use strict;
use utf8;
my @test_more_exports;
BEGIN { @test_more_exports = (qw/done_testing/) }
use Test::More import => \@test_more_exports;
use Carp ();
use Path::Tiny 0.068 qw/path/;
our $VERSION = "0.23";
our @EXPORT = (@test_more_exports, qw/all_policies_ok/);
sub all_policies_ok {
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 2;
my ($args) = @_;
my $targets = $args->{targets} // Carp::croak "Targets must not be empty";
my $ignore_files = $args->{ignore_files};
if (defined $targets && ref $targets ne 'ARRAY') {
Carp::croak 'Target directories are must be an array reference';
if (defined $ignore_files && ref $ignore_files ne 'ARRAY') {
Carp::croak 'Ignore files are must be an array reference';
my $linter = Perl::Lint->new({
ignore => $args->{ignore_policies},
filter => $args->{filter},
my @paths;
for my $target (@$targets) {
if (-d $target) {
path($target)->visit(sub {
my ($path) = @_;
if ($path->is_file) {
my $path_string = $path->stringify;
if (!grep {$_ eq $path_string} @$ignore_files) {
push @paths, $path_string;
}, {recurse => 1});
elsif (-f $target) {
if (!grep {$_ eq $target} @$ignore_files) {
push @paths, $target;
else {
Carp::carp "'$target' doesn't exist";
@paths = sort {$a cmp $b} @paths;
for my $path_string (@paths) {
my $violations = $linter->lint($path_string);
if (scalar @$violations == 0) {
Test::More::pass(__PACKAGE__ . ' for ' . $path_string);
else {
my $package = __PACKAGE__;
my $error_msg = <<"...";
$package found these violations in "$path_string":
for my $violation (@$violations) {
my $explanation = $violation->{explanation};
if (ref $explanation eq 'ARRAY') {
$explanation = 'See page ' . join(', ', @$explanation) . ' of PBP';
$error_msg .= <<"...";
$violation->{description} at line $violation->{line}. $explanation.
Test::More::ok(0, "$package for $path_string") or Test::More::diag($error_msg);
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
Test::Perl::Lint - A testing module to analyze your Perl code with L<Perl::Lint>
use Test::Perl::Lint;
targets => ['lib', 'script/'],
ignore_files => ['lib/Foo/', 'lib/Foo/'],
filter => ['LikePerlCritic::Stern'],
ignore_policies => ['Modules::RequireVersionVar'],
A testing module to analyze your Perl code with L<Perl::Lint>.
=over 4
=item * C<all_policies_ok($args:HASHREF)>
This function tests your codes whether they conform to the policies.
C<$args> accepts following fields;
=over 8
=item targets (ARRAYREF)
Specify targets to test.
If you specify directory as an item, this function checks the all of
files which are contained in that directory.
=item ignore_files (ARRAYREF)
Specify files to exclude from testing target.
=item filter (ARRAYREF)
Apply Perl::Lint filters.
=item ignore_policies (ARRAYREF)
Specify policies to ignore violations.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (C) moznion.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
moznion E<lt>moznion@gmail.comE<gt>