use v5.10.0;
use blib;
use strict;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
my ($vos, $volume, $time, $file, $server, $part, $clone, $omit, $ok);
die "Usage: $0 volume [time [file [server partition clone omit]]]\n" if $#ARGV < 0;
$volume = shift;
$time = shift // '';
$file = shift // '';
$server = shift // '';
$part = shift // '';
$clone = shift // 0;
$omit = shift // 0;
if (defined $clone and !looks_like_number($clone)) { warn "$0: CLONE is not an INTEGER ...\n"; }
else { $clone = int($clone); }
if (defined $omit and !looks_like_number($omit)) { warn "$0: OMIT is not an INTEGER ...\n"; }
else { $omit = int($omit); }
$vos = AFS::VOS->new;
$AFS::CODE and print "AFS::CODE = $AFS::CODE\n" and die;
$ok = $vos->dump($volume, $time, $file, $server, $part, $clone, $omit);
if ($AFS::CODE) { print "AFS::CODE = $AFS::CODE\n"; }
else { print "Dumped volume $volume in file $file\n" if ($file); }