#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# trashpark - Park your trash at a safe location
use strict;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);
use vars qw($CVSVERSION);
$CVSVERSION = '$Revision: 1.3 $';
getopts("VLvd:e:ixlhs:p:", \my %opts);
my $log_level = $INFO;
$log_level = $DEBUG if $opts{v};
$log_level == $DEBUG ? () : (category => "Trash::Park"),
level => $log_level,
if($opts{V}) {
my ($version) =
$CVSVERSION =~ /(\d\S+)/;
die "$0 $version\n";
my @trashdir = (trash_dir =>
$opts{d}) if $opts{d};
my $trasher = Trash::Park->new(@trashdir, opts => \%opts);
if($opts{x}) {
my $answer = ask "Destroy everything " .
"in $trasher->{trash_dir} ([y]/n)?",
rmf $trasher->{trash_dir} if
$answer =~ /y/i;
} elsif($opts{h} or $opts{l} or $opts{L}) {
my %argv = map { $_ => 1 } @ARGV;
my $history = $trasher->history or
LOGDIE "Cannot get history";
for my $item (@$history) {
my $base = basename($item->file());
# List only specified items via "-l file ..." ?
next if @ARGV and ! exists $argv{$base};
if($opts{L}) {
print $trasher->repo() . $item->file(), "\n";
} else {
print $item->as_string(), "\n";
} elsif($opts{e}){
$trasher->expire($opts{e} || -1);
} else {
pod2usage("No file given") unless @ARGV;
for(@ARGV) {
=head1 NAME
trashpark - Store files safely with querying capability
# Park one or more files or directories (recursively)
trashpark file ...
# Display parking history
trashpark -h
rw-rw-r-- 2005-08-10 23:45:38 mschilli /tmp/file
r--r--r-- 2005-08-10 23:46:04 mschilli /tmp/other
# Like history, just limit list to one or more
# file basenames (no path will be matched)
trashpark -l file ...
rw-rw-r-- 2005-08-10 23:45:38 mschilli /tmp/file
# Like -l, just show full path names to trashcan
# instead of mode, user, move time listing
trashpark -L file ...
# Expire all files in the trash can
# older than 3 days
trashpark -e `expr 24 * 3600 * 3`
C<trashpark> helps removing files by hiding them in a safe location
and providing a query interface.
Without any parameters, C<trashpark> will accept one or more
names of files (or directories) to move to C<.trashpark>:
$ trashpark some/file/somewhere/file.dat
Later on, files in the trashpark can be queried or expired, see
details below.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-d trashpark-repository-dir>
Set the trash path directory explicitely.
If absent, C<~/.trashpark> will be used.
=item B<-h>
Show the parking history of the entire trashpath repository
=item B<-l file ...>
Like history, just limit list to one or more
file basenames (no path).
=item B<-i>
Interactive. Confirm every move with the end user.
$ trashpark -i /tmp/some.dat
Move /tmp/some.dat to ~/.trashpark/repo/tmp/some.dat ([y]/n)? [y]
=item B<-e age_in_seconds>
Expire (i.e. delete) all files in the trashpark older than
C<age_in_seconds>. To calculate larger time spans, use
the C<expr> command line utility:
$ trashpark -e `expr 24 * 3600 * 3`
=item B<-x>
Destroy the entire trashpark, including the index.
Copyright 2005 by Mike Schilli,
all rights reserved. This program is free
software, you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
2005, Mike Schilli <cpan@perlmeister.com>