# WARNING: This file is automatically generated.
# Any changes made here will be mercilessly lost.
# You have been warned, infidel.
# P.S. For the real source to this file, see:
# ..../src/pre.in/MQSeries/Command/PCF/ResponseValues.in
# and for the evil hackery used to generate this, see:
# ..../src/util/flatten_macros
# (c) 1999-2012 Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
# See ..../src/LICENSE for terms of distribution.
%ResponseValues =
Platform =>
MVS => 1,
NSK => 13,
OS2 => 2,
OS400 => 4,
UNIX => 3,
Win16 => 5,
Win32 => 11,
QType =>
Alias => 3,
Cluster => 7,
Local => 1,
Model => 2,
Remote => 6,
BaseType =>
Queue => 1,
Topic => 8,
DefInputOpenOption =>
Exclusive => 4,
Shared => 2,
# Pub/Sub Message Delivery
MsgDelivery =>
All => 1,
AllAvailable => 3,
AllDurable => 2,
AsParent => 0,
MsgDeliverySequence =>
FIFO => 1,
Priority => 0,
DefinitionType =>
Permanent => 2,
Predefined => 1,
Temporary => 3,
Usage =>
Normal => 0,
XMITQ => 1,
TriggerType =>
Depth => 3,
Every => 2,
First => 1,
None => 0,
Scope =>
Cell => 2,
QMgr => 1,
QServiceIntervalEvent =>
High => 1,
None => 0,
OK => 2,
ChannelType =>
Clntconn => 6,
ClusterReceiver => 8,
ClusterSender => 9,
Receiver => 3,
Requester => 4,
Sender => 1,
Server => 2,
Svrconn => 7,
Telemetry => 10,
ChannelInstanceType =>
Current => 1011,
Saved => 1012,
MCAStatus =>
Running => 3,
Stopped => 0,
TransportType =>
DECnet => 5,
LU62 => 1,
NetBIOS => 3,
SPX => 4,
TCP => 2,
UDP => 6,
PutAuthority =>
Context => 2,
Default => 1,
MCAType =>
Process => 1,
Thread => 2,
NonPersistentMsgClass =>
High => 10,
Normal => 0,
NonPersistentMsgSpeed =>
Fast => 2,
Normal => 1,
DefReconnect =>
QMgr => 2,
Disabled => 3,
No => 0,
Yes => 1,
UseDLQ =>
No => 1,
Yes => 2,
TopicUseDLQ =>
AsParent => 0,
No => 1,
Yes => 2,
ChannelStatus =>
Binding => 1,
Inactive => 0,
Initializing => 13,
Paused => 8,
Requesting => 7,
Retrying => 5,
Running => 3,
Starting => 2,
Stopped => 6,
Stopping => 4,
ChlAuthAction =>
Add => 5,
Replace => 6,
Remove => 7,
RemoveAll => 8,
ChlAuthType =>
BlockUser => 1,
BlockAddress => 2,
SSLPeerMap => 3,
AddressMap => 4,
UserMap => 5,
QMgrMap => 6,
# ChlAuthRecords =>
# {
# Disabled => 0,
# Enabled => 1,
# },
UserSource =>
Channel => 2,
Map => 0,
NoAccess => 1,
# ChlAuthWarning =>
# {
# No => 0,
# Yes => 1,
# },
ApplType =>
CHINIT => 30,
CICS => 1,
DOS => 5,
IMS => 3,
MVS => 2,
NSK => 13,
OS2 => 4,
OS400 => 8,
QMGR => 7,
SystemExtension => 35,
UNIX => 6,
USER => 25,
VMS => 12,
Win16 => 9,
Win32 => 11,
EscapeType =>
MQSC => 1,
QMgrDefinitionType =>
AutoClusterSender => 2,
AutoExplicitClusterSender => 4,
ClusterReceiver => 3,
ExplicitClusterSender => 1,
QMgrType =>
Normal => 0,
Repository => 1,
ClusterQType =>
Alias => 2,
Local => 1,
QMgrAlias => 4,
Remote => 3,
DefBind =>
NotFixed => 1,
OnOpen => 0,
OnGroup => 2,
ObjectType =>
AuthInfo => 7,
Listener => 11,
Namelist => 2,
Process => 3,
Queue => 1,
QueueManager => 5,
Service => 12,
Topic => 8,
Channel => 6,
All => 1001,
AliasQueue => 1002,
ModelQueue => 1003,
LocalQueue => 1004,
RemoteQueue => 1005,
SenderChannel => 1007,
ServerChannel => 1008,
RequesterChannel => 1009,
ReceiverChannel => 1010,
CurrentChannel => 1011,
SavedChannel => 1012,
SvrconnChannel => 1013,
ClntconnChannel => 1014,
CFStruc => 10,
ChlAuth => 1016,
StorageClass => 4,
# New with WebSphere MQ 5.3
AuthInfoType =>
OCSP => 2, # new with v7.0.1.1
All => 0,
OpenType =>
All => 1,
Input => 2,
Output => 3,
QStatusInputType =>
Exclusive => 2,
No => 0,
Shared => 1,
QStatusType =>
Queue => 1105,
Handle => 1104,
SSLClientAuth =>
Optional => 1,
Required => 0,
# New with MQv6
AdoptNewMCACheck =>
All => 1,
NetworkAddress => 4,
None => 0,
QMgrName => 2,
AdoptNewMCAType =>
All => 1,
No => 0,
# Authority (MQ v6 on distributed platforms)
Authority =>
All => -1,
AllAdmin => -2,
AllMqi => -3,
Control => 17,
ControlExtended => 18,
AltUser => 1,
Browse => 2,
Change => 3,
Clear => 4,
Connect => 5,
Create => 6,
Delete => 7,
Display => 8,
Input => 9,
Inquire => 10,
None => 0,
Output => 11,
PassAllContext => 12,
PassIdentityContext => 13,
Publish => 19,
Resume => 21,
Set => 14,
SetAllContext => 15,
SetIdentityContext => 16,
Subscribe => 20,
System => 22,
AsynchronousState =>
Active => 6,
Inactive => 7,
Started => 1,
StartWait => 2,
Stopped => 3,
Suspended => 4,
SuspendedTemporary => 5,
None => 0,
# Unit of Recovery Disposition (V7)
URDisposition =>
All => -1,
Group => 3,
QMgr => 0,
ChannelDisposition =>
All => -1,
Private => 4,
Shared => 2,
Fixshared => 5,
ChannelInitiatorControl =>
Manual => 2,
QMgr => 0,
ChannelEvent =>
Disabled => 0,
Enabled => 1,
Exception => 2,
QMgrChannelMonitoring =>
High => 65,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
None => -1,
Off => 0,
QMgrChannelStatistics =>
High => 65,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
None => -1,
Off => 0,
ChannelStatistics =>
High => 65,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
QMgr => -3,
Off => 0,
ChannelMonitoring =>
High => 65,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
QMgr => -3,
Off => 0,
ChannelSubState =>
ChannelAutoDefinitionExit => 1200,
Compressing => 1800,
EndOfBatch => 100,
HeartBeating => 600,
ExecutingMQICall => 1700,
MessageExit => 1000,
NameServerRequest => 1400,
NetworkConnect => 1250,
NetworkReceive => 300,
NetworkSend => 200,
Other => 0,
PerformingMQGET => 1600,
PerformingMQPUT => 1500,
ReceiveExit => 800,
Resynching => 500,
RetryExit => 1100,
SecurityExit => 700,
SendExit => 900,
Serializing => 400,
SSLHandshaking => 1300,
CommandEvent =>
Disabled => 0,
Enabled => 1,
NoDisplay => 3,
# Channel Connection Affinity (MQ v7)
ConnectionAffinity =>
None => 0,
Preferred => 1,
ClusterSenderMonitoringDefault =>
High => 65,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
QMgr => -3,
Off => 0,
ClusterSenderStatistics =>
High => 65,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
QMgr => -3,
Off => 0,
# Default Put Response Type (MQ v7)
DefPutResponse =>
AsParent => 0,
Async => 2,
Sync => 1,
# Default Read Ahead (MQ v7)
DefReadAhead =>
Disabled => 2,
No => 0,
Yes => 1,
# Destination Class for Subscriptions in MQ v7
DestinationClass =>
Managed => 1,
Provided => 2,
# Durable Pub/Sub Subscriptions for MQ v7 (for topic object)
TopicDurableSubscriptions =>
AsParent => 0,
Durable => 1,
NonDurable => 2,
# Durable Pub/Sub Subscriptions for MQ v7 (for topicstatus object)
TopicStatusDurableSubscriptions =>
Allowed => 1,
Inhibited => 2,
# Durable Pub/Sub Subscriptions for MQ v7 (for subscription object)
Durable =>
No => 2,
Yes => 1,
# EntityType is for InquireAuthorityRecords (MQ v6 on distributed)
EntityType =>
Group => 2,
Principal => 1,
Unknown => 3,
HeaderCompression =>
None => 0,
System => 8,
IGQPutAuthority =>
AltIGQ => 4,
Context => 2,
Default => 1,
OnlyIGQ => 3,
IndexType =>
CorrelId => 2,
GroupId => 5,
MsgId => 1,
MsgToken => 4,
None => 0,
# Pub/Sub Topics on MQ v7
InhibitPublications =>
Allowed => 2,
AsParent => 0,
Inhibited => 1,
# Pub/Sub Topics on MQ v7
InhibitSubscriptions =>
Allowed => 2,
AsParent => 0,
Inhibited => 1,
IPAddressVersion =>
IPv4 => 0,
IPv6 => 1,
KeepAliveInterval =>
sub { return MQSeries::Command::Base::strinteger(@_, -1,
"AUTO"); },
MsgMarkBrowseInterval =>
sub { return MQSeries::Command::Base::strinteger(@_, -1,
"NOLIMIT"); },
MaxPropertiesLength =>
sub { return MQSeries::Command::Base::strinteger(@_, -1,
"NOLIMIT"); },
ComminfoCCSID =>
sub { return MQSeries::Command::Base::strinteger(@_, -4,
"ASPUB"); },
ListenerStartMode =>
Manual => 2,
QMgr => 0,
QMgrStart => 1,
ListenerStatus =>
Running => 2,
Starting => 1,
Stopping => 3,
ListenerTransportType =>
TCP => 2,
LU62 => 1,
NetBIOS => 3,
SPX => 4,
MessageCompression =>
Any => 268435455,
None => 0,
RLE => 1,
ZlibFast => 2,
ZlibHigh => 4,
# Property Control (MQ v7)
PropertyControl =>
All => 2,
Compatibility => 0,
ForceRFH2 => 3,
V6Compat => 4,
None => 1,
# Proxy Subscriptions (Topic for MQ v7)
ProxySubscriptions =>
FirstUse => 2,
Force => 1,
# PubSubClus =>
# {
# Disabled => 0,
# Enabled => 1,
# },
# PublishPriority for
PublishPriority =>
AsPublished => -3,
AsQDef => -1,
0 => 0,
1 => 1,
2 => 2,
3 => 3,
4 => 4,
5 => 5,
6 => 6,
7 => 7,
8 => 8,
9 => 9,
# Pub/Sub properties for Subscription on MQ v7
PubSubProperties =>
Compat => 1,
MsgProp => 3,
None => 0,
RFH2 => 2,
# Pub/Sub scope for Topic on MQ v7
PubSubScope =>
All => 0,
AsParent => 1,
QMgr => 4,
# Pub/Sub mode
PubSubMode =>
Compat => 1,
Disabled => 0,
Enabled => 2,
# Pub/Sub undelivered input messages
PubSubNPInputMsg =>
Discard => 2,
Keep => 3,
# Pub/Sub undelivered response messages
PubSubNPResponse =>
Discard => 2,
Keep => 3,
Normal => 0,
Safe => 1,
# Pub/Sub syncpoint
PubSubSyncPoint =>
IfPersistent => 1,
Yes => 0,
# Subscription request Only
RequestOnly =>
All => 2,
OnRequest => 1,
QMgrChlMonitoring =>
High => 65,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
None => -1,
Off => 0,
QMgrClusterMonitoring =>
High => 65,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
QMgr => -3,
Off => 0,
QMgrMonitoring =>
High => 65,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
None => -1,
Off => 0,
QueueMonitoring =>
High => 65,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
QMgr => -3,
Off => 0,
QMgrQueueStatistics =>
Off => 0,
On => 1,
None => -1,
QueueStatistics =>
Off => 0,
On => 1,
QMgr => -3,
MonitoringDft =>
Off => 0,
QMgr => -3,
Low => 17,
Medium => 33,
High => 65,
NamelistType =>
AuthInfo => 4,
Cluster => 2,
None => 0,
Queue => 1,
SharedQQMgrName =>
Ignore => 1,
Use => 0,
QMgrCLWLUseQ => # QMgr-level
Any => 1,
Local => 0,
CommandServerControl =>
Manual => 2,
QMgr => 0,
QMgrServiceStatus =>
Starting => 1,
Running => 2,
Stopped => 0,
Stopping => 3,
QMgrStatus =>
Starting => 1,
Running => 2,
Quiescing => 3,
QueueCLWLUseQ => # Queue-level
Any => 1,
Local => 0,
QMgr => -3,
QueueAccounting =>
On => 1,
Off => 0,
QMgr => -3,
QMgrAccounting => # QMgr-level QueueAccounting
None => -1,
On => 1,
Off => 0,
QSharingGroupDisposition =>
Copy => 1,
Group => 3,
QMgr => 0,
Shared => 2,
QSGDisposition =>
Copy => 1,
Group => 3,
QMgr => 0,
Shared => 2,
ReceiveTimeoutType =>
Add => 1,
Equal => 2,
Multiply => 0,
ActivityRecording =>
Disabled => 0,
Msg => 2,
Queue => 1,
SecurityCase =>
Mixed => 1,
Upper => 0,
SecuritySwitch =>
AlternateUser => 7,
Command => 8,
CommandResource => 11,
Connection => 9,
Context => 6,
Namelist => 2,
QMgr => 15,
QSG => 16,
Queue => 3,
Process => 1,
Subsystem => 10,
Topic => 4,
SecuritySwitchSetting =>
OffError => 25,
OffFound => 21,
OffNotFound => 23,
OnFound => 22,
OnNotFound => 24,
OnOverridden => 26,
ServiceStartMode =>
Manual => 2,
QMgr => 0,
QMgrStart => 1,
ServiceStatus =>
Running => 2,
Starting => 1,
Stopping => 3,
ServiceType =>
Command => 0,
Server => 1,
# Pub/Sub scope for Subscription on MQ v7
SubscriptionScope =>
All => 2,
QMgr => 1,
SubscriptionType =>
Admin => 2,
API => 1,
Proxy => 3,
TCPStackType =>
Multiple => 1,
Single => 0,
TopicDefPersistence =>
AsParent => -1,
NonPersistent => 0,
Persistent => 1,
TopicType =>
Cluster => 1,
Local => 0,
TraceRouteRecording =>
Disabled => 0,
Msg => 2,
Queue => 1,
# The UsageXXX hashes are for the 'InquireUsage' command for MQ on z/OS
UsageType =>
BufferPool => 1170,
DataSet => 1169,
Pageset => 1168,
SMDS => 1335,
UsageDataSetType =>
OldestActiveUOW => 10,
OldestCFRecovery => 12,
OldestPSRecovery => 11,
UsageExpandType =>
None => 3,
User => 1,
System => 2,
UsagePageSetStatus =>
Available => 0,
Defined => 1,
NotDefined => 3,
Offline => 2,
# For Topic on MQ v7
WildcardOperation =>
Block => 1,
Passthru => 2,
RetainedPublication =>
Yes => 1,
No => 0,
# For CFStruc on V6
CFStatusType =>
CFStatusSummary => 1136,
CFStatusConnect => 1137,
CFStatusBackup => 1138,
CFStatusSMDS => 1333,
CFStrucStatus =>
Active => 1,
Failed => 4,
NotFound => 0,
InBackup => 3,
InRecover => 2,
Unknown => 6,
None => 5,
Recovered => 7,
Empty => 8,
New => 9,
CFStrucType =>
Admin => 1,
Appl => 0,
CFStrucAccess =>
Enabled => 0,
Disabled => 2,
Suspended => 1,
DSBlock =>
"8K" => 1,
"16K" => 2,
"32K" => 3,
"64K" => 4,
"128K" => 5,
"256K" => 6,
"512K" => 7,
"1024K" => 8,
"1M" => 8,
CFConlos =>
AsQMgr => 2,
Terminate => 0,
Tolerate => 1,
EncryptionPolicySuiteB =>
None => 1,
"128Bit" => 2,
"192Bit" => 4,
Offload =>
DB2 => 2,
SMDS => 1,
None => 0,
Both => 3,
DSExpand =>
Yes => 1,
No => 2,
Default => 0,
# For Inquire Connection in V6
ConnInfoType =>
Conn => 1111,
Handle => 1112,
All => 1113
HandleObjectType =>
Queue => 1,
Process => 3,
Namelist => 2,
QMgr => 5,
Channel => 6,
AuthInfo => 7,
# Topic => 8, # FIXME:do we need this in HandleObjectType?
HandleQSGDisposition =>
Copy => 1,
QMgr => 0,
Shared => 2,
ConnApplType =>
QMgr => 7,
ChannelInitiator => 30,
User => 25,
Batch => 32,
RRSBatch => 33,
CICS => 1,
IMS => 3,
SystemExtension => 35,
HandleState =>
Active => 1,
Inactive => 0,
UOWState =>
None => 0,
Active => 1,
Prepared => 2,
Unresolved => 3,
UOWType =>
QMgr => 0,
CICS => 1,
RRS => 2,
IMS => 3,
XA => 4,
# On z/os, v7, GroupUR
GroupUR =>
Disabled => 0,
Enabled => 1,
# InquireGroup to query about QSG via a qmgr
QSGStatus =>
Active => 2,
Created => 1,
Inactive => 3,
Failed => 4,
Pending => 5,
Unknown => 0,
CommandInformation =>
DB2ObsoleteMsgs => 20,
# InquireLog for z/OS
OffLoadStatus =>
AllocatingArchive => 34,
Available => 32,
CopyingBSDS => 35,
CopyingLog => 36,
Busy => 30,
# v7 stuff on z/os
LogCompression =>
None => 0,
RLE => 1,
Any => 268435455,
# InquireSystem for z/OS
ParameterType =>
Initial => 10,
Set => 11,
ClusterCacheType =>
Static => 0,
Dynamic => 1,
# V7 on z/os
MULCCapture =>
Standard => 0,
Refined => 1,
SelectorType =>
None => 0,
Standard => 1,
Extended => 2,
# Variable Userid for Subscriptions in MQ v7
VariableUser =>
Any => 2,
Fixed => 1,
# Wildcard Schema for Subscriptions in MQ v7
WildcardSchema =>
Character => 1,
Topic => 2,
WLMIntervalUnits =>
Seconds => 1,
Minutes => 0,
# Type for Inquire PubSubStatus in MQ V7
PubSubStatusType =>
Child => 3,
Local => 1,
Parent => 2,
# PubSubStatus for Inquire PubSubStatus in MQ V7
PubSubStatus =>
Active => 3,
Compat => 4,
Error => 5,
Inactive => 0,
Starting => 1,
Stopping => 2,
Active => 3,
Refused => 6,
# Comminfo Encoding
Encoding =>
AsPublished => -1,
Normal => 273,
Reversed => 546,
S390 => 785,
TNS => 1041,
# Comminfo ComminfoType
# Currently only supported type is Multicast.
ComminfoType =>
Multicast => 1,
# Comminfo CommEvent
CommEvent =>
Disabled => 0,
Enabled => 1,
Exception => 2,
# Comminfo NewSubHistory
NewSubHistory =>
None => 0,
All => -1,
# Comminfo MulticastPropControl
MulticastPropControl =>
All => -1,
Reply => 2,
User => 1,
None => 0,
Compat => -2,
# Used with the Morgan Stanley extended Authority commands
MorganEntityType =>
Principal => 1000,
Group => 1001,
AFS => 1002,