use strict;
use Encode ();
my $model = '$c->model("DBIC::Page")';
=head1 NAME
MojoMojo::Controller::Export - Export / Import related controller
MojoMojo has an extensive export system. You can download all the
nodes of the wiki either as preformatted HTML, for offline reading
or in a raw format suitable for reimporting into another MojoMojo
installation. Either way, MojoMojo will create and send you a zip
file with a directory containing all the files. The name of the
directory will contain a timestamp showing when the archive was made.
=head1 ACTIONS
=head2 generate_export_filename
Create the filename under which we export pages.
sub generate_export_filename {
my ($c, $export_type) = @_;
my $now = DateTime->now();
my $prefix = sprintf("%s-%s-$export_type-%s",
$c->fixw( $c->pref('name') ),
substr($c->stash->{page}->path, 1), # skip the leading slash, because it will be replaced by an underscore
$now->ymd . 'T' . $now->hms('-')
$prefix =~ s|/|_|g;
return $prefix;
=head2 export_raw
This action will give you a ZIP file containing the raw wiki source
for all the nodes of the wiki.
sub export_raw : Global {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $prefix = generate_export_filename($c, 'markup');
unless ( $c->res->{body} = $c->cache->get($prefix) ) {
my @pages = $c->stash->{page}->descendants;
my $archive = Archive::Zip->new();
foreach my $page (@pages) {
next if not $page->content;
# XXX - see notes from export_html about encode_utf8
$prefix . $page->path . ( $page->path eq '/' ? '' : '/' ) . 'index' );
my $fh = IO::Scalar->new( \$c->res->{body} );
$c->cache->set( $prefix, $c->res->body );
$c->res->headers->header( "Content-Type" => 'archive/zip' );
$c->res->headers->header( "Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=$" );
=head2 export_html (/.export_html)
This action will give you a ZIP file containing HTML formatted
versions of all the nodes of the wiki.
sub export_html : Global {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $prefix = generate_export_filename($c, 'html');
unless ( $c->res->{body} = $c->cache->get($prefix) ) {
my @pages = $c->stash->{page}->descendants;
my $archive = Archive::Zip->new();
foreach my $page (@pages) {
$c->log->debug( 'Rendering ' . $page->path );
# XXX - Note: subreq calls and gets unicode data from Catalyst
# (because we're using Plugin::Unicode ;). However,
# seems like Compress::Zlib expects octets -- so we explicitly
# encode them back to utf8 - lestrrat
Encode::encode_utf8($c->subreq( '/print', { path => $page->path } )),
$prefix . $page->path . "/index.html"
my $fh = IO::Scalar->new( \$c->res->{body} );
$c->cache->set( $prefix, $c->res->body );
$c->res->headers->header( "Content-Type" => 'archive/zip' );
$c->res->headers->header( "Content-Disposition" => "attachment; filename=$" );
=head1 AUTHOR
Marcus Ramberg <>
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.