use Moose;
use IO::Handle '_IOLBF';
extends 'Archive::Tar';
our $VERSION = '1.13';
has 'file' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
default => 'backup.ab',
# defaults to invalid values to ensure
# explicit setting read_header and write_header
subtype 'HdrMagic'
=> as 'Str'
=> where { $_ eq "ANDROID BACKUP" }
=> message {"Invalid Header"};
has 'magic' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HdrMagic', lazy => 1, default => '' );
subtype 'HdrVersion'
=> as 'Num'
=> where { $_ == 1 || $_ == 2}
=> message {"Unsupported File Version [$_]"};
has 'version' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HdrVersion', lazy => 1, default => 0 );
subtype 'HdrCompression'
=> as 'Num'
=> where { $_ =~ /^[01]$/ };
has 'compression' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HdrCompression', lazy => 1, default => -1 );
subtype 'HdrEncryption'
=> as 'Str'
=> where { $_ eq "none" }
=> message {"Encryption not implemented"};
has 'encryption' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HdrEncryption', lazy => 1, default => "");
sub _readHdrLine($$)
my ($self, $FH) = @_;
my ($buf, $c) = (('') x 2);
while ((read($FH, $c, 1) > 0) && ($c ne "\n")) {
$buf .= $c;
sub read_header($)
my ($self, $FH) = @_;
sub write_header($)
my ($self, $FH) = @_;
$self->magic("ANDROID BACKUP");
seek $FH, 0, 0;
print $FH $self->magic . "\n";
print $FH $self->version . "\n";
print $FH $self->compression . "\n";
print $FH $self->encryption . "\n";
around 'read' => sub
my ($orig, $self, @args) = @_;
my $file = shift @args;
if (not defined $file) {
$file = $self->file;
my $z = new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate;
my ($inFH, $tmpFHout, $tmpFHin, $tmpbuf, $header, $inbuf, $outbuf, $status);
open($tmpFHout, ">", \$tmpbuf) || die "no write access memory?!";
open($tmpFHin, "<", \$tmpbuf) || die "no read access memory?!";
open($inFH, "<",$file) || die "Cannot open $file";
map { binmode $_, ":bytes"; } $inFH, $tmpFHin, $tmpFHout;
while (read($inFH, $inbuf, 4096)) {
$status = $z->inflate($inbuf, $outbuf);
print $tmpFHout $outbuf;
last if $status != Z_OK;
die "inflation failed" unless $status == Z_STREAM_END;
# suppress error output
$Archive::Tar::WARN = 0;
map { close $_; } $inFH, $tmpFHout, $tmpFHin;
if ($self->error) {
die "Invalid Tar file within backup!\n".$self->error;
around 'write' => sub
my ($orig, $self, @args) = @_;
my $file = shift @args;
if (not defined $file) {
$file = $self->file;
my $z = new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate;
my ($outbuf, $status, $outFH, $tmpFHout, $tmpFHin, $tmpbuf);
open($outFH, ">", $file) || die "cannot write to file [$file]";
open($tmpFHout, ">", \$tmpbuf) || die "no write access memory ?!";
open($tmpFHin, "<", \$tmpbuf) || die "no read access memory ?!";
map { binmode $_, ":bytes"; } $outFH, $tmpFHout, $tmpFHin;
# Archive::Tar will space pad numbers by default
# (which makes sense considering they are ascii formatted numbers)
# however, according to the android code, these entries can be space
# or nul terminated
# see :: extractRadix
$Archive::Tar::ZERO_PAD_NUMBERS = 1;
while (<$tmpFHin>) {
$status = $z->deflate($_, $outbuf) ;
$status == Z_OK or die "deflation failed\n" ;
print $outFH $outbuf;
$status = $z->flush($outbuf);
$status == Z_OK or die "deflation failed\n" ;
print $outFH $outbuf;
map { close $_; } $outFH, $tmpFHout, $tmpFHin;
sub add_dir
my ($self, $dir) = @_;
return unless (-d $dir);
my $index = new Archive::AndroidBackup::TarIndex;
find(sub { $index->build_from_str($File::Find::name); }, $dir);
$self->add_files( $index->as_array );
no Moose;
=head1 NAME
=head1 METHODS
=head2 write
=head 2 read($file)
=head2 add_dir($dir)
emulate tar -cf dir
will correctly sort directory index the way android backup needs it
(aka the implementation peculiarity that spawned this whole project)