package ABNF::Grammar;
=head1 NAME
B<ABNF-Grammar> - validator and generator for ABNF grammars.
B<ABNF::Grammar> - class for inner representation ABNF-grammar.
=head1 VERSION
This document describes B<ABNF::Grammar> version 0.03
use ABNF::Grammar qw(Grammar);
use ABNF::Generator qw(asStrings);
use ABNF::Generator::Honest qw(Honest);
use ABNF::Generator::Liar qw(Liar);
use ABNF::Validator qw(Validator);
my $grammar = Grammar->new("smtp.bnf", qw(ehlo helo mail rcpt data rset vrfy noop quit data data-terminate));
my $valid = Validator->new($grammar);
my $liar = Liar->new($grammar, $valid);
my $honest = Honest->new($grammar, $valid);
$valid->validate("vrfy", "string");
my @strings = $liar->withoutArguments("vrfy");
my $string = $liar->unExistedCommand("vrfy");
my $string = $liar->endlessCommand("vrfy");
my $string = $liar->generate("helo");
my $string = $honest->generate("helo");
This module parses IETF ABNF (STD 68, RFC 5234, 4234, 2234) grammars
via B<Parse::ABNF> and provides tools to :
=over 4
=item * verify validity of string
=item * generate valid messages
=item * generate invalid messages
=head1 METHODS
use 5.014;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Storable qw(dclone);
use base "Exporter";
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(splitRule Grammar $BASIC_RULES);
our $VERSION = 0.03;
Readonly our $BASIC_RULES => do {
my $res = {};
foreach my $rule ( @{$Parse::ABNF::CoreRules} ) {
die "Multiple definitions for $rule->{name}" if exists($res->{$rule->{name}});
$res->{$rule->{name}} = $rule;
=head1 ABNF::Grammar->C<new>($fname, @commands)
Creates a new B<ABNF::Grammar> object.
Read ABNF rules from file with $fname.
@commands consists of main command names for generation and validation.
method new(Str $fname, @commands) {
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
$self = {_commands => { map {$_ => 1} @commands} };
bless($self, $class);
open(my $file, $fname)
or croak "Cant open $fname";
my $content = join("", <$file>) . "\n";
or carp "Cant close $fname";
foreach my $command ( @commands ) {
croak "Grammar doesn't have command $command" unless exists($self->{_rules}->{$command});
return $self;
=head1 ABNF::Grammar->C<fromString>($content, @commands)
Creates a new B<ABNF::Grammar> object.
Get ABNF rules from string $rule
@commands consists of main command names for generation and validation.
method fromString(Str $content, @commands) {
my $class = ref($self) || $self;
$self = {_commands => { map {$_ => 1} @commands} };
bless($self, $class);
$self->_init($content . "\n");
foreach my $command ( @commands ) {
croak "Grammar doesn't have command $command" unless exists($self->{_rules}->{$command});
return $self;
method _init($content) {
my $parser = Parse::ABNF->new();
my $rules = $parser->parse($content)
or croak "Bad rules";
foreach my $rule ( @$rules ) {
croak "Multiple definitions for $rule->{name}" if exists($self->{_rules}->{$rule->{name}});
$self->{_rules}->{$rule->{name}} = $rule;
=head1 $grammar->C<rule>($name)
Return rule form $name with name $name.
Result structure is identical to B<Parse::ABNF> structure.
For debug only.
Do not modify result structure.
method rule(Str $name) {
croak "Unexisted rule $name" unless exists($self->{_rules}->{$name});
=head1 $grammar->C<rules>()
Return all rules.
Result structures is identical to B<Parse::ABNF> structure.
For debug only.
Do not modify result structure.
method rules() {
=head1 $grammar->C<replaceRule>($rule, $value)
Replace $rule with $value.
For debug use only.
dies if there is no rule like $rule.
method replaceRule(Str $rule, $value) {
croak "Unexisted rule $rule" unless exists($self->{_rules}->{$rule});
croak "new value name must be equal to rule" unless $value->{name} eq $rule;
$self->{_rules}->{$rule} = $value;
=head1 $grammar->C<replaceBasicRule>($rule, $value)
Replace $rule with $value.
For debug use only.
dies if there is no rule like $rule.
method replaceBasicRule(Str $rule, $value) {
croak "Unexisted rule $rule" unless exists($BASIC_RULES->{$rule});
croak "new value name must be equal to rule" unless $value->{name} eq $rule;
$BASIC_RULES->{$rule} = $value;
=head1 $grammar->C<hasCommand>($name)
Return 1 if $name is command, 0 otherwise.
method hasCommand(Str $name) {
exists $self->{_commands}->{$name};
=head1 $grammar->C<commands>()
Return all grammar commands as arrayref.
method commands() {
[ keys $self->{_commands} ]
=head1 C<splitRule>($rule)
In scalar context return prefix only, in list -- prefix and arguments rules.
$rule is structure that returns from C<rule> and like in B<Parse::ABNF>.
func splitRule($rule) {
my $value = $rule->{value};
my $prefix = "";
if (
$value->{class} eq 'Group'
&& $value->{value}->[0]->{class} eq 'Literal'
) {
$prefix = $value->{value}->[0]->{value};
$value = dclone($value);
if (
$value->{value}->[0]->{class} eq 'Reference'
&& $value->{value}->[0]->{name} eq 'SP'
) {
$prefix .= "\x20";
if (
$value->{value}->[-1]->{class} eq 'Reference'
&& $value->{value}->[-1]->{name} eq 'CRLF'
) {
return wantarray ? ($prefix, $value) : $prefix;
=head1 C<Grammar>()
Return __PACKAGE__ to reduce class name :3
func Grammar() {
return __PACKAGE__;
=over 4
=item B<Parse::ABNF>
=item B<Regexp::Grammars>
=item B<Storable>
=item B<Method::Signatures>
=item B<Readonly>
=item B<perl 5.014>
Please report bugs in this module via <>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item * ABNF RFC
=item * Abnf parser
=item * Validator base
=item * Cool guy from monks with idea how to validate
Copyright (c) 2013 Arseny Krasikov <>.
This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.