plan skip_all => 'set TEST_ONLINE to enable this test'
# setup
my $conn = r->connect->repl;
r->db('test')->table('marvel')->create( primary_key => 'superhero' )->run;
user_id => 1,
superhero => 'Iron Man',
superpower => 'Arc Reactor',
active => 1,
age => 35,
victories => 2,
battles => 3,
villainDefeated => 'Mandarin',
outfits => 12,
gadget => 'Shoulder-mounted rocket launcher'
user_id => 8,
superhero => 'Wolverine',
superpower => 'Adamantium',
age => 40,
victories => 12,
battles => 3,
villainDefeated => 'Sabretooth',
outfits => 2,
user_id => 9,
superhero => 'Spider-Man',
superpower => 'Spidy Sense',
age => 20,
victories => 24,
battles => 3,
villainDefeated => 'Green Goblin',
gadget => 'Web-slinger'
r->db('test')->table('villains')->create( primary_key => 'name' )->run;
{ name => 'Mandarin', },
{ name => 'Sabretooth', },
{ name => 'Green Goblin' }
my $res;
# args
$res = r->table('marvel')->get_all( r->args( [ 'Spider-Man', 'Wolverine' ] ),
{ index => 'superhero' } )->run;
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct response type';
is_deeply [ sort map { $_->{superhero} } @{ $res->response } ],
[ 'Spider-Man', 'Wolverine' ], 'Correct response';
# do
my $res = r->do(
r->table('marvel')->get('Iron Man'),
sub ($) {
my $ironman = shift;
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
is $res->response, 'Arc Reactor', 'Correct response';
# branch
# r->row->bracket('victories')->gt(100),
sub { shift->bracket('victories')->gt(1); },
# r->true,
sub { shift->bracket('superhero')->add(' is a superhero'); },
sub { shift->bracket('superhero')->add(' is a hero'); }
# for_each
$res = r->table('marvel')->for_each(
sub {
my $hero = shift;
return r->table('villains')->get( $hero->bracket('villainDefeated') )
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
is $res->response->{deleted}, 3, 'Correct response';
# error
$res = r->table('marvel')->get('Iron Man')->do(
sub {
my $ironman = shift;
$ironman->bracket('victories')->lt( $ironman->bracket('battles') ),
r->error('impossible code path'), $ironman );
is $res->type, 18, 'Correct response type';
is $res->response->[0], 'impossible code path', 'Correct response';
# default
$res = r->table('marvel')->map(
sub {
my $stuff = shift;
->add( $stuff->bracket('active')->default(0) );
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct response type';
is_deeply [ sort { $a <=> $b } @{ $res->response } ], [ '0', '2', '13' ],
'Correct response';
$res = r->table('marvel')->map(r->row->bracket('gadget')->default)->run;
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct response type';
is_deeply [ sort @{ $res->response } ], [ undef, 'Shoulder-mounted rocket launcher', 'Web-slinger' ],
'Correct response';
# expr
$res = r->expr( { 'a' => 'b' } )->merge( { 'b' => [ 1, 2, 3 ] } )->run($conn);
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
is_deeply $res->response, { 'a' => 'b', 'b' => [ '1', '2', '3' ] },
'Correct response';
# js
$res = r->js("'str1' + 'str2'")->run;
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
is $res->response, 'str1str2', 'Correct response';
# js with function
$res = r->table('marvel')
->filter( r->js('(function (row) { return row.age > 35; })') )->run($conn);
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct response type';
is $res->response->[0]->{superhero}, 'Wolverine', 'Correct response type';
# js with timeout
$res = r->js( 'while(true) {}', 1.3 )->run($conn);
is $res->type, 18, 'Correct response type';
is $res->response->[0],
'JavaScript query `while(true) {}` timed out after 1.300 seconds.',
'Correct response';
# coerce_to
$res = r->table('marvel')->coerce_to('array')->run;
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
isa_ok $res->response, 'ARRAY', 'Correct response';
$res = r->expr( [ [ 'name', 'Iron Man' ], [ 'victories', 2000 ] ] )
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
isa_ok $res->response, 'HASH', 'Correct response';
$res = r->expr(1)->coerce_to('string')->run($conn);
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
is $res->response, '1', 'Correct response';
# type_of
$res = r->expr("foo")->type_of->run($conn);
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
is $res->response, 'STRING', 'Correct response';
# info
$res = r->table('marvel')->info->run($conn);
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
$res->response->{db}->{id} = '';
$res->response->{id} = '';
$res->response->{doc_count_estimates} = [6];
is_deeply $res->response,
primary_key => 'superhero',
db => { name => 'test', type => 'DB', id => '' },
name => 'marvel',
type => 'TABLE',
id => '',
indexes => [],
doc_count_estimates => [6]
'Correct response';
# json
$res = r->json("[1,2,3]")->run($conn);
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
is_deeply $res->response, [ '1', '2', '3' ], 'Correct response';
# http
$res = r->http('')->run($conn);
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
like $res->response->{headers}->{'User-Agent'}, qr/RethinkDB\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/,
'Correct response';
= r->table('posts')->insert( r->http('') )->run($conn);
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
is $res->response->{inserted}, 1, 'Correct response';
my $data = { player => 'Bob', game => 'tic tac toe' };
= r->http( '', { method => 'POST', data => $data } )
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
is_deeply $res->response->{form}, $data, 'Correct response';
# uuid
$res = r->uuid->run;
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct response type';
like $res->response,
'Correct response';
# clean up