@Tk::SlideShow::Arrow::ISA = qw(Tk::SlideShow::Link);
my $chshape = sub {
my ($s,$what,$how) = @_;
my $chwidth = sub {
my ($s,$how) = @_;
$s->{'width'} +=$how;
sub New {
my $class = shift;
my $s = $class->SUPER::New(@_);
bless $s;
$s->{'width'} = 1;
my $id = $s->id;
my $c = Tk::SlideShow->canvas;
Tk::SlideShow->addkeyhelp('Press <Up> key on an arroww',
'to increase the distance along the line from the neck of the arrowhead to its tip.');
Tk::SlideShow->addkeyhelp('Press <Control-Up> key on an arroww',
'to decrease the distance along the line from the neck of the arrowhead to its tip.');
$c->CanvasBind('Tk::SlideShow','<Down>', [\&Tk::SlideShow::exec_if_current,$id,$chshape,$s,1,1]);
$c->CanvasBind('Tk::SlideShow','<Control-Down>', [\&Tk::SlideShow::exec_if_current,$id,$chshape,$s,1,-1]);
Tk::SlideShow->addkeyhelp('Press <Down> key on an arroww',
'to increase the distance along the line from the trailing points of the arrowhead to the tip.');
Tk::SlideShow->addkeyhelp('Press <Control-Down> key on an arrow',
'to decrease the distance along the line from the trailing points of the arrowhead to the tip.');
$c->CanvasBind('Tk::SlideShow','<Left>', [\&Tk::SlideShow::exec_if_current,$id,$chshape,$s,2,1]);
$c->CanvasBind('Tk::SlideShow','<Control-Left>', [\&Tk::SlideShow::exec_if_current,$id,$chshape,$s,2,-1]);
Tk::SlideShow->addkeyhelp('Press <Left> key on an arrow',
'to increase the distance from the outside edge of the line to the trailing points.');
Tk::SlideShow->addkeyhelp('Press <Control-Left> key on an arrow',
'to decrease the distance from the outside edge of the line to the trailing points.');
$c->CanvasBind('Tk::SlideShow','<Right>', [\&Tk::SlideShow::exec_if_current,$id,$chwidth,$s,1]);
Tk::SlideShow->addkeyhelp('Press <Right> key on an arroww',
'to increase the width.');
Tk::SlideShow->addkeyhelp('Press <Control-Right> key on an arroww',
'to decrease the width.');
return $s;
sub evalplace {
my $s = shift;
return sprintf("ftpos(%d,%d)->width(%d)->shape(%d,%d,%d)",
sub shape {
my ($s,@vals) = @_;
if (defined @vals and @vals == 3) {
$s->{'shape'} = [@vals];
return $s;
return $s->{'shape'};
sub width {
my ($s,$val) = @_;
if (defined $val) {
$s->{'width'} = $val;
return $s;
return $s->{'width'};
sub trace_link {
my ($s,$fx,$fy,$tx,$ty) = @_;
my $id = $s->id;
my $can = Tk::SlideShow->canvas;
'-arrowshape', $s->shape,
'-width', $s->width,
if ($s->titre) {
my $wid = $can->createText(($fx+$tx)/2,($fy+$ty)/2,'-text',$s->titre, -tags,$id);
return $s;