# $Id: mqini2chl,v 33.4 2012/09/26 16:15:22 jettisu Exp $
# (c) 2001-2012 Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
# See ..../src/LICENSE for terms of distribution.
use strict;
use English;
our %Args = (version => 7);
GetOptions( \%Args, qw(version=i debug!) ) || usage();
my ($InputFile,$OutputFile) = @ARGV;
print "Parsing input file $InputFile\n";
my @channels = parseInput($InputFile);
print "Writing channel table $OutputFile\n";
Filename => $OutputFile,
Version => $Args{version},
Clntconn => \@channels,
exit 0;
sub parseInput {
my ($file) = @_;
my @data = ();
my $stanza;
open(FILE, '<', $file) || die "Unable to open $file: $!\n";
while ( <FILE> ) {
next if (/^\#/ || /^\s*$/); # Skip comments, blank lines
if ( /^(\S+):/ ) {
push(@data,$stanza) if defined $stanza;
$stanza = { ChannelName => $1 };
# A data line belongs to a stanza and looks like 'Prefix=/var/mqm'
if ( /^\s*(\S+)=(.*)/ ) {
my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
die "Have data line before first stanza in [$file]: $_"
unless (defined $stanza);
next if $key eq 'ChannelName';
if ( defined $stanza->{$key} ) {
if ( ref $stanza->{$key} eq 'ARRAY' ) {
push( @{$stanza->{$key}}, $value );
} else {
$stanza->{$key} = [ $stanza->{$key}, $value ];
} else {
$stanza->{$key} = $value;
return @data;
sub usage {
die <<"EndOfUsage";
mqini2chl inputfile outputfile [ -version "4 | 6" | "7"] [ -debug ]
=head1 NAME
mqini2chl - Write an MQSeries client channel table using a text configuration file
mqini2chl inputfile outputfile [ -version "4 | 6" | "7" ]
mqini2chl is used to manage MQSeries client channel table files
directly, without requiring a running queue manager to create them.
The inputfile is a simple, text format stanza file, similar to the
other "*.ini" files used to manage MQSeries (eg. mqs.ini, qm.ini,
This is a very powerful mechanism for managing multiple client channel
table files, since you can maintain (or autogenerate) the ini files
and then easily create more than one version. This is significantly
more complex if do things the IBM way, and use a queue manager to
create these files.
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 -version "4 | 6"
This specifies the version of the channel table to write. Currently,
only version 4 (MQSeries 5.0) or version 6 (MQSeries 5.1 and later)
are supported. By default, a version 4 file is written.
Note that this will fail is you specify more than one of any of the
following attributes:
These can only be a list if a version 6 file is written.
NOTE: According to IBM, and if you read carefully, the MQSeries
documentation, ChannelType=Clntconn does B<NOT> support MsgExits at
all. However, you can define them (try it in runmqsc), and they do
get written into the channel table file, although you can not display
them. Yet another ugly facet of this product.
The stanza format of the ini file should not be particularly shocking
to anyone who has worked with MQSeries, since the format is stolen
from the mqs.ini and qm.ini files. Not because this is the best
format for such data, but simply to allow the administrators to
experience that warm and fuzzy feeling of familiarity when working
with the file.
Any line starting with a '#' is a comment, and as one might imagine,
completely ignored.
Each individual stanza has a master key, which is single word (no
embedded whitespace) ending in a ':'. This is interpreted as the
ChannelName of the CLNTCONN represented by the stanza.
The rest of the stanza are key/value pairs, with the key and value
seperated by a single '=' sign. The only supported keys are those
which represent members of the MQCD data structure relevant for a
CLNTCONN definition. The values depend on the specific key, but they
may contain embedded white space. Everything after the '=' will be
interpreted as part of the value.
The first stanza in the file should be the SYSTEM.DEF.CLNTCONN, and
any key/value pairs specified here will be assumed to be defaults for
all of the other stanzas. Thus, if all or most of your CLNTCONN
definitions have a MaxMsgLength of 20000, then specify it here, and
omit that definition from the rest of the stanzas in the file.
This is best understood by looking at the following example:
# Default to TCP and 4MB messages
ChannelDesc=Client Connection to SNP1
SecurityUserData=2, unix
ChannelDesc=Client Connection to SAT98
SecurityUserData=0, unix
The keys which are supported are:
Key Value (Max Length of strings)
=== =====
TransportType String (see below)
ChannelDesc String (64)
QMgrName String (48)
ModeName String (8)
TpName String (64)
SecurityExit String (128)
MsgExit String (128)
SendExit String (128)
ReceiveExit String (128)
MaxMsgLength Number
SecurityUserData String (32)
MsgUserData String (32)
SendUserData String (32)
ReceiveUserData String (32)
UserIdentifier String (12)
Password String (12)
ConnectionName String (264)
Note that the ChannelName is implicit, since that is the master key
for each stanza. The Version is not specified, since one can
typically generate either a V4 or V6 file with the same input (unless
you use more than one MsgExit, SendExit or ReceiveExit. See the notes
on the -version option above). The ChannelType is also not supported,
since it only has one value anyway: "Clntconn".
If any unsupported keys are given, then mqini2chl will die with a
error message.
=head1 SEE ALSO
mqchl2ini(8), MQSeries::Config::ChannelTable(3)