=head1 NAME
MojoMojo::Formatter::Comment - Include comments on your page.
This is a hook for the page comment functionality. It allows a
comment box to be placed anywhere on your page through the {{comments}}
=head1 METHODS
=head2 format_content_order
Format order can be 1-99. The Comment formatter runs on 91.
sub format_content_order { 91 }
=head2 format_content
Calls the formatter. Takes a ref to the content as well as the
context object.
sub format_content {
my ( $class, $content, $c, $self ) = @_;
my $re=$class->gen_re('comments');
if ( $$content =~ s|$re|show_comments($c,$c->stash->{page})|xme ) {
# We don't want to precompile a page with comments so turn it off
$c->stash->{precompile_off} = 1;
=head2 show_comments
Forwards to L<MojoMojo::Controller::Comment>.
sub show_comments {
my ( $c, $page ) = @_;
return '<div id="comments">' . $c->view('TT')->render( $c, 'comment.tt' ) . '</div>';
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<MojoMojo>, L<Module::Pluggable::Ordered>
=head1 AUTHORS
Marcus Ramberg <mramberg@cpan.org>
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.