plan skip_all => 'set TEST_ONLINE to enable this test'
# initialization
my $r = Rethinkdb->new;
isa_ok $r, 'Rethinkdb';
$r = r;
isa_ok $r, 'Rethinkdb';
my $conn = r->connect;
isa_ok $conn, 'Rethinkdb::IO';
# connect default values
is $conn->host, 'localhost';
is $conn->port, 28015;
is $conn->default_db, 'test';
is $conn->auth_key, '';
is $conn->timeout, 20;
# other values for connect
eval { my $r = r->connect('wiggle'); } or do {
like $@, qr/ERROR: Could not connect to wiggle:28015/,
'Correct host connection error message';
eval { my $r = r->connect( 'localhost', 48015 ); } or do {
like $@, qr/ERROR: Could not connect to localhost:48015/,
'Correct host connection error message';
$r = r->connect( 'localhost', 28015, 'better' );
isnt $r->default_db, 'test';
is $r->default_db, 'better', 'Correct `default_db` set';
# test auth_key
eval { r->connect( 'localhost', 28015, 'better', 'hiddenkey' ); } or do {
like $@, qr/ERROR: Incorrect authorization key./,
'Correct `auth_key` connection error message';
my $r = r->connect( 'localhost', 28015, 'better', '', 100 );
is $r->timeout, 100, 'Correct timeout set';
# query without connection should throw an error
eval { r->db('test')->create->run; } or do {
like $@, qr/ERROR: run\(\) was not given a connection/,
'Correct error on `run` without connection';
# internal stuff
is r->io, undef;
isa_ok r->io, 'Rethinkdb::IO';
# close connection
$conn = r->connect;
isa_ok $conn->close, 'Rethinkdb::IO';
is $conn->_handle, undef;
$conn = r->connect;
isa_ok $conn->close( noreply_wait => 0 ), 'Rethinkdb::IO';
is $conn->_handle, undef;
# reconnect
isa_ok $conn->reconnect, 'Rethinkdb::IO';
isa_ok $conn->_handle, 'IO::Socket::INET';
is $conn->_handle->peerport, 28015;
is $conn->_handle->peerhost, '';
isa_ok $conn->reconnect( noreply_wait => 0 ), 'Rethinkdb::IO';
isa_ok $conn->_handle, 'IO::Socket::INET';
is $conn->_handle->peerport, 28015;
is $conn->_handle->peerhost, '';
# switch default databases
is $conn->default_db, 'test2';
is $conn->default_db, 'wiggle-waggle';
# noreply_wait
my $res = $conn->noreply_wait;
is $res->type_description, 'wait_complete';
# testing run parameters
# profile
= r->db('rethinkdb')->table('logs')->nth(0)->run( { profile => r->true } );
isa_ok $res->profile, 'ARRAY', 'Correctly received profile data';
# durability (no real way to test the output)
r->db('test')->create->run( { durability => 'soft' } );
id => 1,
superhero => 'Iron Man',
target => 'Mandarin',
damage_dealt => 100,
id => 2,
superhero => 'Wolverine',
target => 'Sabretooth',
damage_dealt => 40,
id => 3,
superhero => 'Iron Man',
target => 'Magneto',
damage_dealt => 90,
id => 4,
superhero => 'Wolverine',
target => 'Magneto',
damage_dealt => 10,
id => 5,
superhero => 'Spider-Man',
target => 'Green Goblin',
damage_dealt => 20,
# group_format
$res = r->db('test')->table('battle')->group('superhero')->run( { group_format => 'raw' } );
is $res->response->{'$reql_type$'}, 'GROUPED_DATA', 'Correct group_format response data';
isa_ok $res->response->{data}, 'ARRAY', 'Correct group_format response data';
isa_ok $res->response->{data}[0][1], 'ARRAY', 'Correct group_format response data';
# db
$res = r->table('cluster_config')->run({db => 'rethinkdb'});
ok ($res->response->[0]->{id} eq 'auth' or $res->response->[0]->{id} eq 'heartbeat'), 'Correct response for db change';
# array_limit (doesn't seem to change response)
r->db('test')->table('battle')->run({array_limit => 2});
# noreply
$res = r->db('test')->table('battle')->run({noreply => 1});
is $res, undef, 'Correct response for noreply';
# test a callback
$res = r->db('test')->table('battle')->run(sub {
my $res = shift;
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct response for callback';
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct response for callback return';
# clean up