plan skip_all => 'set TEST_ONLINE to enable this test'
# setup
r->db('test')->table('marvel')->create( primary_key => 'superhero' )->run;
user_id => 1,
superhero => 'Iron Man',
superpower => 'Arc Reactor',
active => 1,
age => 35
user_id => 8,
superhero => 'Wolverine',
superpower => 'Adamantium',
active => 0,
age => 35
user_id => 9,
superhero => 'Spider-Man',
superpower => 'Spidy Sense',
active => 0,
age => 20
# two ways to do the same thing:
my $res = r->db('test')->table('marvel')->run;
my $res2 = r->table('marvel')->run;
# everything should be the same but the tokens
$res2->token( $res->token );
is_deeply $res, $res2;
# fetch (possibly) out-dated results
user_id => 2,
superhero => 'Hulk',
superpower => 'Smash',
active => 1,
age => 35
user_id => 3,
superhero => 'Captain America',
superpower => 'Super Strength',
active => 1,
age => 135
user_id => 4,
superhero => 'Thor',
superpower => 'God-like powers',
active => 1,
age => 1035
user_id => 5,
superhero => 'Hawk-Eye',
superpower => 'Bow-n-arrow',
active => 0,
age => 35
user_id => 6,
superhero => 'Wasp',
superpower => 'Bio-lasers',
active => 0,
age => 35
user_id => 7,
superhero => 'Ant-Man',
superpower => 'Size',
active => 1,
age => 35
# TODO: how to really test for this
$res = r->db('test')->table( 'marvel', 1 )->run;
$res2 = r->db('test')->table( 'marvel', r->true )->run;
# everything should be the same but the tokens
$res2->token( $res->token );
is_deeply $res, $res2;
# get Document
$res = r->table('marvel')->get('Spider-Man')->run;
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct class';
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct status code';
is $res->response->{superhero}, 'Spider-Man', 'Correct response';
# wait for indexes to be ready_for_reads
# get all Documents with correct key
= r->table('marvel')->get_all( 'Size', 'Smash', { index => 'superpower' } )
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct class';
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct status code';
isa_ok $res->response, 'ARRAY', 'Correct response';
is scalar @{ $res->response }, 2, 'Correct number of documents returned';
# Select a couple items (should fail because we there is no ID key)
$res = r->table('marvel')->between( 2, 7 )->run;
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct class';
is $res->type, 18, 'Correct status code';
is $res->response->[0], 'Index `id` was not found on table `test.marvel`.';
# Select a couple items with correct key
$res = r->table('marvel')->between( 2, 7, 'user_id' )->run;
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct class';
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct status code';
isa_ok $res->response, 'ARRAY', 'Correct response type';
is scalar @{ $res->response }, 5, 'Correct number of documents returned';
# Select using special constants
$res = r->table('marvel')->between( r->minval, 7, 'user_id' )->run;
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct class';
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct status code';
isa_ok $res->response, 'ARRAY', 'Correct response type';
is scalar @{ $res->response }, 6, 'Correct number of documents returned';
$res = r->table('marvel')->between( 2, r->maxval, 'user_id' )->run;
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct class';
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct status code';
isa_ok $res->response, 'ARRAY', 'Correct response type';
is scalar @{ $res->response }, 8, 'Correct number of documents returned';
# Select a couple items with correct key, with parameters
$res = r->table('marvel')->between( 2, 7, 'user_id', 'open', 'closed' )->run;
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct class';
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct status code';
isa_ok $res->response, 'ARRAY', 'Correct response type';
is scalar @{ $res->response }, 5, 'Correct number of documents returned';
# Select a couple items with correct key, with parameter hash
= r->table('marvel')
->between( 2, 7,
{ index => 'user_id', left_bound => 'open', right_bound => 'closed' } )->run;
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct class';
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct status code';
isa_ok $res->response, 'ARRAY', 'Correct response type';
is scalar @{ $res->response }, 5, 'Correct number of documents returned';
# Filter results
$res = r->table('marvel')->filter( { active => 1 } )->run;
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct class';
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct status code';
isa_ok $res->response, 'ARRAY', 'Correct response type';
is scalar @{ $res->response }, 5, 'Correct number of documents returned';
# Filter on multiple attributes
$res = r->table('marvel')
->filter( { active => 1, age => 35, superpower => 'Size' } )->run;
isa_ok $res, 'Rethinkdb::Response', 'Correct class';
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct status code';
isa_ok $res->response, 'ARRAY', 'Correct response type';
is scalar @{ $res->response }, 1, 'Correct number of documents returned';
is $res->response->[0]->{superhero}, 'Ant-Man', 'Correct document returned';
# Filter with EXPR predicate
# $res = r->table('marvel')->filter(r->true)->run;
$res = r->table('marvel')->filter( r->row->bracket('age')->gt(100) )->run;
is $res->type, 2, 'Correct status code';
is_deeply [ sort { $a->{user_id} cmp $b->{user_id} } @{ $res->response } ],
active => '1',
superhero => 'Captain America',
user_id => '3',
age => '135',
superpower => 'Super Strength'
active => '1',
superhero => 'Thor',
user_id => '4',
age => '1035',
superpower => 'God-like powers'
'Correct response type';
# Filter with CODE predicate
$res = r->table('marvel')->filter(
sub {
my $hero = shift;
return $hero->bracket('age')->gt(100);
is $res->type, 1, 'Correct status code';
is_deeply $res->response,
active => '1',
superhero => 'Captain America',
user_id => '3',
age => '135',
superpower => 'Super Strength'
active => '1',
superhero => 'Thor',
user_id => '4',
age => '1035',
superpower => 'God-like powers'
'Correct response type';
# clean up