use FindBin '$Bin';
use lib "$Bin/../lib";
use lib "$Bin";
use Test::More 'no_plan';
use Params::Validate ':all';
use strict;
use CGI;
my $t_obj = TestAppWithoutLogger->new(
QUERY => CGI->new(
# Reality Check tests for correctly set query object.
is($t_obj->query->param('one'), 1, 'Reality check: Query properly set?');
is($t_obj->query->param('two'), 2, 'Reality check: Query properly set?');
is($t_obj->query->param('three'), 3, 'Reality check: Query properly set?');
is($t_obj->query->param('four'), 4, 'Reality check: Query properly set?');
error_mode => 'fail_mode',
my @before_p = sort $t_obj->query->param;
eval {
my $output = $t_obj->validate_query({
one => { type=>SCALAR, optional=>0 },
extra_fields_optional => 1,
my @after_p = sort $t_obj->query->param;
is_deeply(\@before_p, \@after_p, 'Query not clobbered?');
unlike($@, qr/not listed in the validation options/, "Properly ignored rest of query?");