# cvswebconfig.pl
# Locations of files
################# Main Configuration section: ##################
# ------------------ local site --------------------
# $administrator - the email address of the person responsible for cvsweb at your
# site
#$administrator = 'Martin.Cleaver@BCS.org.uk';
# $tempdir - the place where:
# 1) temporary log files go
# 2) directories holding the state of the system go
# This directory needs to be writeable by the webserver
# $installdir - the directory containing the read, admin, etc directories as seen by
# command line users.
# $installurl - the path on the URL that the $installdir can be seen as by users using
# the web. This has to match srm.conf (Apache)
# This is where the debugging output from cvswebedit is exposed to the web for the admin
# interface. Whatever you write here must match srm.conf
#$cvswebedit_dbg_url = '/cve/';
# Set $cvsroot to the root of the CVS tree
# NB. Currently, cvsweb.cgi checks for the existance of this directory
# so you can't have it on a different server.
# NB. on win32 systems you must not have a / on the end of this string.
# on UNIX systems it shouldn't matter
# ------------------ cvsweb --------------------
#$cvswebview_url = $installurl.'/read/cvsweb.cgi';
#$cvswebview_dbg = $tempdir.'/cvswebview.out';
# ------------------ cvswebedit --------------------
#$cvswebedit_url = $installurl.'/edit/cvswebedit.cgi';
#$cvswebedit_state = $tempdir.'/cvsweb_upload/';
#$cvswebedit_state_url = ''; # TODO - this should map in srm.conf
#$cvswebedit_dbg = $tempdir.'/cvswebedit.out';
#$cvswebedit_dbg_mode = 'adddate';
# TODO: explain that userdb is only useful if you are not using authentication.
#$cvswebedit_userdb = $installdir.'/etc/userdb.txt';
#$cvswebedit_cookie_name = 'cvswebedit';
#$cvswebedit_auditlog = $tempdir.'/auditlog.txt';
# ------------------ cvswebcreate --------------------
#$cvswebcreate_dbg = $tempdir.'/cvswebcreate.out';
#$cvswebcreate_dbg_mode = 'adddate';
#$cvswebcreate_state = $tempdir.'/cvswebcreate';
#$cvswebcreate_url = $installurl.'/create/cvswebcreate.cgi';
#$cvswebcreate_auditlog = $tempdir.'/auditlog.txt';
# ------------------ locations of programs --------------------
# Settings for the META information page
{WHAT} =
{SORT} =
'sort -u'
{LDD} =
#$metaprogs{FILE} = 'file';
# The cvs and RCS binaries must be in your path.
# Set $rcsbinaries to the location of the RCS binaries, if they're
# not in the web server's $PATH
#$rcsbinaries = '/usr/local/bin';
#if (defined($rcsbinaries)) {
# $ENV{'PATH'} = $rcsbinaries . ":" . $ENV{'PATH'};
# ------------------ URLS to icons used --------------------
# These icons are all relative to the script running.
# $backicon is the icon to be used for the previous directory, if any
# $diricon is the icon to be used for a directory, if any
# $texticon is the icon to be used for a text file, if any