use strict;
use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast Class::Data::Inheritable/;
use URI;
use Carp;
use Jcode;
Readonly my $ApiRoot => '';
Readonly my $EntriesPerPage => 5;
our $VERSION = 0.05;
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata($_) for qw/debug/;
sub ua {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{ua} = shift;
} else {
$self->{ua} and return $self->{ua};
$self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$self->{ua}->agent(join '/', __PACKAGE__, $self->VERSION);
sub search {
my ($self, $keyword, $args) = @_;
defined $keyword or croak "No keyword was given";
$args ||= {};
my $uri = URI->new_abs('ItemSearch.asp', $ApiRoot);
Keyword => Jcode->new($keyword, $self->ie)->sjis,
CategoryGroup => $args->{CategoryGroup} || 'ALL',
ResultSet => $args->{ResultSet} || 'medium',
SortOrder => $args->{SortOrder} || '',
PageNum => $args->{PageNum} || 1,
my $res = $self->ua->get($uri);
croak $res->status_line if $res->is_error;
my $rs = WebService::KakakuCom::Parser->parse_for_search($res->content);
$rs->pager(Data::Page->new($rs->NumOfResult, $EntriesPerPage, $args->{PageNum} || 1));
wantarray ? @$rs : $rs;
sub product {
my ($self, $product_id, $args) = @_;
defined $product_id or croak "No ProductID was given";
$args ||= {};
my $uri = URI->new_abs('ItemInfo.ashx', $ApiRoot);
ProductID => $product_id,
ResultSet => $args->{ResultSet} || 'medium'
my $res = $self->ua->get($uri);
croak $res->status_line if $res->is_error;
=head1 NAME
WebService::KakakuCom - Handle WebAPI of
use WebService::KakakuCom;
my $api = WebService::KakakuCom->new;
my @results = $api->search('VAIO');
print $_->ProductName, "\n" for @results;
$api->ie('utf8'); # for icode of Jcode
my $rs = $api->search(
{ CategoryGroup => 'Pc', SortOrder => 'daterank', PageNum => 2 }
for (@$rs) {
print $_->ProductID;
print $_->ProductName;
print $_->CategoryName;
print $_->MakerName;
print $_->ImageUrl;
print $_->ItemPageUrl;
print $_->BbsPageUrl;
print $_->ReviewPageUrl;
print $_->LowestPrice;
print $_->NumOfBbs;
print $_->ReviewRating;
my $pager = $rs->pager; # Data::Page
print $pager->total_entries;
print $pager->entries_on_this_page;
my $product = $api->product($ProductID);
print $product->ProductID, "\n";
This module allows you to handle WebAPI of easily. ( is a price comparison sites in
Japan. You can search/retrieve arbitrary product informations via its
own WebAPI. Please refer to for
details. (in Japanese)
=head2 new()
Returns an instance of this module. You must create an instance before
=head2 ua()
Returns an User-Agent instance for customizing an User-Agent string,
timeout values, something like that.
=head2 search($keyword, \%options)
Returns search results as a result set. The result set contains
WebService::KakakuCom::Product objects and it will be available as an
array in list context or as a WebService::KakakuCom::ResultSet object
in scalar context.
my $api = WebService::KakakuCom->new;
my @results = $api->search('Vaio');
my $rs = $api->search('Vaio');
A ResultSet object can also be used as an array and it has some
special methods like C<pager()>.
for my $product (@$rs) {
my $pager = $rs->pager; # an instance of Data::Page
All the informations you want can be retrieve from Product objects in
a result set.
for my $product (@results) {
print $_->ProductID;
print $_->ProductName;
print $_->CategoryName;
print $_->MakerName;
print $_->LowestPrice;
print $_->NumOfBbs;
print $_->ReviewRating;
# These values are wrapped in URI.
print $_->ImageUrl
print $_->ItemPageUrl;
print $_->BbsPageUrl;
print $_->ReviewPageUrl;
You can specify options of search query like PageNum / SortOrder to
the second argument of this method as hash reference. See the official
API documents about detail of those options.
my $rs = $api->search(
{ PageNum => 1, SortOrder => 'popularityrank' }
=head2 product($ProductID)
Returns an object of product by ProductID. An retrieved object is a
WebService::KakakuCom::Product same as used in C<search()>.
=head2 ie($icode)
In the API of, a character set of multi byte characters
must be Shift-JIS. So this module convert querie's charcter
set to Shift-JIS by using L<Jcode> internally.
If there is no information about an input code, it will be guessed
automatically but may be failed. It's better that you set your
character set of queries with this method.
C<$icode> can be any encoding name that L<Encode> understands.
=head2 debug($bool)
Turn on/off the debug switch. Currently it only dump the data
contained in a result set.
=head1 WARNING
This module is in beta version. Object interface it provides may be
changed later.
=head1 AUTHOR
Naoya Ito, C<< <naoya at> >>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
Copyright 2006 Naoya Ito, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.