#!/usr/local/bin/perl -s
# cvswebcreate - a CGI interface to adding and deleting files and directories
# on the CVS tree.
# This script can be used in two ways: as a backend (driven by POST) and as a frontend
# (driven by GET). In either case, the PATH_INFO cgi var sets the directory in which
# the operation.
# If you are POSTing, the parameters (carried after ? on the URL) are:
# op=add-file, or op=add-directory
# This script relies exclusively on 'cvs import' to create empty files and empty directories
# It does not rely on checked out repositories.
# Arguments for 'cvs import' are carried in the post body request. The CGI libraries I
# use merge them into the same namespace as the parameters on the URL.
# $req->param("comment");
# $req->param("fileordirectoryname");
# $req->param("isbinary");
# $req->param("vendortag");
# $req->param("releasetag");
# if they want to add an existing file, then they have to create it
# and add it separately.
# It would be nice to be able to add a set of files.
# Can't delete or rename files.
# $Header: /usr/cvs_base/cvs-web/cvswebcreate.pl,v 1.11 1998/02/18 16:43:36 root Exp $
# Written by Martin Cleaver <Martin.Cleaver@BCS.org.uk>
#HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/1.1N (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.3_U1 sun4m) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
#SERVER_NAME: www.freebsd.org
#SCRIPT_FILENAME: /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/env.pl
#HTTP_ACCEPT: */*, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg
#HTTP_COOKIE: s=beta26429821397802167
#PATH_INFO: /foo/bar
#DOCUMENT_ROOT: /usr/local/www/data/
#PATH: /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
#PATH_TRANSLATED: /usr/local/www/data//foo/bar
#SCRIPT_NAME: /cgi-bin/env.pl
#SERVER_SOFTWARE: Apache/1.0.0
#REMOTE_HOST: beta.xerox.com
#SERVER_ADMIN: webmaster@freebsd.org
package main;
#----------- add the cwd/lib and cwd/etc to @INC. cwd/etc is where config files are.
use Cwd;
my $initpathinfo = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}; # was PATH_TRANSLATED b4 Apache.
$initpathinfo =~ s|(.*)/.*$|$1|; # remove name of script
$initpathinfo =~ s|(.*)/.*$|$1|; # remove /edit directory name
chdir $initpathinfo;
push @INC,$initpathinfo.'/lib';
push @INC,$initpathinfo.'/etc';
$ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ s/$initpathinfo//;
use FileHandle;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use CGI::BasePlus;
use CGI::Request;
use CGI::Carp;
use CGI::Cookie;
use strict;
use Cgilog;
use AuditLog;
my $req = new CGI::Request;
use vars qw($cvswebview_url $cvsroot $cvswebcreate_dbg $cvswebcreate_dbg_mode
$administrator $cvswebcreate_auditlog $cvswebcreate_state);
my $where = $req->cgi->var('PATH_INFO');
$where =~ s|^/||;
$where =~ s|/$||;
require "cvswebconfig.pl";
##### End configuration section
my $fullname = $cvsroot . '/' . $where;
my $scriptname = $req->cgi->var('SCRIPT_NAME');
$scriptname =~ s|^/?|/|;
$scriptname =~ s|/$||;
my $scriptwhere = $scriptname . '/' . $where;
$scriptwhere =~ s|/$||;
init_output($cvswebcreate_dbg, $cvswebcreate_dbg_mode);
my $tmp;
foreach ($req->cgi->vars()) {
$tmp .= $_.' = '.$req->cgi->var($_)."\n";
$tmp = undef;
foreach ($req->params()) {
#$cvswebcreate_state = 'c:/temp/cvswebcreate';
use File::Path;
sub get_empty_dir {
my $tempdir = $cvswebcreate_state.'/tempdir';
unless (-d $cvswebcreate_state and -w _) {
die "\$cvswebcreate_state ($cvswebcreate_state) must be a directory and writeable -$! ";
unless (!-f $tempdir) {
die "cvswebcreate - couldn't clear out temporary directory";
return $tempdir;
# $ cd wdir
# $ cvs import -m "Imported sources" yoyodyne/rdir yoyo start
# The string `yoyo' is a vendor tag, and `start' is a release tag
# $fullname is the path to here.
# To create an empty directory
# cd empty dir.
# cvs import -m "Your explanation here" somelocation/directory vendor release
sub new_directory {
my $tempdir = get_empty_dir();
chdir $tempdir or die ("Couldn't cd into $tempdir - $!");
do_log("In dir $tempdir");
my $dirname = $req->param("fileordirectoryname");
$dirname =~ s|/||g; # remove all slashes for security . TODO - audit replacements
mkdir $dirname, 0755 || die "Couldn't create $dirname - $!";
#VCS::CVS::radddir, would be nice
my $cmd = "cvs -d $cvsroot import ";
$cmd .= ' -m "'.$req->param("comment").'"';
$cmd .= ' "'.$where.'"';
$cmd .= ' '.$req->param("vendortag");
$cmd .= ' '.$req->param("releasetag");
my $output = log_exec ($cmd." 2>&1");
output "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
output "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Directory add results</TITLE></HEAD>";
output "<BODY><H1>Directory add results</H1><HR>".$output."<HR>";
output "From here, you can <A HREF='$cvswebview_url/$where'>return to listing </A>";
output "or <A HREF='$scriptwhere'>return to creating new directories</A>";
output "</HTML></BODY>";
# To create an empty (possibly binary) file
# -k subst
# Indicate the RCS keyword expansion mode desired. This setting will
# apply to all files created during the import, but not to any files that
# previously existed in the repository. See section Substitution modes for
# a list of valid `-k' settings.
#-I name
# Specify file names that should be ignored during import. You can use
# this option repeatedly. To avoid ignoring any files at all (even those
# ignored by default), specify `-I !'. name can be a file name pattern of
# the same type that you can specify in the `.cvsignore' file. See section
# Ignoring files via cvsignore.
# cd empty dir.
# echo > newfile.txt
# cvs import -I ! [-kb] -m "Your explanation here" somelocation/directory vendor release
sub new_file {
my $err = undef;
my $output = undef;
my $tempdir = get_empty_dir();
chdir $tempdir or die ("Couldn't cd into $tempdir - $!");
do_log("In dir $tempdir");
#VCS::CVS::radd, would be nice
my $newfilename = $req->param("fileordirectoryname");
$newfilename =~ s|/||g; # remove all slashes for security
# TODO: if this did any replacements, then write the event to an audit log.
my $fh = new FileHandle(">".$newfilename);
if ($fh) {
close $fh;
my $cmd = "cvs -d $cvsroot import";
$cmd .= ' -I !';
$cmd .= ' -kb' if ($req->param("isbinary") eq "yes");
$cmd .= ' -m "'. # TODO. should store user name!
"New file added using CVSweb.\n".scalar(gmtime($^T)).
$cmd .= ' "'.$where.'"';
$cmd .= ' '.$req->param("vendortag");
$cmd .= ' '.$req->param("releasetag");
$cmd .= " 2>&1";
$output = log_exec ($cmd);
} else {
$err ="Ugh couldn't create $newfilename in $tempdir - $!";
output "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
output "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>File add results</TITLE></HEAD>";
output "<BODY><H1>File add results</H1><HR>".$output." ".$err."<HR>";
output "From here, you can <A HREF='$cvswebview_url/$where'>return to listing </A>";
output "or <A HREF='$scriptwhere'>Create more files</A>";
output "</HTML></BODY>";
############## Main entry point ##################
if ($req->cgi->var('REQUEST_METHOD') eq 'POST') {
my $op = $req->param('op');
if ($op eq "add-file") {
do_log("new file");
} elsif ($op eq "add-directory") {
do_log("new dir");
} else {
not_implemented("The POST create command '$op' was not recognised");
} else {
sub show_usage ($$) {
my ($user, $message) = @_;
output "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
output "<H1>Cvswebcreate Usage</H1>";
output "<H2>$message</H2>\n";
output "The parameters you supplied to this script are incorrect. ";
output "Below is a list of possible parameter combinations:\n<P>";
output "<PRE>";
output "$scriptname<B>/file/under/CVSROOT</B>?";
output "op=add-file\n";
output "op=add-directory\n";
output "op=delete-file\n";
output "op=delete-directory\n";
output "</PRE>\n";
output "All commands are POST commands\n<P>";
output "Links to <A HREF='$scriptwhere?edit=show-status'>show-status</A> and <A HREF='$cvswebview_url'>cvsweb</A>\n";
output "<HR>\n";
return 0;
###################### template for form driven interface ###############
sub show_form {
use CGI::Form;
my $req = new CGI::Form;
output "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
output "You are in directory /$where<P>"; #TODO /?
output "<H2>What do you want to do?</H2>";
output $req->start_multipart_form(
output $req->popup_menu(-name=>'op',
output "Name:";
output $req->textfield(-name=>'fileordirectoryname',
-default=>'New File Name',
-label=>"Name of file or directory in /$where");
output "<P>";
output $req->checkbox(-name=>'isbinary',
-checked=>'checked', # silly syntax
-label=>'If this is a file, is it binary?');
output "<P>Import comment:<BR>\n";
output $req->textarea(-name=>'comments',
output $req->textfield(-name=>'vendortag',
-label=>"Vendor tag");
output $req->textfield(-name=>'releasetag',
-label=>"Release Tag");
output '<INPUT type="submit" value="Submit">'."\n";
output "</BODY></HTML>\n";
exit 0;