use strict;
use Test::More tests => 113;
BEGIN { use_ok("Nagios::Monitoring::Plugin::Functions", ":all"); }
my $this_version=$Nagios::Monitoring::Plugin::Functions::VERSION;
foreach my $m ("", qw(::Threshold ::Getopt ::Performance ::Range)) {
my $mod = "Nagios::Monitoring::Plugin$m";
# Lots of hackery below. Easier to say $mod->VERSION, but this is probably a recent perl thing
my $v = "$mod"."::VERSION";
my $a = eval "\$$v";
is($a, $this_version, "Version number for $mod the same as Functions: $this_version");
# check get_shortname
is(get_shortname, "NAGIOS-MONITORING-PLUGIN-FUNCTIONS-01", "get_shortname ok");
# Hardcoded checks of constants
ok(%ERRORS, '%ERRORS defined');
is(OK, $ERRORS{OK}, "OK => $ERRORS{OK}");
# Test nagios_exit( CONSTANT, $msg ), nagios_exit( $string, $msg )
my $r;
my @ok = (
[ OK, "OK", 'test the first', ],
[ WARNING, "WARNING", 'test the second', ],
[ CRITICAL, "CRITICAL", 'test the third', ],
[ UNKNOWN, "UNKNOWN", 'test the fourth', ],
[ DEPENDENT, "DEPENDENT", 'test the fifth', ],
for (@ok) {
$r = nagios_exit($_->[0], $_->[2]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_exit(%s, $msg) returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_exit(%s, $msg) output matched "%s"',
$_->[1], $_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# $string
$r = nagios_exit($_->[1], $_->[2]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_exit("%s", $msg) returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_exit("%s", $msg) output matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
like($r, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_exit("%s", $msg) stringified matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# nagios_exit code corner cases
my @ugly1 = (
[ -1, 'testing code -1' ],
[ 7, 'testing code 7' ],
[ undef, 'testing code undef' ],
[ '', qq(testing code '') ],
[ 'string', qq(testing code 'string') ],
for (@ugly1) {
$r = nagios_exit($_->[0], $_->[1]);
my $display = defined $_->[0] ? "'$_->[0]'" : 'undef';
is($r->return_code, UNKNOWN, "nagios_exit($display, \$msg) returned ". UNKNOWN);
like($r->message, qr/UNKNOWN\b.*\b$_->[1]$/,
sprintf('nagios_exit(%s, $msg) output matched "%s"',
$display, 'UNKNOWN.*' . $_->[1]));
# nagios_exit message corner cases
my @ugly2 = (
[ '' ],
[ undef ],
for (@ugly2) {
$r = nagios_exit(CRITICAL, $_->[0]);
my $display1 = defined $_->[0] ? "'$_->[0]'" : "undef";
my $display2 = defined $_->[0] ? $_->[0] : '';
like($r->message, qr/CRITICAL\b.*\b$display2$/,
sprintf('nagios_exit(%s, $msg) output matched "%s"',
$display1, "CRITICAL.*$display2"));
# Test nagios_die( $msg )
my @msg = (
[ 'die you dog' ],
[ '' ],
[ undef ],
for (@msg) {
$r = nagios_die($_->[0]);
my $display1 = defined $_->[0] ? "'$_->[0]'" : "undef";
my $display2 = defined $_->[0] ? $_->[0] : '';
is($r->return_code, UNKNOWN,
sprintf('nagios_die(%s) returned UNKNOWN', $display1));
like($r->message, qr/UNKNOWN\b.*\b$display2$/,
sprintf('nagios_die(%s) output matched "%s"', $display1,
# Test nagios_die( CONSTANT, $msg ), nagios_die( $msg, CONSTANT ),
# nagios_die( $string, $msg ), and nagios_die( $msg, $string )
@ok = (
[ OK, "OK", 'test the first', ],
[ WARNING, "WARNING", 'test the second', ],
[ CRITICAL, "CRITICAL", 'test the third', ],
[ UNKNOWN, "UNKNOWN", 'test the fourth', ],
[ DEPENDENT, "DEPENDENT", 'test the fifth', ],
for (@ok) {
# CONSTANT, $msg
$r = nagios_die($_->[0], $_->[2]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_die(%s, $msg) returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die(%s, $msg) output matched "%s"',
$_->[1], $_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# $msg, CONSTANT
$r = nagios_die($_->[2], $_->[0]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_die($msg, %s) returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die($msg, %s) output matched "%s"',
$_->[1], $_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# $string, $msg
$r = nagios_die($_->[1], $_->[2]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_die("%s", $msg) returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die("%s", $msg) output matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
like($r, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die("%s", $msg) stringified matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# $string, $msg
$r = nagios_die($_->[2], $_->[1]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_die($msg, "%s") returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die($msg, "%s") output matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
like($r, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die($msg, "%s") stringified matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# Check that _use_die set to 1 will catch exceptions correctly
eval { nagios_die("Using die") };
is( $@, "NAGIOS-MONITORING-PLUGIN-FUNCTIONS-01 UNKNOWN - Using die\n", "Caught exception");