#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use lib "$Bin/../../lib";
use Path::Class ();
#use MojoMojo;
#use MojoMojo::Model::Search;
my($DIR, $URL_DIR, $EXCLUDE, $debug, $help);
GetOptions ( 'dir=s' => \$DIR,
'urlbase=s' => \$URL_DIR,
'exclude=s' => \$EXCLUDE,
'debug' => \$debug,
'help' => \$help ) or die &Usage;
$debug=0 if ( ! $debug);
# parametres fourni ?
if ( $help || ! $DIR || ! $URL_DIR ){
exit 1;
$DIR =~ s/\/$//;
$DIR =~ s/~/$ENV{HOME}/;
# Connect to database
my $jfdi = Config::JFDI->new(name => "MojoMojo");
my $config = $jfdi->get;
my ($dsn, $user, $pass) = @ARGV;
eval {
if (!$dsn) {
($dsn, $user, $pass) =
die "Your DSN line in mojomojo.conf doesn't look like a valid DSN.".
" Add one, or pass it on the command line.";
die "No valid Data Source Name (DSN).\n" if !$dsn;
$dsn =~ s/__HOME__/$FindBin::Bin\/\.\./g;
my $schema = MojoMojo::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass) or
die "Failed to connect to database";
my $person = $schema->resultset('Person')->find( 1 );
# Walk in $DIR
my $rootdir = Path::Class::dir($DIR);
my @files;
my $body;
my $urlpage;
$rootdir->recurse(callback => sub {
my ($entry) = @_;
return if ( defined $EXCLUDE && grep(/$EXCLUDE/, $entry ));
push @files, $entry unless ( $entry eq $DIR );
my $exclude;
$exclude="exclude=$EXCLUDE" if $EXCLUDE;
createpage($URL_DIR, "{{dir $DIR $exclude}}", $person);
foreach my $f (@files){
next if ( ! -r $f );
$urlpage = $f;
$urlpage =~ s/$DIR//;
$f =~ /.*\.(.*)$/;
$urlpage =~ s/\./_/
if ( ! MojoMojo::Formatter::File::Image->can_format($1) );
$urlpage = "${URL_DIR}${urlpage}";
if ( ref $f eq 'Path::Class::Dir'){
$body = "{{dir $f $exclude}}";
my $plugin = MojoMojo::Formatter::File->plugin($f);
if ( $plugin ){
$body = "{{file $plugin $f}}";
else {
print STDERR "Can't find plugin for $f !!!\n";
$body = "{{ file UNKOWN_PLUGIN $f}}";
$schema->resultset('Page')->create_page($urlpage,$body, $person);
# Usage
sub Usage{
my $usage;
$usage .= "$0 --dir=DIRECTORY --url=URLBASE [--exclude=\"dir1 dir2\"] [--debug] [--help]\n";
$usage .= "Ex: $0 --dir=t/var/files --url=/myfiles --exclude='\.svn|\.git'\n";
$usage .= "Add these lines to your mojomojo.conf:\n";
$usage .= "<Formatter::Dir>\n";
$usage .= " prefix_url /myfiles\n";
$usage .= " whitelisting t/var/files\n";
$usage .= "</Formatter::Dir>\n";
print $usage;