use strict;
use JSON;
my %command_line_options = (
'host:s' => \my $host,
'port:s' => \my $port,
'data:s' => \my $data,
GetOptions (%command_line_options);
if (!$host) { $host = 'localhost'; warn "using default: --host=$host\n"; };
if (!$port) { $port = '8080'; warn "using default: --port=$port\n"; };
if (!$data) { $data = get_json_request(); warn "using sample --data\n"; };
if ($data eq '-') {
$data = '';
while ($_ = <>) { chomp; $data .= $_; };
my $url = "http://$host:$port/dmarc/json/validate";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $url);
my $response = $ua->request($req)->decoded_content;
#print Dumper($response); # raw JSON response
my $result;
eval { $result = JSON->new->utf8->decode($response) };
if ($result) {
print Dumper($result); # pretty formatted struct
die $response;
sub get_json_request {
return JSON->new->encode ({
source_ip => '',
envelope_to => 'example.com',
envelope_from => 'cars4you.info',
header_from => 'yahoo.com',
dkim => [
{ domain => 'example.com',
selector => 'apr2013',
result => 'fail',
human_result => 'fail (body has been altered)',
spf => [
{ domain => 'example.com',
scope => 'mfrom',
result => 'pass',
=head1 NAME
dmarc_http_client: an HTTP client for submitting a DMARC validation request
Send JSON encoded HTTP requests to the DMARC validation service provided by dmarc_httpd.
dmarc_http_client --host=localhost
The data option accepts a special '-' value that will read the JSON encoded data from STDIN. Use it like this:
cat /path/to/data.json | dmarc_http_client --data=-
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Matt Simerson <msimerson@cpan.org>
=item *
Davide Migliavacca <shari@cpan.org>
=item *
Marc Bradshaw <marc@marcbradshaw.net>