#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Example script on how to use Convert::Pheno in Perl
# This file is part of Convert::Pheno
# Last Modified: Dec/14/2022
# $VERSION taken from Convert::Pheno
# Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Manuel Rueda - CNAG (manuel.rueda@cnag.eu)
# License: Artistic License 2.0
use strict;
# *** IMPORTANT ***
# We have to provide the path #
# to <convert-pheno/lib> #
# if the module WAS NOT #
# installed from CPAN #
use lib '../../lib'; #
# Define method
my $method = 'pxf2bff';
# Define data
my $my_pxf_json_data = {
"phenopacket" => {
"id" => "P0007500",
"subject" => {
"id" => "P0007500",
"dateOfBirth" => "unknown-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"sex" => "FEMALE"
} ;
# Create object
my $convert = Convert::Pheno->new(
data => $my_pxf_json_data,
method => $method
# Run method and store result in hashref
my $hashref = $convert->$method;
print Dumper $hashref;