$Text::Markdown::PerlExtensions::VERSION = '0.03';
use strict;
use 5.8.0;
use parent qw(Text::Markdown Exporter);
use Text::Balanced qw(extract_bracketed);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(markdown add_formatting_code);
my %handler =
'M' => \&_formatting_code_module,
'A' => \&_formatting_code_author,
'D' => \&_formatting_code_distribution,
'P' => \&_formatting_code_perlfunc,
sub markdown
my ( $self, $text, $options ) = @_;
# Detect functional mode, and create an instance for this run
unless (ref $self) {
if ( $self ne __PACKAGE__ ) {
my $ob = __PACKAGE__->new();
# $self is text, $text is options
$ob->{ handlers } = \%handler;
return $ob->markdown($self, $text);
else {
croak('Calling ' . $self . '->markdown (as a class method) is not supported.');
$options ||= {};
%$self = (
%{ $self->{params} },
params => $self->{params},
handlers => $self->{handlers}
return $self->_Markdown($text);
sub add_formatting_code
if (@_ == 2) {
my ($code, $handler_function) = @_;
$handler{$code} = $handler_function;
} elsif (@_ == 3) {
my ($self, $code, $handler_function) = @_;
$self->{ handlers } = {} if not exists $self->{ handlers };
$self->{ handlers }->{ $code } = $handler_function;
} else {
croak('wrong number of args to add_handler()');
sub _RunSpanGamut {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text = $self->SUPER::_RunSpanGamut($text);
return $self->_DoExtendedMarkup($text);
sub new
my ($class, %p) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%p);
return undef unless defined($self);
$self->{ handlers } = \%handler;
return $self;
sub _DoExtendedMarkup
my ($self, $text) = @_;
my $regexp = join('|', keys %{ $self->{ handlers }});
if ($text =~ m!\A(.*?)($regexp)(<[^/].*)\z!ms) {
my $prefix = $1;
my $code = $2;
my $tail = $3;
my ($extracted, $remainder) = extract_bracketed($tail, '<>');
if (defined($extracted)) {
# Need to be able to handled I<B<bob> and B<mary>>,
# which is why we're using extract_bracketed, and recurse on the contents
$extracted =~ s/\A<|>\z//msg;
$extracted = $self->_DoExtendedMarkup($extracted);
my $result = $self->{handlers}->{$code}->( $extracted );
return $prefix.$result.$self->_DoExtendedMarkup($remainder);
return $text;
sub _formatting_code_distribution
my $dist_name = shift;
return qq{<a href="https://metacpan.org/release/$dist_name" class="distribution">$dist_name</a>};
sub _formatting_code_module
my $module_name = shift;
return qq{<a href="https://metacpan.org/pod/$module_name" class="module">$module_name</a>};
sub _formatting_code_author
my $author_id = shift;
return qq{<a href="https://metacpan.org/author/$author_id" class="cpanAuthor">$author_id</a>};
sub _formatting_code_perlfunc
my $function_name = shift;
return qq{<a href="http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/$function_name.html" class="function">$function_name</a>};
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Text::Markdown::PerlExtensions - markdown converter that supports perl-specific extensions
In your markdown:
You might P<use> M<PerlX::Define> in D<Moops> by A<TOBYINK>.
And to convert that:
use Text::Markdown::PerlExtensions qw(markdown);
$html = markdown($markdown);
Text::Markdown::PerlExtensions provides a function for converting markdown
to HTML.
It is a subclass of L<Text::Markdown> that provides two additional
=over 4
=item *
Four pod-style formatting codes, used for distribution names,
module names, PAUSE author IDs, and Perl's built-in functions.
These generate links to the relevant pages on L<MetaCPAN|https://metacpan.org>
or L<perldoc.perl.org|http://perldoc.perl.org>.
=item *
A mechanism for adding further pod-style formatting codes.
I wrote this module to use with my blogging engine.
I found that I was constantly writing links to MetaCPAN,
and wanted a terser notation.
The following sections describe each of the extensions,
one by one.
=head2 Module
To refer to a module on CPAN, you use the B<M> formatting code.
If you write:
This generates:
<a href="https://metacpan.org/pod/Module::Path" class="module">Module::Path</a>
The link is given a class, so you can style module names.
=head2 Distribution
To refer to a distribution, use the B<D> formatting code.
If you write
this generates:
<a href="https://metacpan.org/release/Dancer" class="distribution">Dancer</a>
=head2 CPAN Author
Similarly, to refer to a CPAN author, use the B<A> formatting code.
If you write:
This generates:
<a href="https://metacpan.org/author/NEILB" class="cpanAuthor">NEILB</a>
=head2 Perl built-in function
To link to documentation for one of Perl's built-in functions,
use the B<P> formatting code:
This example would produce:
<a href="http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/require.html" class="function">require</a>
I really wanted to use the B<F> formatting code for this,
but that's already taken in the L<pod spec|http://perldoc.perl.org/perlpod.html>,
used for highlighting file names.
Note: this doesn't check whether the function name given is actually a
Perl built-in.
=head2 Markdown
All other syntax is as supported by L<Text::Markdown>.
You shouldn't find any clashes between the Pod-like extensions;
I haven't found any so far, but please let me know if you
experience any problems.
=head1 Adding formatting codes
You can add your own pod-style formatting codes.
For each code you define a function that takes one text argument
and returns the transformed version of that text.
The following shows how you could define B<I> and B<B> formatting codes,
for italic and bold respectively:
use Text::Markdown::PerlExtensions qw(markdown add_formatting_code);
sub format_italic
my $text = shift;
return "<I>$text</I>";
sub format_bold
my $text = shift;
return "<B>$text</B>";
add_formatting_code('I' => \&format_bold);
add_formatting_code('B' => \&format_bold);
my $md = 'Highlight with B<bold> and I<italic>.';
my $text = markdown($md);
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Text::Markdown> - the base class for this module.
for markdown syntax.
=head1 AUTHOR
Neil Bowers E<lt>neilb@cpan.orgE<gt>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Neil Bowers <neilb@cpan.org>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.