use strict;
eval {require LWP::Simple; require URI::Fetch; require XML::Feed};
my $dependencies_installed = !$@;
=head2 module_loaded
Return true if the module is loaded.
sub module_loaded { $dependencies_installed }
our $VERSION = '0.01';
=head1 NAME
MojoMojo::Formatter::RSS - Include RSS feeds on your page.
This formatter takes a feed in the format {{feed <url>}}, and
passes it through L<XML::Feed> to get a formatted feed suitable
for inclusion in your page. It also caches them in the chosen
Catalyst cache. By default it will render the first element in
the feed, but it can take a numeric parameter to choose number of
=head1 METHODS
=head2 format_content_order
Format order can be 1-99. The RSS formatter runs on 6, after the
L<Include|MojoMojo::Formatter::Include>), so that transcluding
a page from the wiki that brings in a feed, will display the feed
in the transcluded section as well.
sub format_content_order { 6 }
=head2 format_content
Calls the formatter. Takes a ref to the content as well as the
context object.
sub format_content {
my ( $class, $content, $c ) = @_;
return unless $class->module_loaded;
# Regexp::Common::URI is overkill
my $re = $class->gen_re(qr(
feed \s+ (\S+) # feed URL
(?: \s+ (\d+))? # optional maximum number of entries
if ( $$content =~ s/$re/$class->include_rss( $c, $1, $2 )/eg ) {
# we don't want to precompile a page with comments so turn it off
$c->stash->{precompile_off} = 1;
=head2 include_rss <c> <url> [<entries>]
Returns HTML-formatted feed content for inclusion, up to a specified
number of entries. Will store a cached version in C<< $c->cache >>.
sub include_rss {
my ($class, $c, $url, $entries) = @_;
$entries ||= 1;
$url = URI->new($url);
return $c->loc('x is not a valid URL', $url) unless $url;
my $result = URI::Fetch->fetch( $url, Cache => $c->cache );
return $c->loc('Could not retrieve x', $url)
if not defined $result;
my $feed = XML::Feed->parse(\$result->content) or
return $c->loc('Could not parse feed x', $url);
my $count = 0;
my $content = '';
foreach my $entry ($feed->entries) {
$content .= '<div class="feed">'
. '<h3><a href="'.$entry->link.'">'
. ($entry->title||"no title").'</a></h3>'
. ($entry->summary->body||"")."</div>\n";
return $content if $count==$entries;
return $content;
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<MojoMojo>, L<Module::Pluggable::Ordered>, L<XML::Feed>, L<URI::Fetch>
=head1 AUTHORS
Marcus Ramberg <>
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.