use Test::More qw[no_plan];
use strict;
my $javaVersion = `java -version 2>&1` || 'missing';
my $missingMessage = "Missing JVM, ergo you cannot test JERL (Download a JVM and make it available)";
my $diagMessage = "";
# skip all tests if there is no JAVA (how can you test without a prerequisite, you cannot).
skip $missingMessage, 1 unless $javaVersion;
isnt ($javaVersion, 'missing', 'Tested that JVM is *NOT* Missing');
# Begin troubleshooting to accumulate in $diagMessage
# do you have a java executable available to the automated test
if ($javaVersion eq 'missing') {
$diagMessage .= 'Java was NOT available to the commandline. Consider adding Java to your path.';
# do you have a broken java distribution: a good example of a java version would be a multiline
# like the following:
#java version "1.6.0_18"
#OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8.13) (6b18-1.8.13-0+squeeze2)
#OpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)
my @checks = ( 'java', 'ver', 'jdk' );
# check for items and report in diagnostic message
foreach my $checkForThis (@checks) {
if ($javaVersion !~ m/$checkForThis/ig) {
$diagMessage .= '[Could not find "$checkForThis" in version]';
diag("---------------------------------------- [ Test for JVM ... ]");
diag("-- Found Java Version: $javaVersion ");
diag("-- $diagMessage ");
diag("---------------------------------------- [ ... Test for JVM ]");