<%method title>Redirect FleXtel Number</%method>
FleXtel number <% $flextelNumber %> is diverted to <% $status->{destination} %>.
<form method="post">
Redirect to <select name="new_destination">
% for my $mem (@{$status->{phonebook}}) {
% next unless $mem->{number};
<option <% ($status->{destination} =~ /^$mem->{number}\b/ ? 'selected' : '') %>
value="<% $mem->{number} %>"><% $mem->{number} %> (<% $mem->{title} %>)</option>
% }
<input type="submit" value="Redirect" id="change_destination"
onClick="javascript:document.getElementById('change_destination').disabled=true" />
$new_destination => '';
use WWW::FleXtel qw();
use Storable qw(store retrieve);
# Define some paramaters
my $flextelNumber = '07017766554';
my $cacheTTL = 60*30; # 30 minutes
my $cacheFile = '/tmp/flextelNumber.dat';
my $status = -f $cacheFile ? retrieve($cacheFile) : {};
# Define our FleXtel account
my $flextel = WWW::FleXtel->new(
number => $flextelNumber,
pin => '????',
# Try and redirect the number if asked to
my $redirected = '';
if ($new_destination =~ /^[0-9 \+\#]+$/ && $status->{destination} !~ /^$new_destination\b/) {
$redirected = $flextel->set_destination(
destination => $new_destination
# Refresh the status data
if ($redirected || !defined $status->{last_updated}
|| time - $status->{last_updated} > $cacheTTL) {
my $destination = $flextel->get_destination;
my $phonebook = $flextel->get_phonebook;
# Write to the cache if we received the data back okay
if (defined $destination && $destination && defined $phonebook && @{$phonebook}) {
$status->{destination} = $destination;
$status->{phonebook} = $phonebook;
$status->{last_updated} = time;
store($status, $cacheFile);