# test various settings of 'alter': param missing, or set to undef, 0, or 1
# driver must call each test with arg 'setup' then with arg 'test'
# this set (20, 21, ...) starts with non-empty database and does 'alter' that
# adds collection
use t::lib;
use strict;
use schemaUtil; use Place;
my $labelprefix='add collection, alter=>0';
# %test_args, exported by schemaUtil, sets class2colls, coll2keys, label
my $test=new autodbTestObject(%test_args,labelprefix=>"$labelprefix:");
my $object=new Place(name=>'test object original',id=>id_next());
if ($action=~/^s/i) {
report_pass(drop_all(),"$labelprefix: database empty");
my $autodb=eval {new Class::AutoDB(database=>testdb)};
is($@,'',"$labelprefix: database created");
my $correct_tables=correct_tables(qw(Place));
ok_dbtables($correct_tables,"$labelprefix: NewColl not there, as expected");
} elsif ($action=~/^t/i) {
eval {require NewExpand}; # do it here so 'test' will alter 'setup'
my $autodb=eval {new Class::AutoDB(database=>testdb,alter=>0)};
like($@,qr/memory registry adds/,"$labelprefix: new failed as expected");
my $correct_tables=correct_tables(qw(Place));
ok_dbtables($correct_tables,"$labelprefix: tables. NewColl not added as expected");
my $correct_columns=correct_columns(qw(Place));
ok_dbcolumns($correct_columns,"$labelprefix: columns");
# my $object=new NewColl(name=>'test object expanded',id=>id_next());
# $test->test_put(object=>$object);
} else {
fail("test requires 'action' parameter to be 'setup' or 'test'");