token->{type};
$token_data = $token->{data};
if ($token_type == REG_EXP) {
for my $elem (split /\s+/, $token_data) {
if ($elem =~ /\A[\$\@\%](.*)\Z/) {
if ($1 !~ /\A[A-Z0-9_]+\Z/) {
$is_used_package_var = 1;
elsif ($token_type == STRING || $token_type == RAW_STRING) {
if ($token_data =~ /\A[\$\@\%](.*)\Z/) {
if ($1 !~ /\A[A-Z0-9_]+\Z/) {
$is_used_package_var = 1;
elsif ($token_type == SEMI_COLON) {
if ($is_used_package_var) {
push @violations, {
filename => $file,
line => $token->{line},
description => DESC,
explanation => EXPL,
policy => __PACKAGE__,
return \@violations;